Centre for Educational and scientific exchanges, lectures

Our aims and scopes:
Providing visits of world-level specialists in modern science;
Organization of professional trainings for University scientists;
Support for international contacts;
Providing information about the University for foreign partners.
Viktor Henner (Head of the Centre), Doctor of Physics, Professor of Theoretical Physics Dept.
Lyudmila Klimenko, Ph.D., Tutor at Physical Faculty.
Denis Goldobin, Ph.D. in Physics, Associated Professor of Theoretical Physics Dept.
Kirill Tsiberkin, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer of Theoretical Physics Dept.

15 Bukirev Street,
614512, Perm, Russian Federation
Perm State University
Centre for Educational and scientific exchanges
Building 8, Office 326
Building 1, Office 827
Tel.: +7 (342) 239-62-27
Fax: +7 (342) 237-16-11
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Visiting lecturers

Centre for Educational and Scientific Exchanges of Perm State University provides the lectures by specialists in modern fundamental and applied sciences. Our visitors represent high-ranked universities, research institutes and companies from USA, Europe, Middle East, Russia, etc.
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Visiting lecturers – projects of International Research Groups

The Program of International Research Groups is under financial support by Ministry of Education and Science of Perm Region. The program provides grants for joint research groups of Russian and foreign scientists, which work in modern fields in physics, chemistry, biotechnologies, multidisciplinary researches, etc.
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