Online video translations (2013)

Dmitri Mavrodi, Washington State University, Pullman, WA (USA)
Lecture 1. «Microbial biopesticides to control pathogens and pests of agricultural plants»
Lecture 2. «Biosynthesis, diversity and the role of phenazine antibiotics in cell physiology and interaction partners in associations and symbioses»
Lecture 3. «The role of protein secretion systems of the third type in the interaction of bacteria with the host plant»
Alexander Oron, Department of mathematics, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (Israel)
Lecture «Nonlinear dynamics of thin liquid films under external forcing, p.1»
Lecture «Nonlinear dynamics of thin liquid films under external forcing, p.2»
Lecture «Nonlinear dynamics of thin liquid films under external forcing, p.3»
Lecture «Fluid transport in thin liquid films using traveling thermal waves»

Alexander A. Nepomnyashchy, Department of mathematics, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (Israel)
Public Lecture «Diffusion – One Century after Einstein»
Lecture «Anomalous diffusion, p.1»
Lecture «Anomalous diffusion, p.2»
Lecture «Anomalous diffusion, p.3»
Seminar «Dynamics of liquid membranes»
Robert Sablatnig, Vienna University of Technology (Austria)
Lecture «Scientific presentation and communication, p.1»
Lecture «Scientific presentation and communication, p.2»
Lecture «Computer vision»
Lecture «3D Vision, p.1»
Lecture «3D Vision, p.2»
Lecture «Document processing»
Arkadii Pikovski, University of Potsdam (Germany)
Public Lecture «Synchronization is fundamental non-linear phenomenon»
Lecture «Introduction to synchronization theory»
Lecture «Synchronization of large ensembles»
Lecture «Chaotic destruction of Anderson localization in non-linear chains»
Alexey Fadeev, Head of “Ingeonix Corporation”
Lecture «Education and career in USA»
Gamini Sumanasekera, Department of Physics, University of Louisville (USA)
Lecture «Graphene-gas interactions»
Lecture «Waste heat to electricity generation by thermionics and thermoelectrics»
Lecture «Energy storage effort at University of Louisville»
Ilya A. Gruzberg, Department of Physics, The Ohio State University (USA)
Public Lecture«Geometry, Symmetry and Physics»
Lecture «Physics of phase transitions and critical phenomena, p.1»
Lecture «Physics of phase transitions and critical phenomena, p.2»
Lecture «Physics of phase transitions and critical phenomena, p.3»
Lecture «Physics of phase transitions and critical phenomena, p.4»
Lecture «Physics of phase transitions and critical phenomena, p.5»
Mikhail Khenner, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY (USA)
Lecture «Formation of an ensemble of nanoparticles due to the rupture of the metal film under the influence of a pulsed laser: experiment, modeling, calculations»
Lecture «Modeling and numerical studies of the dynamics of the surface of ultra-thin single-crystal films with anisotropic surface energy, p.1»
Lecture «Modeling and numerical studies of the dynamics of the surface of ultra-thin single-crystal films with anisotropic surface energy, p.2»

Vladimir Gevorgyan, Chemistry Faculty, University of Illinois at Chicago (USA)

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