Online video translations (2016)
Popular lecture «Light power», April, 4.
Popular lecture «Perm magnet», May, 20.
Tanya Peshkur, Scottish Environmental Technology Network, at the University of Strathclyde (United Kingdom)
Lecture 1. «Total petroleum hydrocarbons in natural samples: from collection to measurements»
Lecture 2. «Total petroleum hydrocarbon in natural samples: quantitative analysis and interpretation»
Colin Cunningham, Scottish Environmental Technology Network, at the University of Strathclyde & "Fife Resource Solutions" (United Kingdom)
Lecture 1. «Eco-innovations: human health and environment»
Lecture 2. «Ecological technology test: EU experience»
Gerard Steen, Amsterdam University (Netherlands)
Lecture «A Model for Metaphor in Scientific Knowledge and Science Communication»
Efim Pelinovsky, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
Lecture 1. «Shallow-sea water waves nonlinear dynamics, p. 1»
Lecture 2. «Shallow-sea water waves nonlinear dynamics, p. 2»
Public lecture «Tsunami: world, Russia and computer»
Seminar «Freak-waves in water and physics»
Cristina Giovanna Varese, Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy)
Лекция 1. «Fungi and their enzymes: biotechnological and environmental applications»
Лекция 2. «Fungi and their metabolites as biocatalysts in white and red biotechnologies»
Лекция 3. «Fungi, their morphology, physiology and adaptation to extreme environments»
Лекция 4. «Marine fungi»
Pascual Muñoz, Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)
Lecture 1. «Photon integral schemes: application perspectives»
Lecture 2. «Photon integral schemes: design»
Lecture 3. «Mach–Zehnder modulators and ring resonators»
Lecture 4. «Waveguide array as integral optics lattice»