Systemic Aspects of Development: Personality, Group. Psychology of Person-Environment Interaction
Basic Division: Department of Psychology of Development
Brief Description of Research Activities
The trend is deals with study of systemic developmental aspects of the personality and the group, specificity of the person’s cognition of himself and individuality of other people, laws of cognition of individuality in terms of gender, age and occupation and specificity of cognition of unknown others and the individuality of “relevant others”.
In the context of the person-environment interaction is explored the image of Perm and geographical, social, cultural, architectural, historical and informational features of the native citizens and cultural aliens (foreigners). The specificity of psychological representation of Perm’s urban environment is investigated in terms of the respondents’ age and gender and the time of their stay in the city. Urban environment is defined as a combination of man-made living conditions (roads, pavements, buildings, sanitary infrastructure etc.), natural and socio-economic environment elements. The reconstruction and structure of reconstruction of visual-image and verbal content of psychological representation of Perm’s urban environment is studied in the programme. The image of Perm is researched on the basis of the data got from people of Perm’s twin-cities (Oxford and Louisville).
Selected Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Zhdanova S.U. Methodological problems of cognition of individuality / S.Yu. Zhdanova. // The quality of humanitarian education in high school: the state, ways, forms and methods of improvement: proceedings of International Theoretical and Practical Conference held on 18-19 March 2003 in Perm: PSU, PSI, PSI of MOSI, PMSHC, 2003. p. 82-90. (In Russian)
2. Zhdanova S.U. Cognition of individuality as a physiological problem / S.Yu. Zhdanova // annual edition of the Russian Psychological Society: IIId All-Russian Psychological Conference held on 25-28 June: in 8 parts, part 3, St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press, 2003. p. 316-322. (In Russian)
3. Zhdanova S.U. Cognition of individuality as a theoretical and practical problem / S.U. Zhdanova // Individual differences and the problem individuality: proceedings of International Theoretical and Practical Conference. Moscow, 2003, p. 19-24. (In Russian)
4. Zhdanova S.U. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of cognition of individuality / S.J. Zhdanova // Perm University Herald. Series Psychology. 2003, issue 2, p. 2-8. (In Russian)
5. Zhdanova S.U. Qualitative methods for cognition of students’ individuality / S.U. Jdanova // Fundamental and applied research of educational problems: proceedings of All-Russian Methodological Seminar: in 2 parts / Ed. N.V. Bordovskaya, part 2, St. Petersburg: RSPU of Gertsen . 2004. p. 345-352. (In Russian)
6. Zhdanova S.U. Psychology of cognition of human’s individuality / S.U. Jdanova, Perm. 2005. 168p. (In Russian).
7. Zhdanova S.U. Kilchenko O.I. Students’ Image of Perm // Proceedings of All-Russian Scientific Conference “Activity-Individuality-Personality” in memory of Merlin’s 110th anniversary. PSU, Perm. 2008. P. 37-39. (In Russian)
8. Zhdanova S.U. Methods for research of concepts of Perm // Prikamskiy Social Institute Herald. Series “History, Sociology, Economics”. Perm. 2008. (In Russian)
9. Zhdanova S.U. Kilchenko O.I. Image of Perm among native citizens and foreigners // Vth Russian Conference on Ecological Psychology. Moscow, 2008. (In Russian)
10. Kilchenko O.I. Image of Perm in foreigners’ eyes // PSIAC Herald, Perm State Institute of Art and Culture. 2008. Issue 7. (In Russian)
11. Kilchenko O.I. Methodological difficulties of the study of the foreigners’ image of Perm // Proceedings of All-Russian Theoretical and Practical Conference “Social and cultural space of the region: traditions, experience and innovations” Perm State Institute of Art and Culture. Perm. 2008. (In Russian)
12. Kilchenko O.I. Subjective semantics of Perm urban environment in the eyes of foreigners // PSIAC Herald, Perm State Institute of Art and Culture. 2009. Issue 8. (In Russian)
13. Kilchenko O.I. Visual components of psychological representation of urban environment in the eyes / O.I. Kilchenko // Acute problems of psychology of the development: person, personality, individuality: inter-university collection of papers / PSU, Perm, 2009, p. 31-41. (In Russian)
14. Kilchenko O. Foreigners’ psychological representation of the Perm city / Kilchenko O.I. / Perm University Herald. “Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology”. 2010. - Issue 2 (2). - p. 86-92. (In Russian)
15. Dorfman, L., Dudorova, C. Cultural potentials and intelligence. Convegno Internazionale «Psicologia delle Arti, oggi» (pp. 15–16). Cassino (Italy): Universita’ Degli Studi di Cassino. (In English)
16. Dorfman, L., Dudorova, C. Cultural potential and intelligence effects on academic performance. Art and Environment. Proceedings of the 17th Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (pp. 259–260). Osaka, Japan. (In English)
17. Dorfman, L., Dudorova, C. Cultural potentials and intelligence. In R. Tomassoni (Ed.), La psicologia delle arti oggi (pp. 203–209). Milano (Italy): Angeli. (In English)
18. Dorfman, L., Dudorova, C. Cultural potentials, intelligence, and academic performance. In L. L. Dorfman, V. V. Petrov, and E. Grigorenko (Guest eds.), Bulletin of Psychology and the Arts, 3, 1, 31–33. (In English)
19. Dudorova, C. The contribution of plural achievement motives to academic performance. In Eu. Malianov, C. Martindale, E. Berezina, L. Dorfman, D. Leontiev, V. Petrov, P. Locher (Eds.), Proceedings. International Congress on Aesthetics, Creativity, and Psychology of the Arts (pp. 135–137). Perm: Administration of Perm Region, Perm State Institute of Art and Culture; Moscow: Smysl. (In English)
20. Dorfman L.Ya., Dudorova E.V. Cultural potential of personality in the light of the system approach // System research of culture. 2005 / Ed. V.S. Zhidkov St.Petersburg: “Alteya” Publisher, 2006, p.47-75. (In Russian)
21. Dudorova E.V. Intellect as a process and knowledge in the field of culture: cognitive, personality-motivational aspects // Perm University Herald / Ed. V.V. Malanin V. Perm: PSU, 2009, p.172-178. (In Russian)
22. Dudorova E.V. The individual structure of intellect and cultural potentials // Potential of personality: comprehensive view of the topic: Proceedings of the IXth International Conference ( by correspondence) held on 5 June 2010 / Editors-in-Chief E.A. Uvarov, V.N. Kosyrev; the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation, Tambov State University. Tambov University Press, 2010, p.30-36. (In Russian)
23. Sterligova E.A., Ekgauz E.Ya. Perception of educational environment by university students // University education and regions. Proceedings of International Theoretical and Practical Conference, Perm, PSU, 2001, p.171. (In Russian)
24. Balueva T.S., Sterligova E.A. On subjective contradictions of perception of Nature // University education and regions. Proceedings of International Theoretical and Practical Conference. Perm, PSU, 2001, p. 205. (In Russian)
25. Sterligova E.A. Manager’s skills and competences // The Quality of distant education: conceptions, problems (EDG-2001): Proceedings of International Theoretical and Practical Conference held on 13-14 December in Moscow. Zhukovsky: MIM LINK, 2001. (In Russian)
26. Sterligova E.A. On the problem of defining the sphere of Ecological Psychology // Proceedings of the IIIrd Russian Conference on Ecological Psychology held on 15-17 September 2003, Moscow, Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Education, 2003, p. 64-67. (In Russian)
27. Sterligova E.A. The use of mapping in urban environment study // Proceedings of IIIrd Russian Conference on Ecological Psychology held on 15-17 September 2003, Moscow, Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Education, 2003, p. 67-70. (In Russian)
28. Sterligova E.A. Environment as a subject of psychological researches // PSIAC Herald, March-August 2006, issue 1, vol. 2, p. 66-74. (In Russian)
29. Sterligova E.A. Aged people’s image of the city // Proceedings of the Vth Russian Conference on Ecological Psychology held on 26-27 November 2008, Moscow /scientific ed. – M.O. Mdivani. Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Education, 2008, p. 280-283. (In Russian)
30. Sterligova E.A. Employees satisfaction and company conditions // Theory and experience of corporate management: collection of papers / PSU, Perm, 2009, issue 6, p. 188-193. (In Russian)
31. Sterligova E.A. Factors of influence on social and psychological situation in the workplace // Theory and experience of corporate management: collection of papers / PSU, Perm, 2009, issue 6, p. 193-200. (In Russian)
32. Belyaeva V.A., Nurgalieva A., Sterligova E.A. Attitude to school educational environment // Psychological theory and practice to education and social sphere of the Perm Region. Proceedings of the First Psychologist Forum, Perm, 2010, p. 137-140. (In Russian)
33. Levchenko E.V., Sterligova E.A. Specificity of communication between bank staff and clients // Psychology and practice. Annual edition of the Russian Psychology Society. Vol. 4, issue 3, Yaroslavl, 1998. p. 114-115. (In Russian)
34. Sterligova E.A. Ecological Psychology. Study guide. Perm, 2011. 178 p. (In Russian)
The Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects carried out in the framework of Scientific Research Trend
RFH Grant “Image of Perm city among foreigners”, with the assistance of the Ministry of Industry, Innovations and Science of the Perm Region (the project № 08-06-82607а/U), 2008-2009
RFH Grant “Image of twin-cities in the minds of Russians and foreigners (to 20th anniversary of sworn brotherhood with Oxford and 15th anniversary with Louisville № 10-06-82-618- а/U 2010-2011
Training of Researchers
Post-graduate programme on specialization 19.00.01. “General Psychology, History of Psychology, Psychology of Personality”
International Research and Educational Activities
There was signed a contract with the International Centre of Professional Development in the city of Dusseldorf. As part of the contract and the national project “Education” the Department staff developed their competence in Germany. The professional development took place at the Institute of Psychodrama, the Universities of Duisburg, Dusseldorf and Keln. In the framework of the Contract on collaboration with the Dusseldorf Development Centre the staff of the Department of Psychology of the Development organised a professional development course within the programme “Modern Information-Communication Technologies in Psychology Teachers Training”. The head of the Professional Development Centre – Professor N.B. Mikhailova – delivered lectures for Psychology teachers in Perm. The Department actively interacts with the Company “Neosys Organisational Development and Consulting” (Budapest, Hungary), headed by Doctor of Philosophy Georgiy Sarvary. In September 2007 the specialists from Hungary Pani Lam and Georgiy Sarvary visited Perm with a course of lectures for the staff of the Faculty of Philosophy within the programme “Modern Information-Communication Technologies in Psychology Teachers Training”; organised trainings and seminars, participated in the international conference held by the Department of Psychology of the Development, devoted to acute problems of Psychology of Administration (September, 2007). The staff of the Department of the Development developed their competence at the Faculty of Experimental Psychology in Moscow Heshtalinstitute ( Kerch, Seliger); International Voluntary Organization working with children and youths (Dresden) and University of Spain, participates in professional development training in NeoSystem (Hungary, 2008), delivered courses on the problems of Psychology of Interaction at Ljubljana University (Slovenia), took part in scientific training study within the programme “Social and Psychological Aspects of Professional Training of Specialists in the Sphere of Natural Management” at Lindon State College ( the USA, 2011).