Catherine V. Dudorova

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Department of Psychology of Development,
Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology 
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7-(342)-239-61-57, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Psychology. 1998
Post-graduate study. Perm State Institute of Arts and Culture. 2003
Candidate dissertation "Intellect as a process and knowledge in the field of culture: cognitive, personality-motivational and productive aspects" on specialty 19.00.01 – General Psychology, History of Psychology, Psychology of the Personality”, 2005
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Psychology. 2005. Perm State Pedagogical University.
Stages of Professional Career
Assistant Lecturer of Department of Psychology, Perm State University, 2003 - 2005.
Senior Lecturer of Department of Psychology, Perm State University, 2006.
Senior Lecturer of Department of Psychology of the Development, Perm State University, 2006 – 2009.
Reader of Department of Psychology of  Development, Perm State University, 2009 –till present.
Participation in International Programmes
Training in Dusseldorf (Germany) – 04/2007
Certificate “New theories, methods and approaches to Psychology”
Current Research Activities
Supervision of students’ research work (6 graduation works and 26 course works)
Courses in “Differential Psychology”, “Psychology of Business Communication”, “Acute problems of developmental psychology", "Age psychology", "Psychological foundations of working with young people”.
Research interests: study of human individuality, exploration, research and analysis of individual cognitive, personal and psycho-dynamic differences, their correlations and common structures.  
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles – 25
Monograph − 1
Chapters in monographs – 2
Study guides – 4
Selected Publications
1. Dydorova E.V. Cultural potentials, intellect and professional implications // Integrated individuality, “Self”-conception, personality / Ed. L.Ya. Dorfman, Moscow: “Essence” Publisher, 2004. P.179-201. (In Russian)
2. Dudorova E.V.  Poly-modal motives of achievement and poly-modal “Self” as  factors of academic performance // Metaindividual world and poly-modal Self: creativity, art, ethnos / Ed. L.Ya. Dorfman, E.A. Malyanova, E.M. Berezina, Perm: Perm State Institute of Art and Culture, 2004. P.97-113. (In Russian)
3. Dorfman L.Ya., Dudorova C. (2001). Cultural potentials and intelligence. Convegno Internazionale «Psicologia delle Arti, oggi» (pp. 15–16). Cassino (Italy): Universita’ Degli Studi di Cassino. (In English)
4. Dorfman L., Dudorova C. (2002). Cultural potentials and intelligence effects on academic performance. Art and Environment. Proceedings of the 17th Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (pp. 259–260). Osaka, Japan. (In English)
5. Dorfman L., Dudorova C. (2002). Cultural potentials and intelligence. In R. Tomassoni (Ed.), La psicologia delle arti oggi (pp. 203–209). Milano (Italy): Angeli. (In English)
6. Dorfman L., Dudorov, C. (2002). Cultural potentials, intelligence, and academic performance. In L. L. Dorfman, V. V. Petrov, and E. Grigorenko (Guest eds.), Bulletin of Psychology and the Arts, 3, 1, 31–33. (In English)
7. Dudorova C. (2005). The contribution of plural achievement motives to academic performance. In Eu. Malianov, C. Martindale, E. Berezina, L. Dorfman, D. Leontiev, V. Petrov, & P. Locher (Eds.), Proceedings. International Congress on Aesthetics, Creativity, and Psychology of the Arts (pp. 135–137). Perm: Administration of Perm Region, Perm State Institute of Art and Culture; Moscow: Smysl. (In English)
8. Dorfman L.Ya., Dudorova E.V. Cultural potential of personality in the light of systemic (holonomy) approach // Systemic research of culture. 2005 / Science ed. V.S. Zhidkov St. Petersburg: “Alteya” Publisher, 2006, p.47-75. (In Russian)
9. Dudorova E.V. Effects of control over self-actualization actions / Acute problems of Psychology of management: Proceedings of International theoretical and Practical Conference held on 12 September 2007 in Perm, Perm State University / PSU, Perm, 2009. P.20-31. (In Russian)
10. Dudorova E.V. Cultural potentials as factors of professional implications // Slovenski dnevi na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, maj 2009. – P.58–61. (In Russian)
11. Dudorova E.V. Intellect as a process and knowledge in the field of culture: cognitive, personality-motivational aspects // Perm University Herald / Ed. V.V. Malanin Perm: PSU, 2009. P. 172-178. (In Russian)
12. Dudorova E.V. Control over actions and specificity of interpersonal interactions // Acute problems of Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science and Psychology: Proceedings of the XIIth International Scientific Student Conference held on 15-16 October 2009, Perm State University, Perm, 2009. Issue 12. P. 245-251. (In Russian)
13. Dudorova E.V.  Introduction to Differential Psychology: lecture course / E.V. Dudorova;  PSU, Perm, 2009, 124 p. (In Russian)
14. Dudorova E.V.  Effects of  control over self-actualization actions // Proceedings of All-Russian Scientific Conference for 110th anniversary of Merlin’s birth held on 2-4 October 2008 in Perm / Science ed. B.A. Vyatkin; Perm State Pedagogical University, Perm 2008. P.85-87. (In Russian)
15. Dudorova E.V., Emelianova E.V. Specificity of memory and creativity in pre-school children // Psychology of creativity: Ya.A. Ponamorev’s heritage and modern researches: Proceedings of All-Russian Scientific Conference held on 27-29 September 2010 in Perm / Science ed. L.Ya. Dorfman, D.V. Ushakov. Perm, Perm State Institute of Art and Culture; Moscow: Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010. P. 175-178. (In Russian)
16. Dudorova E.V. The structure of personal intellect and cultural potentials //  Potential of personality: integrated problem: proceedings of the IXth International Conference (by correspondence)  held on 5 June 2010 / Editor-in-Chief  E.A. Uvarov, V.N. Kosyrev; the Ministry of Science and Education of Russia, R. Derzhavin Tambov State University. Tambov University Press, 2010, p. 30-36. (In Russian)
17. Intelligence as process and knowledge in the area of culture: cognitive, personality-motivational and productive aspects. - Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG; 2011. – 144 p.

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