Svetlana U. Zhdanova
15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Department of Psychology of Development
Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7-(342)-239-61-57, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Pre-school Psychology. 1989
Post-graduate study. Perm State Pedagogical University, 1998.
Candidate dissertation “Style of educational activities and its development (based on studies of students of Philology and Mathematics) on specialization 19.00.01 – General Psychology, History of Psychology, Psychology of Personality, 1998.
Doctoral studies. Institute of Psychology of Perm State Pedagogical University. 2002.
Doctoral dissertation on "Psychology of cognition of human individuality," 2005.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Psychology. 1998 Perm State Pedagogical University.
Doctor of Psychology. 2006 Institute of Psychology of Perm State Pedagogical University.
Reader – 2000
Stages of Professional Career
Assistant Lecturer of Department of Pedagogy, Perm State University, 1989-1996
Assistant Lecturer of Department of Psychology, Perm State University, 1996 - 1998.
Senior Lecturer of Department of Psychology, Perm State University, 1998.
Reader of Department of Psychology, Perm State University, 1998 -2007.
Professor of Department of Psychology of Development, Perm State University, 2007 – till present.
Head of Department of Psychology of Development, Perm State University, 2007 – till present.
Research Project Management
"The image of Perm made by foreigners" with the assistance of RFH and the Ministry of Industry, Innovation and Science of the Perm Krai (project number 08-06-82607a / U) (supervisor), 2008-2009.
Participation in Projects
RFH Grant “The image of twin-cities in the mind of Russians and foreigners (to the 20th anniversary of Perm’s brotherhood with Oxford and 15th anniversary with Louisville № 10-06-82-618 - a / U (executor) 2010-2011.
RFH Grant Moscow 09.06 – 00199a: "Professional development of a person in socionomical occupation" (executor), 2009-2010.
RFH Grant Moscow "Associated professional career of a person: development, evolution and resources. RFH Grant 11-06-00081 (executor), 2011.
Participation in International Programmes
Academic training in the UK, Oxford University, 2000.
Academic training in the UK, Oxford University, the Faculty of Experimental Psychology, 2005.
Professional development training at the International Centre of Professional Development in Dusseldorf (Germany), 2007 (part of the National Project “Education”).
Professional development training in the Company “Neosys Organisational Development Consulting Company”, Hungary, 2008.
Professional development training in the programme “Management of personnel and organizations" (Germany, 2008).
Participation in the International Congress of Psychology (Germany), 2008.
Academic training under the programme "Modern methods and techniques of psychological and social sciences teaching in higher education institutions of the United States" (USA, 2010).
Training under the programme "Social and psychological aspects of professional training in the field of efficient natural management" at the Russian Institute of Lyndon State College in the United States (Vermont), 2011.
Current Research Activities
S.U. Zhdanova reads courses on Psychology of Personality, Psychology of the Development, Age-specific Psychology, Psychology of the Career, Psychology for Economists.
Scientific Interests: psychology of cognition of the human personality. Exploration of the human personality from the perspective of the subject in cognition, specificity of man's cognition of himself and individuality of other people, cognition laws, age, gender and occupation. The study of specificity of cognition of individuality of unknown others and relevant others.
Academic and other Awards
Laureate of the Second Degree Award of Merlin – 1998
Contest Laureate of Best Research Work among Leading Scholars of Humanities and Social Sciences – 1998, 2005.
Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Education and Science (2006).
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles - 160.
Monographs and study guides (text books) - 3
Selected Publications
1. Zhdanova S.U. Psychology of cognition of human’s personality / S.J. Zhdanova, Perm. 2005. 150p. (In Russian)
2. Zhdanova S.U. Self-cognition in the structure of cognition of individuality / S.J. Zhdanova // Modernization of education: essence, problems and prospects: "Philosophy of Education" Vol.12. Novosibirsk: SCRE, 2005. Part.2. P.294-302. (In Russian)
3. Zhdanova S.U. Specificity of cognition of individuality of socionomists / The Youth of Russia and the Perm region: labor market and education. Monograph / Ed. N.N. Zakharova, A.G. Antipieva Perm, 2007. 104p., Ch. 3., paragraph 5, p. 89-101. (In Russian)
4. Zhdanova S.U. Social concepts as a level of cognition of individuality / XXth Merlin reading "Merlin and the system studies of individuality" Proceedings of Interregional anniversary scientific conference held on 19-21 May 2005. Perm. Part 1. p. 229-238. (In Russian)
5. Vyatkin B.A., Zhdanova S.U. Psychology of cognition of individuality: study guide / B.A. Vyatkin, S.U. Zhdanova - Moscow: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute Press, Moscow-Voronezh: "MODEK" Press, 2007. – 319 p. - (Series "Library of the psychologist"). (In Russian)
6. Zhdanova S.U. Specificity of cognition of the individuality of relevant others / Perm State Pedagogical University Herald. Psychology. Issue 1, 2007, p.37-47. (In Russian)
7. Zhdanova S.U. Specificity of students’ cognition of individuality of the opposite sex / Perm University Herald. 2007. Issue 6(11). Series “University Education”. p. 145-150. (In Russian)
8. Zhdanova S.U. Psychology of cognition of human personality in the context of Organizational Psychology problems / Social Institute Herald. Series: Management, Psychology, Pedagogy. Issue 1 (29). Perm, 2007. p.12-19. (In Russian)
9. Zhdanova S.U. Specificity of cognition of oneself and individuality of others in terms of gender and its reflection in written speech of the person / S.U. Zhdanova // University education. The educational process in the modern higher school // Perm University Herald, issue. 3. Perm 2005. p. 81-85. (In Russian)
10. Zhdanova S.U. Cognition of individuality depending on the sex / Sex and Gender in the integrated study of human individuality / Ed. B.A. Vyatkin - Perm, 2008. - 384 p. / p. 327-351. (In Russian)
11. Zhdanova S.U. Specificity of children's perception of the parents’ individuality / Journal. "Family in Russia» Issue 3, 2008. (In Russian)
12. Zhdanova S.U., Zaripova L.Z. Specificity of the development of students’ perception of the teacher. St. Petersburg University Herald / Ser.12. Psychology. Issue 1. St. Petersburg. 2008. p. 275-281 (Journal, recommended by HAC). (In Russian)
13. Zhdanova S.U. Career Psychology. / Study guide stamped by the Methodical Council of PSU. Perm 2010. 150 p. (In Russian)
14. Zhdanova S.U., Kilchenko O.I. Specificity of psychological representation of Perm urban environment by foreigners depending on the time of staying / Herald of Russian People’s Friendship University. Pedagogy and Psychology. Moscow, issue 4. 2010. (Journal, recommended by HAC). (In Russian)
15. Zhdanova S.U., Kilchenko O.I. Specificity of psychological representation of twin-cities in the mind of Russians and foreigners (based on the study of Perm) / Proceedings of the Samara Research Center of Russian Academy of Sciences. Vol. 13, issue 2 (40). 2011, p. 106-113. (In Russian)
16. Zhdanova S.U., Alikina E.L. Specificity of mother’s perception of the child's individuality depending on the number of children in a family. Kostroma State University Herald, 2010. Vol. 16, issue 4. p.140-144. (Journal recommended HAC). (In Russian)