Orientational and Structural Instabilities and Transitions in Soft Condensed Matter
Basic Division: Department of Physics of Phase Transitions
Brief Description of Research Activities
Experimental and theoretical study and numerical modelling of structure forming and orientational transitions in magnetic nanoparticle colloids in isotropic and anisotropic (liquid- crystalline) matrices.
Selected Publications Characterizing Scientific Trend
1. Zakhlevnykh A.N., Sosnin P.A. Ferrocholesteric – Ferronematic Transition in an External Magnetic Field // J. of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1995. Vol.146. pp.103-110. (In English)
2. Zakhlevnykh A.N., Sosnin P.A. Statistical Theory of Nematic Liquid Crystals Composed of Biaxial Ellipsoidal Particles // J. Mol. Cryst. and Liquid Cryst. 1997, Vol.293. pp.135-173. (In English)
3. Zakhlevnykh A.N., Shavkunov V.S. Magnetic Properties of Ferrocholesterics with Soft Particle Anchoring // J. of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2000. Vol.210. pp.279- 288. (In English)
4. Zakhlevnykh A.N. Threshold Magnetic Fields and Fredericksz Transition in a Ferronematic // J. of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2004. Vol. 269. No.2. pp. 238 – 244. (In English)
5. Makarov D.V., Zakhlevnykh A.N. Influence of Shear Flow on the Fredericksz Transition in Nematic Liquid Crystals // Physical Review E. 2006. Vol. 74, No. 4. pp. 041710 (1 – 9). (In English)
6. Zakhlevnykh A.N., Makarov D.V. Shear Flow of a Ferronematic in a Magnetic Field // J. Mol. Cryst. and Liquid Cryst. 2007. Vol. 475. pp. 233-245. (In English)
7. Makarov D.V., Zakhlevnykh A.N. Magnetic Field-Induced Orientational Phases of Ferronematics in Shear Flow // J. Magn. and Magn. Mater. 2008. Vol. 320, No.7. pp. 1312-1321. (In English)
8. D.V.Makarov, A.N.Zakhlevnykh. Tricritical Phenomena at the Fredericksz Transition in Ferronematic Liquid Crystals // Physical Review E. 2010. Vol. 81, No. 5. pp. 051710(1-9). (In English)
9. Pshenichnikov A.F. Equilibrium Magnetization of Concentrated Ferrocolloids // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 1995. Vol.145. pp. 319-326. (In English)
10. Pshenichnikov A.F., Mekhonoshin V.V. and Lebedev A.V. Magneto-Granulometric Analysis of Concentrated Ferrocolloids // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 1996. Vol.161. pp.94-102. (In English)
11. Buzmakov V.M. and Pshenichnikov A.F. On the Structure of Microaggregates in Magnetite Colloids // J. Colloid Interface Sci. 1996. Vol.182. pp.63-70. (In English)
12. Pshenichnikov A.F., Lebedev A.V. Tangential Stresses at the Magnetic Fluid Boundary and Rotational Effect // Magnetohydrodynamics. 2000. Vol.36, N0.4. pp. 317-326. (In English)
13. Pshenichnikov A.F., Mekhonoshin V.V. Claster Structure and the First Order Phase Transition in Dipolar Systems: Monte Carlo Simulation // Eur. Phys. J. E. 2001. Vol. 6. pp. 399-407 (In English)
14. Pshenichnikov A.F.and Lebedev A.V. Low-Temperature Susceptibility of Concentrated Magnetic Fluids // J. Chem. Phys. 2004. Vol. 121, No 11. pp. 5455-5467. (In English)
15. Pshenichnikov A.F., Fedorenko A.A. Chain-like Aggregates in Magnetic Fluids // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2005. Vol. 292. pp. 332-344. (In English)
16. Shliomis M.I., Smorodin B.L. Convective Instability of Magnetized Ferrofluids // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2002. Vol. 252. pp. 197-202. (In English)
17. Shliomis M.I., Smorodin B.L. Onset of Convection in Colloids Stratified by the Gravity // Phys. Rev. E. 2005. Vol. 71. pp. 036312 (1-6). (In English)
18. Smorodin B.L., Lucke M. Convection in Binary Fluid Mixtures with Modulated Heating // Phys. Rev. E. 2009. Vol. 79. pp. 026315 (1-11). (In English)
The Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects
Grant of RFBR for “Study of the Effect of Molecule Coupling with the Surface on Orientational Phase Transitions in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals”, 2001-2003.
Grant of RFBR for “Effect of Shear Flow on Magnetic Field Induced Orientational Transitions in Liquid Crystals and Magnetic Suspensions on their Basis”, 2007-2009.
Grant of RFBR for “Charge Structures, Mechanisms of Instability and Electroconvection in Low-Conducting Media”, 2007-2009.
Grant of RFBR for “Inter-Particle Interactions and Magnetic Structures in Magnetic Liquids”, 2007-2009.
Training of Researchers
Postgraduate and Doctorate education for the Specialities: 01.04.07 – Condensed Matter Physics and 01.02.05 – Mechanics of Liquid, Gas and Plasma.
International Research and Educational Activities
Participation in the Programme of ”Scientific and Methodological Support of International Scientific and Educational Cooperation. Development of Joint Scientific and Educational Programmes and Projects with Foreign Partners. Development of Scientific and Academic Mobility in International Cooperation. Scientific and Methodological Support of Research Training in Higher School and Development of Scientific Research work of Students and Postgraduate Students”. Place of the Project Implementation: Institut fur Theoretiche Physic, Universitat des Saarlandes, Saarbruсken, September-December 2006.
Grant NRJ 000-NRJ300 of International Scientific Foundation for “Interparticle Interactions in Concentrated Ferrocolloids”, 1994-1995.
Grant INTAS No. 03-51-6064 for “Magnetic Fluids: Structural Transformations and Hydrodynamic Instabilities», 2004-2007.
REC “Non-Equilibrium Transitions in Continuum” under the Grant of CRDF No. РЕ-009-0, 2001-2008.