Boris L. Smorodin

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russian Federation
Perm State University
Faculty of Physics
Department of Phase Transition Physics
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 239 66 76, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State University, Faculty of Physics, Specialty: “Physics”, 1983
Post-graduate Study – Perm State University, Specialty: “Mechanics of Liquid, Gas and Plasma”, 1985-1989
Doctorate Course – Perm State University, Specialty: “Mechanics of Liquid, Gas and Plasma”, 2000-2002
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, 1991, Perm State University
Reader, 1995.
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, 2003, Perm State University
Stages of Professional Career
Researcher on Fellowship, Perm State University, 1985-1986.
Assistant Lecturer, Perm State University, 1989-1993.
Senior Lecturer, Perm State University, 1993-1994.
Reader, Perm State University, 1994-2003.
Professor, Perm State University, 2003 – up to now.
Research Projects Management
1. Grant of RF Ministry of General and Professional Education for Young Researchers in Humanities, Natural and Technical Sciences, 1997.
2. Grant of RFBR for “Experimental and Theoretical Modelling of Large-Scale Vortex Structures in Rotating Liquid Layer under Local Heating”, 1995-1996.
3. Grant of RFBR for “Theoretical and Experimental Study of Weakly Conducting Liquid Convection in Electric Field”, 1998-2000.
4. Grant of RFBR for “Theoretical and Experimental Study of Electrohydrodynamic Motions of Liquid Dielectric in Horizontal Capacitor”, 2001-2002.
5. Grant of RFBR for “Convective Instability and Transition to Chaos in Variable External Fields”, 2003-2004.
6. Grant RFBR for “Hydrodynamic Instabilities, Transport Phenomena and Non-Linear Evolution of Structures in Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic Fluids”, 2005-2008.
7. Grant of RFBR for “Charge Structure, Instability Mechanisms and Electroconvection in Weakly Conducting Media”, 2007-2009.
8. Grant of RFBR for “Magnetic Nanofluids: Dynamics of Large-Scale Patterns and Heat Transfer”, 2010-2012.
Participation in International Projects
Implementer: INTAS No. 03-51-6064 «Magnetic Fluids: Structural Transformations and Hydrodynamic Instabilities», 2005-2008 (Leader: A.F. Pshenichnikov).
Implementer: 06-01-72031-ISTC_а “Non-Linear Dynamics and Structure Forming in Hydrodynamic Systems with Interface Surfaces under Heterogeneous Effects”, 2007-2008. (Leader: B.I. Myznikova).
Implementer: 09-01-92472-MSCS_а “Nanofluids: Stability, Transport and Non-Linear Dynamics”, 2009-2010. (Leader: B.I. Myznikova).
Current Research Activities
Scope of Scientific Interests – mechanics of liquid and gas, convection, instability of flows, parametric excitation of convection, thermocapillary convection, electroconvection. In these areas the following important results have been attained.
The convection in colloid solutions is theoretically studied and numerically simulated. In this case the main role is played not only by thermodiffusion of the particles but also by the stratification of the mixture in gravitational field. The sets of parameters are defined in which the monotonous and oscillatory convection are realized. Temporal evolution of colloid mixture patterns is analysed in the conditions corresponding to various modes of convection.
Theory of parametric convection occurring on the background of equilibrium or flows of binary mixture with neutral (or charged) mixture is developed.  Resonance phenomena and restructuring of hydrodynamic patterns in alternating external fields are also studied. These phenomena take place in the presence of variable influence of finite frequency: vibrations, heat fluxes and electromagnetic fields.
The analysis of bifurcations is done; general laws of various convective structures in molecular, colloidal mixtures and weakly conducting fluids are elucidated; boundaries of resonance zones are defined on amplitude-frequency diagrams, in which the intensification of convective motions takes place.
It is shown that due to the non-linear properties of various physical systems, the subharmonic response to external action may be absent. In these cases convective flows of synchronous response are divided into classes (modes) which are differ with respect to time translation. Modes of electroconvection in modulated electric field differ in the mean heat flux through the capacitor or convective cell; changing the amplitude of alternating field it is possible to influence the  intensity of heat transfer through the layer.
Academic and other Awards
Honour Title of “Soros Reader”, 2000.
Total Number of Publications
Research Articles – 74
Selected Publications
1. Bogatyrev G.P., Smorodin B.L. Physical Model of Tropical Cyclone Rotation// Letters to JETP. 1996. Vol. 63, Issue. 1. pp. 25-28. (In Russian)
2. Gershuni G.Z., Keller I.O. , Smorodin B.L.  Of Vibration-Convective Instability in Microgravity; Finite Frequencies//RAS Transactions. 1996. Vol. 348, No. 2, pp. 194-196. (In Russian)
3. Smorodin B.L., Velarde M.G. Electrothermoconvective Instability of an Ohmic Liquid Layer in an Unsteady Electric Field// Journal of Electrostatics. 2000. 48/3-4. P. 261-277. (In English)
4. Shliomis M.I., Smorodin B.L. Convective Instability of Magnetized Ferrofluids// J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2002. Vol. 252. pp. 197-202. (In English)
5. Shliomis M.I., Smorodin B.L. Onset of Convection in Colloids Stratified by the Gravity// Phys. Rev. E. 2005. 71. 036312 (6). (In English)
6. Smorodin B.L., Myznikova B.I. and Legros J.C. Evolution of Convective Patterns in a Binary-Mixture Layer Subjected to a Periodical Change of the Gravity Field// Phys. Fluids 2008. 20. (12).
7. Smorodin B.L., Lücke M. Convection in Binary Fluid Mixtures with Modulated Heating // Phys. Rev. E. 2009. 79. 026315 (11). (In English)
8. Smorodin B.L., Mikishev A.B., Nepomnyashchy A.A. and Myznikova B.I. Thermocapillary Instability of a Liquid Layer under Heat Flux Modulation// Phys. Fluids 2009. 21. 062102 (11).
9. Smorodin B.L., Lücke M. Binary-Fluid-Mixture Convection with Low-Frequency Modulated Heating// Phys. Rev. E. 2010. 82. 016310 (15). (In English)
10. Smorodin B.L., Cherepanov I.N., Myznikova B.I., Shliomis M.I., Traveling-Wave Convection in Colloids Stratified by Gravity// Phys. Rev. E. 2011. 84. 026305 (10).  (In English)

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