Historical Process and Human Nature

Basic Divisions: Department of Philosophy.
Brief Description of Research Activities  
The trend is aimed at the ontological analysis of the historical process including the investigation of historical development of generic and individual human nature, correlation between human power and the structure of particular type of society; discovering of social functions of social production and inner relations (mechanisms) of human nature development and change of social and economic structures. The trend is an integral part of the development of the Concrete-universal Conception of the Historical Process.
Selected Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Orlov V.V., Vasilyeva T.S. Labour and socialism. Perm: Perm State University, 1991. 204 p. (In Russian)
2. Vasilyeva T.S. The universal historical law // New Concepts in Philosophy: inter-university collection of papers. Perm: Perm State University, 1999. Iss. 8. pp. 23-27. (In Russian)
3. Orlov V.V., Vasilyeva T.S. Philosophy of Economy. Perm: Perm State University, 2005. 264 p. (In Russian)
4. Orlov V.V. The future of Russia. Strategy of development // New Concepts in Philosophy: inter-university collection of papers. Perm: Perm State University, 2005. Iss. 8. Vol. 1. pp. 23-27. (In Russian)
5. Orlov V.V Post-industrial society, Crisis, Russia // New Concepts in Philosophy: inter-university collection of papers. Perm: Perm State University, 2009. Iss. 18. pp. 5-20. (In Russian)
6. Koryakin V.V. Labour and unified natural worldwide process: monograph. Perm: Perm State University, 2008. Part 1. – 418 p., Part 2 – 380 p. (In Russian)
7. Musayelyan L.A. Scientific theory of historical process: development and nature: monograph. Perm: Perm University Press. 2005. – 390 p. (In Russian)
8. Musayelyan L.A. On the conception of Ibn-Khaldun’s history of Philosophy // Philosophy and Society. 2000. Iss. 3. – pp. 133-154. (In Russian)
9. Musayelyan L.A. Russia in the XXIst century: Post-industrial Civilization or Middle Ages? // Philosophy and Society. 2002. Iss. 4. – pp. 146-171. (In Russian)
10. Musayelyan L.A. Marxist doctrine of historical process and the Theory of Post-industrial society // Philosophy and Society. 2005. Iss. 2. – pp. 37-59. (In Russian)
11. Musayelyan L.A. Accumulation of content as a regularity of substance evolution // Evolution of substance as a natural process: Inter-university collection of papers // Perm State University. Perm, 1978, pp. 106-115. (In Russian)
12. Musayelyan L.A. Scientific and technological progress as realisation of universal human nature // Marxist-Lenin conception of man and scientific and technological progress (Proceedings of the Scientific and Practical Conference, 25-26 November, 1987). Sverdlovsk, 1987. pp. 164-165 (in co-authorship with A.M. Musayelyan) (In Russian)
13. Musayelyan L.A. Marx’s view of tendencies of social progress // Proceedings of the Conference “Philosophy and Contemporary Socialism” (10-13 April, 1990, Perm). 1990. pp. 58-59. (In Russian)
14. Musayelyan L.A. On certain aspects of J.H. Gerder’s Conception of Philosophy of History // New Concepts in Philosophy: Inter-university collection of papers / Perm State University. Perm, 1997. Iss. 6. pp. 112-119. (In Russian)
15. Musayelyan L.A. On certain acute problems of Philosophy of History // New Concepts in Philosophy: Inter-university collection of papers / Perm State University. Perm, 1997. Iss. 6. pp. 112-119. (In Russian)
16. Musayelyan L.A. Plato and Aristotle’s Philosophy of History // New Concepts in Philosophy: Inter-university collection of papers / Perm State University. Perm, 1997. Iss. 6. pp. 120-129. (In Russian)
17. Musayelyan L.A. On modern Russia and its reforms in formation-oriented and civilizational aspects // Slavic culture in the context of dialogue of cultures (Proceedings of the IIIrd International Scientific Conference, Ural Humanities Institute. Perm, 1998. pp. 122-124. (In Russian)
18. Musayelyan L.A. On the historical determination // New Concepts in Philosophy: Inter-university collection of papers / Perm State University. Perm, 1998. Iss. 7. pp. 215-221. (In Russian)
19. Musayelyan L.A. The concept of historical prospects in philosophy // New Concepts in Philosophy: Inter-university collection of papers / Perm State University. Perm, 1999. Iss. 8. pp. 76-81. (In Russian)
20. Musayelyan L.A. On the historical consciousness of modern Russia // The XXIst century: Russia’s future in philosophical aspect; Proceedings of the second All-Russian Philosophical Congress (7-11 June, 1999). In 4 volumes. Vol. 2. Social Philosophy and Philosophy of Politics Part 1. Yekaterinburg: Ural University Press. 1999. p. 152. (In Russian)
21. Musayelyan L.A. Intellectual potential of Russia in the early XXIst century // New Concepts in Philosophy: Inter-university collection of papers / Perm State University. Perm, 2001. Iss 10. pp. 26-42. (In Russian)
22. Musayelyan L.A. Development of the Theory of Historical Process and the problem of alienation of generic human nature // New Concepts in Philosophy: Inter-university collection of papers / Perm State University. Perm, 2002. Iss 11. pp. 60-81. (In Russian)
23. Musayelyan L.A. Pre-Marxist conceptions of historical process conceptions (The Antiquity – the Age of Enlightenment) // New Concepts in Philosophy: Inter-university collection of papers (Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference (16-17 April, 2003, Perm). In 2 Volumes / Perm State University. Perm, 2003. Iss. 12. Part 1.  pp. 33-59). (In Russian)
24. Musayelyan L.A. Heuristic potential of historical consciousness // New Concepts in Philosophy. Iss. 13. Philosophy in modern Russia: Inter-university collection of papers (based on the proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference (14-16 April, 2004, Perm).  In 2 volumes / Perm State University. Perm, 2004, Part 1. pp. 102-106. (In Russian)
25. Musayelyan L.A. Immanuel Kant Philosophy of History // New Concepts in Philosophy. Iss. 14. Topical problems of Philosophy of Science: Inter-university symposium book (based on the proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference (14-16 April, 2005, Perm). In 2 volumes / Perm State University. Perm, 2005. Part 1. pp. 92-110. (In Russian)
26. Musayelyan L.A. N.A. Berdyaev’s History of Philosophy // History of Russian philosophic: collection of papers / Ed. by V.N. Zheleznyak; Perm State University. Perm, 2005. pp. 19-57. (In Russian)
27. Musayelyan L.A. Marx’s conception of historical process: human context // Philosophy and Society. 2007. Iss. 3. pp. 64-80. (In Russian)
28. Musayelyan L.A. Conception of Unified Natural Worldwide Process and Scientific Theory of Historical Process: methodological bases // Musayelyan L.A. Acute problems of Social Philosophy: collection of papers. Perm, 2010. pp. 39-52. (In Russian)
29. Musayelyan L.A. Universal historical process and Russia // Musayelyan L.A. Topical problems of Social Philosophy: collection of papers. Perm, 2010. pp.189-210. (In Russian)
30. Musayelyan L.A. Juristic truth: the intensional of the concept and its methodological significance // Scholarly notes of the Faculty of Law. Iss. 18 (28). Saint-Petersburg, 2010. pp. 10-24. (In Russian)
31. Musayelyan L.A. Universal historical process in the context of the Concrete-universal Theory of History // Status of Philosophy in modern society: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference: in 2 volumes. Yekaterinburg: Ural University Press, 2010. pp. 67-73. (In Russian)
32. Musayelyan L.A. The issue of inter-ethnic relations in Russia: experience of the past and some aspects of its modern political and legal solution // Perm University Herald. Science of Law. Iss. 4 (10). Perm, 2010. pp. 32-48. (In Russian)
33. Musayelyan L.A. Оn the question of the Russian people’s peculiar legal mentality// Perm University Herald. Science of Law. Iss. 2 (12). Perm, 2011. pp. 26-34. (In Russian)
34. Musayelyan L.A. Juristic truth: the intensional of the concept and its methodological significance // Philosophy and Society. 2011. Iss. 2 (62). (In Russian)
The Most Significant Projects, carried out in the framework of Scientific Research Trend
1. Unified Order. 2004-2007. “Contemporary Philosophy of Science”. Participant of scientific programme realisation.
2. Unified Order. 2008-2010. “Contemporary science development in the context of the unified natural worldwide process”. Participant of scientific programme realisation.
3. Russian Science Foundation for the Humanities. 2008-2009. Programme № 08-03-82301 a/u “Post-industrial society and Russia. Strategies of development”.
4. Unified Order. 2011-2013. Programme № 1.13.11. “Philosophy as innovative factor of science and education”.
Training of Researchers
Post-graduate Programme, specialty 09.00.11. “Social Philosophy”.

The leading scientists

Leva A. Musayelyan

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology
Department of Philosophy
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