Leva A. Musayelyan

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology
Department of Philosophy
Phone, Fax, e-mail
tel: 8 (342) 2 396 896, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Ural State University, Faculty of Philosophy, 1971.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Philosophy – 1980, Ural State University.
Doctor of Philosophy – 2006, Perm State University.
Stages of Professional Career
1971-1975: Assistant Lecturer, Perm State Pharmaceutical Institute.
1975-1978: Post -graduate Study, Perm State University.
1979-1994: Reader, Department of Philosophy, Perm State Pharmaceutical Institute.
1994-2006: Reader, Department of Philosophy, Perm State University.
2006 – present time: Professor, Department of Philosophy, Perm State University.
Membership in Academic Councils and other State and Public Associations
Member of Perm University Dissertation Council for Candidate and Doctoral degrees, specialties “Ontology and Theory of Cognition”, “Social Philosophy”.
Member of Russian Philosophical Society.
Current Research Activities
Development of the modern substantial Theory of Historical Process involves investigation of ontological foundations of existence and development of the most important social institutions such as State, Law, and Educational System.
Preparation and publication of a series of scientific articles on Philosophy of Law and Education.
Investigation of the problem of the World Historical Process and Russia, and publication of the articles on the problem in question. Scientific supervision of Post-graduate Students.
Academic and other Awards
Honorary Certificate of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation – 2008.
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles – over 130.
Monographs – 2.
Selected Publications
1. Musayelyan L.A. Accumulative character of substance evolution as an objective ground for systematisation of dialectical categories// Dialectical materialism as a system: Collected papers / Perm State University, Perm, 1980 pp. 37-45. (In Russian)
2. Musayelyan L.A. Does Marxist Philosophy need its own Einstein // Philosophy and science: similarity, difference and tendencies of development (Proceedings of the Inter-university Scientific Conference (25 May 1990, Kazan)). Kazan, 1990 pp. 103-105. (In Russian)
3. Musayelyan L.A. On the acute objective of Marxist-Lenin Philosophy // Strategies of acceleration and Philosophy: collected papers / Perm State University. Perm, 1990. pp. 112-119. (In Russian)
4. Musayelyan L.A. On certain features of Russian mentality // Russian Idea. Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference. Khabarovsk State Pedagogical University, Khabarovsk, 1995. pp. 144-146. (In Russian)
5. Musayelyan L.A. On the subject of Philosophy of History // New Ideas in Philosophy: collected papers / Perm State University. Perm, 1997. Iss. 5 pp. 62-62. (In Russian)
6. Musayelyan L.A. On the problem of scientific character of Philosophy // New Ideas in Philosophy: collected papers/ Perm State University, Perm 2000. Iss. 9. pp. 196-205. (In Russian)
7. Musayelyan L.A. Marxist doctrine on historical process and Post-industrial Society Theory // Philosophy and Society. 2005. Iss. 2. (In Russian)
8. Musayelyan L.A. Scientific theory of historical process: development and essence: monograph. Perm. Perm State University, 2005. 390 p. (In Russian)
9. Musayelyan L.A. N.A. Berdyaev’s Philosophy of History // From the history of Russian Philosophy: collection of papers / Ed. by V.N. Zheleznyak. Perm, 2005. (In Russian)
10. Musayelyan L.A. Marxist conception of historical process: human context // Philosophy and Society, 2007. Iss. 3. (In Russian)
11. Musayelyan L.A. Man in Marxist Social Philosophy // Man in modern philosophical conceptions. Proceedings of the IVth International Conference. Volgograd: in 4 volumes. Vol. 2. 2007. (In Russian)
12. Musayelyan L.A. Civil society and higher education in Russia // Civil Society and higher Education in contemporary Russia: Proceedings of the Scientific and Practical Inter-university Conference. Perm, the Kama Region Social Institute, 2008. pp. 3-10. (In Russian)
13. Musayelyan L.A. Juristic truth: the intensional of the concept and its methodological significance // Scholarly notes of the Faculty of Law. Iss. 18 (28). Saint-Petersburg, 2010. pp. 10-24. (In Russian)
14. Musayelyan L.A. Truth and justice: legal context // Bulletin of Perm University. Philosophy. 2009. (In Russian)
15. Musayelyan L.A. Universal historical process and Russia // New Ideas in Philosophy. Iss. 18. 2009. (In Russian)
16. Musayelyan L.A. Civil society: the origin of the problem // Musayelyan L.A. Acute problems of Social Philosophy: collection of papers. Perm, 2010. pp. 87-98. (In Russian)
17. Musayelyan L.A. Legal counter-culture or counter-legal culture? // Musayelyan L.A. Acute problems of social philosophy: collection of papers. Perm, 2010. pp. 99-107. (In Russian)
18. Musayelyan L.A. Higher Professional Education in Russia and the Bologna process // Bulletin of Perm University. University Education. pp. 132-141. (In Russian)
19. Musayelyan L.A. Acute problems of Social Philosophy: monograph. Perm: Perm State University, 2010. (In Russian)
20. Musayelyan L.A. The issue of inter-ethnic relations in Russia: experience of the past and some aspects of its modern political and legal solution // Perm University Herald. Science of Law. Iss. 4 (10). Perm, 2010. pp. 32-48. (In Russian)
21. Musayelyan L.A. Оn the question of the Russian people’s peculiar legal mentality// Perm University Herald. Science of Law. Iss. 2 (12). Perm, 2011. pp. 26-34. (In Russian)
22. Musayelyan L.A. Juristic truth: the intensional of the concept and its methodological significance // Philosophy and Society. 2011. Iss. 2 (62). (In Russian)

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