Key executives

Vyacheslav V. Koryakin

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology
Department of Philosophy
Phone, Fax, e-mail
tel: 8 (342) 239 63 92, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Perm State University, Faculty of History, 1997.
Academic degrees and titles
Candidate of Philosophy – 2000, Ural State University.
Reader, Department of Philosophy – 2004, Perm State University.
Lecturer, Humanities Department, Higher School of Economics (Perm Branch). 2000.
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Perm State University. 2001.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Perm State University. 2002.
Reader, Department of Philosophy, Perm State University. 2003 - present time.
Membership in Scientific Councils and other State and Public Associations
Scientific Secretary of Perm University Dissertation Council for Doctoral Degrees in Philosophy.
Member of Russian Philosophical Society.
Present scientific activity
Development of the Concrete-universal Dialectical-materialistic Conception of the Historical Process, problems of human nature, material production and labour.
Work on the monograph on the problem in question. Investigation of the problems of essence, structure and trends of modern post-industrial economy development, modern form of scientific work, relations of value and property in post-industrial society.
Total number of publications
Scientific articles – over 50.
Monographs – 2.
Study Guides – 1.
Selected publications
1. Koryakin V.V. Concrete-universal theory of development and conception of historical process // New Ideas in Philosophy. Perm: Perm State University, 2000. Iss. 9, 1,4 sheet. (In Russian)
2. Koryakin V.V. On the problem of the Concrete-universal conception of historical process // Personality. Culture. Society. Moscow, 2000. Vol. 2. Special edition. 0,2 sheet. (In Russian)
3. Koryakin V.V. On the problem of modern economy character (impasses of capitalism, prospects of post-capitalism) // New policy for new economy: alternatives to market and conservative fundamentalism. Moscow, 2003 – 0,3 sheet. (In Russian)
4. Koryakin V.V. Post-Soviet Russia: on the problem of the character of social and economic development // State and Society: Philosophy, Economics and Culture. Moscow, 2005 – 0,3 sheet. (In Russian)
5. Koryakin V.V. Towards the question of human factor in labour in post-industrial society // Personality. Culture. Society. Moscow. 2007.  Vol. 9. Iss. 2 (36) – 0,5 sheet. (In Russian)
6. Koryakin V.V. Problem of infinity and its methodological significance for the development of the Concrete-universal conception of universal and historical process // New Ideas in Philosophy, Perm. 2008. Iss. 17 – 2 sheet. (In Russian)
7. Koryakin V.V. Labour and unified natural historical process. Vol. 1. Perm, 2008. – 24,4 sheet. (In Russian)
8. Koryakin V.V. Labour and unified natural historical process. Vol. 2. Perm, 2008. – 19,76 sheet. (In Russian)
9. Koryakin V.V. Towards the question of the specificity and key trends of modern society development (social and philosophical analysis) // Orenburg University Herald, Orenburg, 2009. Iss. 6 – 0,5 sheet. (In Russian)
10. Koryakin V.V. Back to old problem. Civilizational and formational approaches to history: Is synthesis possible? // Personality. Culture. Society. Moscow. 2009. Iss. 3 – 0,5 sheet. (In Russian)
11. Koryakin V.V. Value and its types. Value relations in post-industrial society // New Ideas in Philosophy. Perm, 2009. Iss. 18. Vol. 1 – 2,2 sheet. (In Russian)

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