Dmitry G. Trunov
15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology
Department of General and Clinical Psychology
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 239-66-17, 8-951-921-70-95, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State Medical Institute – 1982-1988
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Philosophy, Perm State University – 2000
Stages of Professional Career
1989-1993 City Centre of Social and Psychological Adaptation and Therapy “Faith”, Doctor
1993-1995 Centre of Psychology Service of Sverdlovsk RONO of Perm, Psycho-therapist
1995-2002 Regional Centre of Psychological and Pedagogic Support for People, a psycho-therapist, Head of Methodological Department.
2001-2003 State University Higher School of Economics, Reader
2003-2006 Doctoral programme of PSU in specialty “Ontology and Knowledge Theory”
2005- till now – Perm State University, Reader
2000 – Candidate Dissertation “Allegorical Nature of Self-alienation as a sociocultural phenomenon” (specialty – Social Philosophy)
2011 – Doctoral Dissertation for Doctor’s degree in Philosophy (specialty “Ontology and Knowledge Theory”) on “Phenomenology of self-cognition: the conception of multiple “Self”
Total Number of Publications – 86
Monographs – 2
Education Methodological publications -7
Scientific articles – 33
Selected Publications
1. Trunov D.G. Foundations of Psychological counseling: study guide. Perm, 2008.84p. (In Russian)
2. Trunov D.G. Psychological counseling of crisis states of personality: study guide, Perm, 2009, 74p. (In Russian)
3. Trunov D.G. Foundations of Psychotherapy: contemporary trends: study guide, Perm, 2011, 144p.(In Russian)
4. Trunov D.G. Humanization of business-education // Higher Professional Education of Russia. 2006, issue 6, p. 93-96. (In Russian)
5. Trunov D.G. Categories of Emotional Lexis as an object of psychotherapist // Psychotherapy Herald, 2006, issue 17 (22), p. 16-24. (In Russian)
6. Trunov D.G. Phenomenological Art-therapy in future parents psychological training for child’s birth // Perm Medical Journal, 2007. Vol. XXIV, 1-2, p. 155-161. (In Russian)
7. Trunov D.G. Stages and strategies of self-cognition // Personality Development, 2009. Issue 1. (In Russian)
8. Trunov D.G. An image of a body and a feeling of a body as the main opposition of body being // Buryat State University. Issue 14, 2009, p. 48-51. (In Russian)
9. Trunov D.G. Thropological analysis of reflexition // Chelyabinsk University Herald, 2009, issue 42, Philosophy, Sociology, Study of Culture. Issue 15, p. 108-111. (In Russian)
10. Trunov D.G. Phenomenal modes of body being // Vyatka State Humanitarian University Herald. 2010, issue 1(1), p. 20-24. (In Russian)
11. Trunov D.G. Hierarchy of personal names: from individual name to social “Self” // Problems of Study of Culture, 2010, issue 3, p. 17-22. (In Russian)
12. Trunov D.G. Models of conceptualization of multiple “Self” // Chelyabinsk University Herald, 2010, issue 20 (210), Philosophy, Sociology, Study of Culture. Issue 18, p. 22-25. (In Russian)
13. Trunov D.G. Faces of loneliness in Culture // Philosophy of Social Communications. 2010, issue 3 (12), p. 51-58. (In Russian)
14. Trunov D.G. Therapeutic interpretation of dreams: from symbol to metaphor // Psychology and Psycho-Technics, 2010, issue 8. (In Russian)