Elena V. Levchenko
15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology
Department of General and Clinical Psychology
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 239-66-17, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Leningrad State University, Faculty of Psychology, 1976
Post-graduate study, Leningrad State University, Faculty of Psychology, 1983
Doctorate Course, St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Psychology, 1995
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Psychology, Leningrad State University, 1984
Doctor of Psychology, St. Petersburg State University, 1996
Reader, 1992
Professor, 1998
Honorary Figure of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, 2001
Stages of Professional Career
Junior Research Fellow of Sociology Laboratory of Perm Polytechnic Institute ( 1976-1977)
Assistant Lecturer of Department of Pedagogics, Perm State University, 1977-1986
Senior Lecturer of Department of Pedagogics, Perm State University,1986-1989
Reader of Department of Pedagogics, Perm State University, 1989-1992
Head of Department of Psychology of Perm State University (from 2007 till now)
Membership in Academic Councils, State and Public Associations
Member of Perm Pedagogical University Dissertational Council Awarding Higher Academic Degrees in specialty “General Psychology, Psychology of Personality and History of Psychology” 1998-2007
Member of Perm University Scientific Council
Member of Russian Psychological Society
Deputy Chairman of Perm Regional Department of RPS (2001-2007)
Member of Editorial Board of the Scientific Journal “Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology” and “Series “Psychology”
Member of series “Russian Psychologists: Petersburg Psychological Scientific School” (“Aleteya” Press) (2000-2006)
Member of Editorial Board of the Journal “Methodology and History of Psychology” (since 2006)
Research Project Management
Russian Humanitarian Sciences Foundation. The Project “The Idea of Attitude in Russian Psychology: the past and the present”, 1998-2000
Current Research Activities
Analysis and interpretation of empiric data got as a result of study of Phenomenology of Psychological Cognition. Elaboration of the model and description of regularities of psychological cognition. Preparation of monographs. Supervision of post-graduate works.
Academic and other Awards
V.S. Merlin’s First Degree Award of the Perm Scientist Works Contest - 2004
Honorary Figure of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation – 2001
Total Number of Publications
Publications – about 200
Scientific articles – about 60
Monographs – 2
Selected Publications
1. Levchenko E.V. Psychology of Psychological Cognition / E.V. Levchenko // Acute problems of psychological theory and practice / Edited by A.A. Krylov . Experimental and Applied Psychology. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University Press, 1995. Issue 14, p. 42-49. (In Russian)
2. Levchenko E.V. Psychology of Psychological Cognition and Practice // Psychology and Practice. Annual edition of Russian Psychology Society. Vol.4, issue 5., Yaroslavl, 1998, p. 16-21. (In Russian)
3. Levchenko E.V. Perception: two phenomenologies and two theories / Psychology of Creativity: Annual Edition of Russian Psychology Society. Kazan, 2000, p.286-287. (In Russian)
4. Levchenko E.V. On the problem of development of reflexive domains of Psychology / E.V. Levchenko // Psychology and its Applications: annual Edition of RPS. Мoscow, 2002. vol. 9. issue. 2. Psychology as a system of trends. p. 14–15. (In Russian)
5. Levchenko E.V. Psychology of Psychological Cognition and its perspectives // Ananiev Readings – 2002: Psychology and Policy: Proceedings of Scientific Conference / Edited by L.A. Tsvetkova, A.I. Yuriev. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University, 2002, p. 110-112. (In Russian)
6. Levchenko E.V. Psychology of Psychological Cognition: results, perspectives and difficulties // Annual edition of Russian Psychology Society: Proceedings of the IIIrd All-Russian Psychologist Congress held on 25-28 June 2003, in 8 parts, part 5, p. 80-84. (In Russian)
7. Levchenko E.V. Metaphor of the inner world and its empiric correlates // Proceedings of International Congress on Creativity and Art Psychology / Edited by E. Malyanova, K. Martindail, E. Berezina E et al, Perm, Moscow, 2005. p. 208-210. (In Russian)
8. Levchenko E.V., Polyakova S.V. Specificity of perception of the text in foreign language // Above the barriers: man, text, communication: Proceedings of the Scientific Conference, devoted to the 70th Anniversary of A.A. Leontiev. Moscow, 2006, p. 137-139. (In Russian)
9. Levchenko E.V. Subtext as an object of psychological analysis // Stereotype and Creativity in the text: inter-university collection of papers / Edited by M.P. Kotyurova. Perm State University, PERM, 2006, issue 10, p. 40-45. (In Russian)
10. Levchenko E.V., Potapova O.A. Images in the reflection of the inner world // PSIAC Herald, 2006, vol.2, issue 1, p. 56-65. (In Russian)
11. Levchenko E.V., Kostomyasova S.V. Memory about mental state // Ananiev Readings -2006: Proceeding of Scientific and Practical Conference. Ed. by L.A. Tsvetkova, A.A Krylov St.Petersburg, St. Petersburg University Press, 2006, p. 96-98. (In Russian)
12. Levchenko E.V, Demeneva A.E. Empathy and perception of the inner world: Is there a relation? // Psychology of Empathy: contemporary approaches to the problem and perspectives: Proceedings of All-Russian Scientific Conference held on 1-2 November 2007 in Kirov: Vyatka State University Press, 2007, p. 42-49. (In Russian)
13. Levchenko E.V. Psychological cognition as a subject of research // Perm University Herald, 2009, issue 2 (28), p. 4-28. (In Russian)
14. Levchenko E. Psychology of the Psychology // Slovenski dnevi na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, maj 2009. Posveceno sodelovanju Univerze v Ljubljani in Univerze v Permu: Zbornik prispevkov. Ljubljana, maj 2009. p. 51-53. (In Russian)
15. Levchenko E.V., Prodovikova A.G. Scientific and Empiric representations of Consciousness and Unconsciousness / E.V. Levchenko, A.G. Prodovikova // Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2010, issue 11). P. 19-37. (In Russian)
16. Levchenko E.V., Fedosina S.S Specificity of students’ concepts Emotion, Feeling and Experience // Speech Studies: the present and perspectives: Proceedings of International Scientific conference, devoted to the Kozhina’s Anniversary held on 16-20 November 2010 in Perm. Perm. 2010. p. 232-237. (In Russian)
17. Levchenko E.V., Fedosina S.S. Comparative analysis of students’ concepts “Emotion”, “Feeling” and “Experience” // Vyatka State University Herald, 2010, issue 3(3), p. 160-170. (In Russian)
18. Levchenko E.V., Demeneva A.E. Image of the inner world: theoretical problems and phenomenology // Vyatka State University Herald, 2010, issue 4 (1), p. 149-158. (In Russian)