Cognitive History of Psychology

Brief Description of Research Activities  
In History of Psychology there is a necessity for searching new methodological approaches. Cognitive History of Psychology may become one of them. This approach is based on three integrated types of analysis: historical, methodological and psychological. The historical analysis is aimed at researching  content changes of knowledge in the context of circumstances influencing them. The methodological analysis is aimed at special study of knowledge, forms of its organization and logic-methodological specificity of its components. The psychological analysis is aimed at studying the Subject of cognition as an Author and a Reader.
Selected Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Levchenko E.V.  History  and Theory of Relation Psychology / Levchenko E. St. Petersburg: Aletejya, 2003, 310p. (In Russian)
2. Ivanova T.A. History and Present of Systems Research Approach to Psychology: Candidate Dissertation Ivanova T. Perm, 2005. 298p. (In Russian)
3. Levchenko E.V. The development of the scientific idea and its reflection in the text / Levchenko E // Stereotype and creativity in the text: inter-university collection of papers. Perm, 1999, p.6-21. (In Russian)
4. Levchenko E.V. Attitude Psychology: prehistory of conception creation // Theory and practice of medical psychology and psychotherapy (to the 100th anniversary of V.N. Myasishiev). St. Petersburg: Bekhterev Institute Edition, 1994. p. 35-43. (In Russian)
5. Levchenko E.V. V.M. Bekhterev’s Psychological conception // St.Petersburg University Herald, 1996, Series 6, issue 1, p.70-81. (In Russian)
6. Levchenko E.V. “The New Psychology” of A.F. Lazursky //  St.Petersburg University Herald, 1996, Series 6, issue 1, p. 73-86. (In Russian)
7. Levchenko E.V. Methodological foundations of M.Ya. Basov’s Psychological Conception // St.Petersburg University Herald, 1996, Series 6, issue 3, p. 71-84. (In Russian)
8. Levchenko E.V.  V.N. History of Myasishiev’s Attitude Psychology // St.Petersburg University Herald, 1996, Series 6, issue 1, p. 78-92. (In Russian)
9. Levchenko E.V. Cognitive History of Psychology // Psychology: traditions, present and  future: Proceedings of International Scientific Conference of the Institute of Psychology of RAS, Moscow, IP of RAS, 1997, p. 10-11. (In Russian)
10. Levchenko E.V. Psychology of Scientific Creativity Research based on historical and psychological data // Emotions, Creativity, Art: Proceedings of the International Symposium held on 16-19 September 1997 in Perm, p. 63-64. (In Russian)
11. Levchenko E.V. Is cognitive history of psychology possible? // Perm University Herald, 1998. (In Russian)
12. Levchenko E.V. Comprehension and Estimation of psychological heritage // Ananiev Readings – 99: the 40th anniversary of Industrial Laboratory Creation in St.Petersburg University: Proceedings of Theoretical and Practical Conference held on 26-28 October 1999 / Edited by A.A. Krylov, St. Petersburg University Press, 1999, p. 49-50. (In Russian)
13. Levchenko E.V. Textbook of Psychology and subjective history of Psychology // Acute problems of contemporary social sciences: collection of papers. Perm. 2001, p. 171-177. (In Russian)
14. Levchenko E.V. Psychology in the context of time: the 30 years old  predictions and present conditions // Fundamental Psychological Problems: Personality in Historical Psychology. Proceedings of Scientific Conference / edited by V.M. Allakhverdov, O.V. Zashirinsky . St. Petersburg, 2002, p. 19-22. (In Russian)
15. Levchenko E.V. On difficulties of History and Psychological study of Scientific schools // Ethnopsychology and Ethnopedagogics: Proceedings of Theoretical and Practical Conference “Acute  problems of National Psychology and Pedagogics in Kazakhstan” and the IIIrd Tajibaev Readings. Almaty. Kazakh State University. 2003, p. 119-120. (In Russian)
16. Levchenko E.V. Conceptions of New Psychology – specificity of Russian Psychology // Annual edition of Russian Psychological Society: Proceedings of the IIIrd All-Russian Psychologist Congress held on 25-28 June 2003, in 8 parts, part 5, p. 76-80. (In Russian)
17. Levchenko E.V. B.G. Ananiev on importance of Introspection in human study // Ananiev Readings: Ananiev and complex human researches in Psychology, Proceedings of Theoretical and Practical Conference “Ananiev Readings-2003” / edited by L.A. Tsvetkova, L.A. Goleva. St. Petersburg: St.Petersburg University Press, 2003, p. 106-108. (In Russian)
18. Levchenko E.V. The origins of V.M. Bekhterev’s Objective Psychology // Acute problems of Psychology History at the turn of the millenniums: collection of papers, in 2 parts, Moscow, 2002, part2, p. 35-45. (In Russian)
19. Levchenko E.V. The stages of Psychological Idea Evolution // Integrative Psychology Herald. Moscow, Yaroslavl, 2005, issue 1(3), p. 131-132. (In Russian)
20. Levchenko E.V.  Archeology of Psychology as an analytical method of communicative methodology // Proceedings of Yaroslavl Methodological Seminar. Vol 3: Method of Psychology / edited by V.V. Novikov, I.N. Karitsky, V.V. Kozlov, V.A. Mazilov. Yaroslavl, International Association of Psychological sciences, 2005, p. 223—232. (In Russian)
21. Levchenko E.V.    Basov M.Ya. and V.N. Myasishiev: Similarity of fates and ideas // Psychiatry and Medical Psychology Review of V.M. Bekhterev, 2005, issue 2, p. 26-30. (In Russian)
22. Levchenko E.V. Lessons of Soviet Psychology // Image of Russian Psychology on regional and international levels: Proceedings of International Forum and The Young Scientists School of the Institute of Psychology of RAS held on 24-28 September 2006, Moscow, 2006, p. 82-85. (In Russian)
23. Levchenko E.V. Psychoanalysis and psychological knowledge: dynamics of reflection of Psychoanalysis in Russian text books on Psychology // Methodology and History of psychology, 2006, vol.1, isuue 2, p. 128-137. (In Russian)
24. Levchenko E.V. V.M. Bekhterev’s psychological conception: diachronic analysis // Psychological Journal. 2007, vol.28, issue 5, p. 22-31. (In Russian)
25. Levchenko E.V. History of Introspection in Russia (the XIX-XX centuries) // Methodology and History of Psychology, 2007, vol.2, issue 2. (In Russian)
26. Levchenko E.V. Development perspectives in History of Psychology Methodology Research // History of Russian and World Psychology: Perceiving the past to understand the present and to predict the future: Proceedings  of International Conference on History of Psychology “the IVth Moscow Meetings” held on 26-29 June 2006 / edited by A.L. Juravlev, V.A. Koltsova, Yu.N. Oleinik. Moscow: Institute of Psychology of RAS, 2006, p. 96-98. (In Russian)
27. Levchenko E.V. Michael Ya. Basov: life and psychological conception // Methodology and  History of Psychology. Trends and Schools in Psychology. 2008. vol.3, issue 4, p. 21-45. (In Russian)
28. Levchenko E.V. The Past and the Future of Russian Soviet Psychology // Leningrad University of Pushkin Herald, 2010, vol.5, Psychology, issue 4, p. 32-42. (In Russian)
Training of Researchers
Post-graduate Programme in specialty 19.00.01 “General Psychology, Psychology of Personality and History of Psychology”
Over 13 years 10 Candidates of Psychology have been given a Degree including 1 in specialty “History of Psychology”

The leading scientists

Elena V. Levchenko

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology
Department of General and Clinical Psychology
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 239-66-17, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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