Mikhail A. Martsenyuk

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russian Federation
Perm State University
Faculty of Physics
Department of Computer Systems and Telecommunications
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 2 396 450, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State University, Faculty of Physics, Specialty: “Theoretical Physics”, 1964
Post-graduate Study – Perm State University, 1968
Academic Degrees and Status
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, 1974, Perm State University
Reader, 1991.
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, 1997, Perm State University
Professor, 2007.
Stages of Professional Career
Assistant Lecturer, Perm State University, 1968-1974.
Senior Lecturer, Reader of Theoretical Physics Department, Perm State University, 1974-1997.
Director/Chief  Designer of  SDB “Mayak” within Perm State University1981-1983.
Head of  Department of Computer Systems and Telecommunications, Perm State University, 1997 – up to now.
Membership in Academic Councils, other State and Public Associations
Member of Dissertation Councils for Specialties: “Mechanics of Liquid, Gas and Plasma” and “Physics of Condensed Matter” of Perm State University and for the Specialty of “Instruments and Methods of Experimental Physics” – at Udmurt State University.
Chief Editor of Ser. “Information Systems and Technologies” of “Perm University Herald Bulletin”.
Research Projects Management
1. Grant of RF Ministry of Education and Science for “Study of Relationship Regularities between the Structure and Properties of Optically Active and Chiral Media” (Project Leader), 1998-1990.
2. Participation within Perm State University REC “Non-Equilibrium Transitions in Continuum” in the Programme of CRDF (Co-Implementer of the Project).
3. Grant of IREX for the Programme of University Administration “Experience of Technology Transfer at USA Universities (an Example of Central Florida University) and how it can be used at the Universities of Russia”, 2004.
4. Under Grant of IREX for the Programme of University Administration  - Leader of the Project for Establishing  a Department for technology transfer at the Perm University, 2005.
Current Research Activities
Development of new options for the use of information technologies in the processing of primary information, control of system state. Participation in International and all-Russia Conferences, workshops and inter-university meetings on applied information systems.. Supervisor of eight candidate dissertations.
Academic and other Awards
Honour Certificates of RF Ministry for Higher Education, of Perm State University and of Perm Region Administration
Badge of “Honourary Worker of Higher School” 2001
Badge of “Merited Inventor”, 1984
Total Number of Publications
Research Articles – 180
Textbooks (Tutorials) – 6
Selected Publications
1. Martsenyuk M.A., Shliomis M.I., Raikher Yu.L.  Towards Magnetizing Kinetics of Ferromagnetic - Particle Suspensions// J. of Experim. and Theor. Physics. 1973. Vol. 65, Issue. 8. pp. 834-841.  (In Russian)
2. Martsenyuk M.A. Viscosity of the Suspension with Ellipsoidal Ferromagnetic Particles// J. Applied Mechanics and Techn. Physics. 1974.  No.5. pp. 75-82. (In Russian)
3.  Martsenyuk M.A. On Magnetic Viscosity of Ferromagnetic Particles Suspension// J.Experim. and Theor. Physics. 1974. Vol. 65, Issue. 8. pp. 2279-2289. (In Russian)
4. Martsenyuk M.A. Volumetric Viscosity of Ferromagnetic Suspension// J.Experim. and Theor. Physics. 1977. Vol. 73, Issue. 2. pp 597-607. (In Russian)
5. Martsenyuk M.A., Shaposhnikov I.G. A Quantum Kinetic Approach in the Theory of Nuclear Quadrupole Relaxation// Journal of Molecular Structure. 1980. No. 58. pp. 323-336. (In English)
6. Martsenyuk M.A. A Dissipative Processes in Ferrofluid in Nonhomogeious Magnetic Field// IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, (USA) 1980. Vol. MAG-16, No.2. pp. 298-300. (In English)
7. Martsenyuk M.A. Martsenyuk N.M.  On the Origine of Aromagnetism// Letters to the “Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics”. 1991. Vol. 52, Issue. 3. pp. 229-232. (In Russian)
8. Dubovik V.M., Martsenyuk M.A.,. Martsenyuk N.M. Toroidal Polarization of Aggregated Magnetic Suspensions and Composites, and its Utilization for Information Recording // J.Physics of Elem. Particles and Atomic Nuclei. 1993. Vol. 24, Issue.4. pp. 1156-1132. (In Russian)
9. Dubovik V.M., Martsenyuk M.A., Lunegov I.V. Toroidal Response in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance// J.Phys.of Elem. Particl. And At. Nucl.. 1995. Vol. 26, Issue.1. pp. 72-145. (In Russian)
10. Dubovik V.M., Martsenyuk M.A., Martsenyuk N.M. Reversal of Magnetization of Aggregates of Magnetic Particles by a Vorticity Field and Use of Toroidness for Recording Information// J. Mag. Mag. Mat.1995. Vol. 145. pp. 211-230. (In English)
11. Dubovik V.M., Martsenyuk M.A., Martsenyuk N.M. Theory of Curie-Weiss Behaviour of an Aggregated Magnetic Suspension// J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 1995. Vol. 145. pp. 105-118. (In English)
12. Martsenyuk M.A., Azanov A.V., Korotaev N.N., Volkhin I.L. Modelling of Anisotropic Optically Active Medium// Perm Univ. Bulletin. 1998. Issue. 4. Physics. pp. 52-61. (In Russian)
13. Martsenyuk M.A., Yastrebov A.G. Algorithmic and Programme Realization of Synergic Method of Pattern Recognition//Perm Univ. Bulletin. 1999. Issue. 5. Physics. pp. 42-51. (In Russian)
14. Dubovik V.M., Martsenyuk M.A., Saha B. Material Equations for Electromagnetism with Toroidal Polarizations// Physical Review E. 2000. Vol. 61, No. 6. pp. 7087-7097. (In English)
15. Martsenyuk M.A., Kislookhin N.M., Bekurin D.B. Multijoint 3-Dimensional Model of Swimming Microorganisms// Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2004.Vol. 5, No. 6. pp. 45-56. (In English)
16. Dubovik V.M., Kislyakov Y.V., Martsenyuk M.A., Ossipov P.A., Senchenko V.A. Method of Toroid Write and Read, Memory Cell and Memory Device for Realizing the Same: Pat. USA 6, 266,289 B1 Jul 24, 2001. (In English)
17. Martsenyuk М.А., Mashkin S.V. Software Package of Magnetic Computer Vision System: Author Cert. of Official Computer Progr. Reg. No. 2006610006. ROSPATENT (2006). (In Russian)
18. Martsenyuk M.A., Yastrebov A.G. Programme for Recognition of Printed Text Containing Mathematical Formulas (Matscan): A.C. No. 2002610181 RF dated 14.02.2002. (In Russian)
19. Martsenyuk M.A. Statistical Radiophysics: Tutorial. Perm, 2007. 380 p. (In Russian)
20. Martsenyuk M.A., Lunegov I.V. Fundamentals of Engineering Creativity. Perm 2007. 188 p. (In Russian)

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