Intelligent Control Systems

Basic Division: Department of Computer Systems and Telecommunications.
Brief Description of Research Activities
The objectives of the research are the following:
• Development of new methods and algorithms along with the microprocessor devices for multichannel remote control of non-equilibrium systems;
• Development of intelligent methods of high-accuracy measurements for non-contact monitoring and identification of systems and processes;
• Development of gauge models and methods of system motion control with parallel kinematics;
• Development of methods of processing the multivalued Bayesian networks of trust for diagnosis of problems, decision support and control of systems under uncertainty.
Selected Publications Characterizing Scientific Trend
1. Martsenyuk M.A., Oshchepkov A.Yu., Yatsenko A.V. Synthesis of Adaptive Control of Distributed Object Thermal Field. Theory and Experiment// J. Perm Univ. Bulletin. 1995. Issue. 3. Physics. (In Russian)
2. Bekurin D.B., Martsenyuk M.A. Theory of Self-Motion of Deforming Particles at Low Reynolds Numbers// Hydrodynamics: Inter-Univ. Collection. Perm, 1998. Issue. 11. pp 7-44. (In Russian)
3. Martsenyuk M.A., Kislookhin N.M. Gauge Models of Operating by Body Orientation of Falling or Running Animal// Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2001. Vol. 5, No. 4. pp. 78-89. (In English)
4. Martsenyuk M.A., Kislookhin N.M. Synthesis of Optimal Control for Mechanical System with multiple Degrees of Freedom // Perm Univ. Bulletin. 2003. Issue. 5. Information Systems and Technologies. pp. 35-47. (In Russian)
5. Martsenyuk M.A., Mashkin S.V. Deformation Measurements by Magnetic Computer Vision System// J.Scientific and Techn. Herald of St.Petersburg St. Polytechn. Univ. 2009. Vol.3, Issue. 6. pp. 95-105. (In Russian)
6. Martsenyuk M.A., Oshchepkov A.Yu. Synthesis of the Control System for Distributed Field of Temperature Regulation// Proceedings of International Conference on Cybernetic Physics. St. Petersburg, 2006. IEEE. pp. 750-753. (In English)
7. Martsenyuk M.A., Sklarenko M.S. Experimental Study of Mechanical Oscillations by Speed Photography// Scient. Techn. Bulletin of St.Petersburg St. Polytech. Univ., 2007. Vol.1, Issue 4.pp. 167 - 174. (In Russian)
8. Martsenyuk M.A. Matrix Representation of Fuzzy Logic// Russian Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing. Russian Association of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing. 2007. Vol.2, Issue.3. pp. 33-58. (In Russian)
9. Martsenyuk M.A., Oshchepkov A.Yu., Yatsenko A.V. A Way of Identifying the Thermal Parameters of a Given Shape Distributed Object for Multichannel Control of its Temperature Field: Pat. 2110085 RF, Appl. 26.04.93, Claim No.93021759; Publ. 27.04.98. (In Russian)
10. Dubovik V.M., Kislyakov Y.V., Martsenyuk M.A., Ossipov P.A., Senchenko V.A. Method of Toroid Write and Read, Memory Cell and Memory Device for Realizing the Same: Pat. USA 6, 266,289 B1 Jul 24, 2001. (In English)
11. Martsenyuk M.A., Mashkin S.V. Software Package for Magnetic Computer Vision System: A.C. of Official Computer Programme Registration No. 2006610006. ROSPATENT (2006). (In Russian)
12. Martsenyuk M.A., Sklyarenko M.S. Diffusion Coefficient Measurement of Coloured Solutions by Computer Vision Method: Pat. For Utility Model No.87525// J.Inventions, Utility Models. 2009. No.28. (In Russian)
13. Martsenyuk M.A., Sklyarenko M.S. Method for Evaluation of Coloured Liquid Diffusion Coefficient and Installation for its Realization: Pat. No.2398214, Priority from 21.05.2009. (In Russian)
14. Martsenyuk M.A., Oshchepkov A.Yu., Yatsenko A.V. A Way of Given Shape Multichannel Distributed Object Thermal Parametres Identification for Multichannel Control of its Temperature Field: Pat. 2110085 RF, Appl. 26.04.93, Claim No. 93021759; Publ. 27.04.98. (In Russian)
15. Martsenyuk M.A., Karpov S.B. Design and Development of Information Systems. Perm, 2007. 232 p. (In Russian)
16. Martsenyuk M.A., Mashkin S.V., Novikov S.V., Sklyarenko M.S., Yastrebov A.G. Computer Vision. Perm, 2007. 204 p. (In Russian)
17. Zelenin V.P., Karpov S.B., Melnikov A.K., Alatov S.A., Kolesnikov V.P., Tatarkin A.V., Batyaev I.M. Geo-Electro-Prospecting Complex: Pat. of Russia. Claim No. 201017937. Reg. No. 97542, Reg. Date 10.09.2010. (In Russian)
The Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects
Grant of CRDF and RF Ministry of Education for the establishment of Research and Educational Centre No. REC PE-009 “Development of the Principles of Magnetic Computer Vision and its Application to Matter Deformation Non-Contact Measurement”, 2002 − up to now.
The Most Significant Applied Research Projects, including Enterprise Orders
1. Grant of CRDF and RF Ministry of Education for No. REC PE-009 “Development of Utility Model and Device for Coloured Liquid Diffusion Coefficient Measurement by Computer Vision Methods”, 2002 − up to now.
2. Development of Magnetic Computer Vision Device and its Use for Matter Deformation Non-Contact Measurement (Grant of CRDF and RF Ministry of Education No. REC PE-009, 2002 − up to now).
Training of Researchers
Postgraduate Courses for Specialities: “Mechanics of Liquid, Gas and Plasma”, “Physics of Condensed Matter” and “Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Methods and Software Packages”.

The leading scientists

Mikhail A. Martsenyuk

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russian Federation
Perm State University
Faculty of Physics
Department of Computer Systems and Telecommunications
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 2 396 450, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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