Victor R. Imakaev
15 Bukireva, Perm 614990
Russian Federation
Perm State University
Faculty of Advanced Training of Higher Education Teaching Staff
Department of Higher School Educational Technologies
Phone, Fax, e-mail
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Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State University, 1986.
Doctorate. State Polytechnic University of Perm, 2005 г.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences 1997. Institute of pedagogical innovations of Russian Academy of Education, Moscow.
Doctor of Philosophy, 2009. Bashkir State University.
Reader of Department of pedagogical innovations and technologies. 1999.
Honorable Figure of Higher School of the Russian Federation. 2005 г.
Stages of Professional Career
Trainee, Post-graduate student, Senior Laboratory Assistant, Assistant of Department of Theoretical Physics, PSU. 1986-1992.
Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of pedagogical innovations RAE, Moscow. 1992 - 1997.
Head of Department of pedagogical innovations and technologies, Head of Department of innovation educational projects of Perm State Institute of advanced educators training. 1997 - 2007.
Head of Department of educational technologies of higher school of RICE. PSU. 2007 – up to now.
Membership in Academic Councils, other State and Public Associations
Member of Expert council for innovative activity of the Ministry of Education of the Perm Krai.
Current Research Activities
Research is carried out in the following trends:
Education in the conditions of the paradigmatic shift.
Conception of subject sense construction in education.
Social chronotopos of educational systems.
Theoretical grounds of tutor support in individual education.
Technologies of achievement and objectivation of metasubject and personal results in education.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Honorable Figure of Higher School of the Russian Education. 2005.
Total Number of Publications
Scientific srticles – 42.
Monographs – 4.
Textbooks (Tutorials) – 5.
Selected Publications
1. Imakaev V.R. Phenomenon of teaching in social-philosophic and humanitarian-project dimensions: monograph / Perm State University, Perm, 2004. 260 p. (in Russian)
2. Kaidalov V.A., Imakaev V.R., Zheleznyak V.N. Philosophy and Pedagogical Theory: monograph/ Perm State Technical University, Perm, 2005. 272 p. (in Russian)
3. Kaidalov V.A., Imakaev V.R., Zheleznyak V.N. Philosophical foundations of theoretical Pedagogics: monograph in 2 volumes. Perm, 2004. Vol. 1. 68 p.; Vol. 2. 89 p. (in Russian)
4. Imakaev V.R. Importance of modelling in pedagogical design (on the data of formation of innovative schools in Perm Region): synopsis of the thesis of … Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences. М., 1997. 32 p. (in Russian)
5. Imakaev V.R. Constructive criticism of developing education// Bulletin. PRIAT. 2001. № 1. pp. 47-59. (in Russian)
6. Imakaev V.R., Kaidalov V.A., Kopteva N.V. Philosophical and methodological foundations of the conception of the senior grade of general education school in a big scientific and industrial center // Philosophy of education and reform of modern school: proceedings of Perm research-and-practice conference. Perm, 2002. pp. 29-43. (in Russian)
7. Imakaev V.R. Theoretical foundations of projecting municipal systems of specialized training // Specialized training as a social-pedagogical problem. Design of municipal systems of specialized training: collection of scientific and methodological papers. Perm, 2005. pp. 18-38. (in Russian)
8. Imakaev V.R. Distance student education: restrictions and possibilities // Problems of formation of informative-communicatory competency of the university graduate at the beginning of XXIth century: proceedings of All Russian national research-and-practice conference / Perm. Perm State University, 2007. pp. 112-116. (in Russian)
9. Imakaev V.R. Self-identification of higher school teacher // Modernisation of supplementary professional education of higher school teaching staff: proceedings of Russian national conference (17-20 June, 2008). / Kazan State Power Engineering University. Kazan, 2008. pp. 45-47. (in Russian)
10. Imakaev V.R., Ilyasov R.R. How to learn to be idle: layman experience // Health as a social and philosophical problem: collection of papers of All Russian research-and-practice conference. Ufa: RRC BGU, 2009. Edition 3. pp. 124-127. (in Russian)
11. Imakaev V.R. Some aspects of marketing of classical university in modern sociocultural situation // Perm State University Herald. Series «University education» / Perm State University. Perm, 2009. Issue 6 (32). pp. 81-84. (in Russian)