Design of Educational Processes and Systems in Education Modernisation

Basic Division: Department of Higher School Educational Technologies
Brief Description of Research Activities
Development of philosophical-methodological and psycho-pedagogical foundations of humanitarian design in the sphere of education.
Investigation of the educational-social chronotopos of educational processes of development and reproduction of pedagogical knowledge. Development of the conception of subject sense construction in the sphere of education.
Research of the paradigmatic shift in the sphere of education. Identification of principals, conditions, possibilities and restrictions of development of innovative educational systems.
Development of the methodology of educational system design, principals of complementary implementation of socio-technical and humanitarian approaches to the development of education. Revelation of effective mechanisms of modernisation of educational systems of institutional, municipal and regional levels.
Development of theoretical and methodic foundations of design of open network educational systems.
Formulation of the principles of tutor support for pupils and students in educational systems of different levels and specialties. Development of theoretical and methodical grounds of educational technologies aimed at actualisation of independent educational activity of pupils and students.
Elaboration of the conception of individual education, principles and technologies of making individual educational paths, methods of organisation of “space of choice” in general and professional education. Development of interactive educational technologies of tutor support for senior school students and their parents, university students and working youths.
Development of methods and principles of objectivation of subject, metasubject and personal results of educational activity. Experimental approbation of the system of innovational educational practices, aimed at  achievement of metasubject and personal results in education.
Development of the theory based approaches and techniques of implementation of point-rating systems of evaluation of educational results in secondary and higher education.
Development and experimental approbation of effective techniques of goal-setting actualisation of the educational process participants (parents, students and employers).
Selected Publications Characterising Field of Research
1. Imakaev V.R. Pedagogical knowledge // Philosophical sciences. 2005. № 3. pp.104-124. (in Russian)
2. Imakaev V.R. Pedagogical reality: design and communicative approach// Higher education in Russia. 2006. № 7.  
С. 47-53. (in Russian)
3. Imakaev V.R. Teacher and student: co-creativity of educational reality // Higher education in Russia. 2006. № 10. pp. 113 - 120. (in Russian)
4. Imakaev V.R. Hermeneutic approach to forming the content of education // Philosophical sciences. 2007. № 5. pp. 115-136. (in Russian)
5. Imakaev V.R., Gavrilov N.A., Henner Е.К. The model of open organisation specialist training at the regional level // Education and science. 2007. № 12. pp. 15-23. (in Russian)
6. Imakaev V.R. Educational reality: chronotopos, knowledge, communication. // Science. Philosophy. Society: proceedings of the Vth Russian philosophical congress. Novosibirsk: Parallel, 2009. V. III. pp. 350 -351. (in Russian)
7. Design of the educational process in basic schools of the Perm region: collection of academic and methodical papers/ Edited by О.N. Novikova; RICE PSU. Perm, 2010. 124 p. (in Russian)
8. Imakaev V.R. Basic school modernisation: overcoming educational dependency. // Public education. 2010. № 10. pp. 211-220. (in Russian)
Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects
«Development and approbation of the network model of scientific-methodological support of basic schools within the university districts. » Government contract of the Ministry of Education of the Perm Krai. 2009
Most Significant Applied Research Projects within the Field, Including Enterprise Orders
1. Integrated methodological support of educational processes, upbringing, and development of educational programmes for basic schools of the Perm Krai. Government contract of the Ministry of Education of the Perm Krai. 2010.
2. Integrated methodological support of educational processes, upbringing and achieving metasubject and personality results by basic grade of general education students in conditions of transition of general educational institutions of the Perm Krai to the educational standards of the second generation. Government contract of the Ministry of Education of the Perm Krai. 2011.
Training of Researchers
1 Candidate and 1 Doctor of Philosophical Sciences have been trained. Training of 2 aspirants and graduands seeking for the degrees of Candidate of Pedagogics and Doctor of Philosophy is in progress.

The leading scientists

Victor R. Imakaev

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990
Russian Federation
Perm State University
Faculty of Advanced Training of Higher Education Teaching Staff
Department of Higher School Educational Technologies
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