Valery N. Aptukov

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russian Federation
Perm State University
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Department of Mathematical Analysis.
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 239 68 19, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth        
Educational Background
Perm State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Specialty: “Mechanics”, 1974
Post-graduate study – Perm Polytechnical Institute, 1978
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Technical Sciences, 1979, Perm Polytechnical Institute
Doctor of Technical Sciences, 1987, Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering
Senior Research Fellow, 1982.
Professor, 2009 г.
Stages of Professional Career
Junior Research Fellow, Department of Polymer Physics of URC AS USSR, 1978-1982.
Head of Laboratory, Continuum Mechanics Institute of Ub AS  USSR, 1982-1993.
Professor of Department of Solid Mechanics, Perm State University, 1990-2005.
Head of Department of Mathematical Analysis, Perm State University, from 2005–up to now.
Professor, 2009.
Membership in Academic Councils, other State and Public Associations
Member of the Academic Council of Perm State University
Member of the Academic Council of Mechanical and Mathematical Faculty of Perm State University
Doctorate expert in PSTU
Management of Research Projects
Grant No. 2.1.2/5135 of analytical purpose-oriented Programme for “Development of the Research Potential of Higher School”, 2009-2011.
Current Research Activities
Research interests: deformation and fracture of materials under waves of stresses; problems of dynamic penetration; modelling the behaviour of media with complex structure; mechanics of geomaterials and underground structures; biomechanics of blood vessels.
Academic and other Awards
Corresponding Member of Russian Natural History Academy in the section of “Technical Sciences”, 19.04.2010.
Represented in “Russian Architecture and Construction Encyclopedia”.
Total Number of Publications
Research papers – 160.
Мonographs – 1.
Textbooks (tutorials) – 4 (2 recommended).
Inventions – 1.
Patents – 4.
Selected Publications
1. Аptukov V.N., Мurzakaev R.Т., Fonarev А.V. Applied Theory of Penetration. М.: Science, 1992. (In Russian)
2. Wagner Е.А., Sukhanov S.G., Аptukov V.N. Mechanical Behaviour of Vascular Anastomosis on Sclerosal Arteries and its Modelling // J. Mechanics of Composite Materials. 1982. No. 2. pp. 336 – 342. (In Russian)
3. Аptukov V.N., Pozdeev А.А. Some Minimax Problems for the Technology and Strength of Structures// J. AS of  USSR. Techn.Cybernetics.1982. No. 1. pp. 47 –55. (In Russian)
4. Аptukov V.N., Petrukhin G.I., Pozdeev А.А. Optimal Deceleration of Solid Body by Heterogenious Plate Impact along the Normal //J. AS of USSR. Mechanics of Solids. 1985. No.1. pp.165 – 170. (In Russian)
5. Аptukov V.N. Optimal Structure of Heterogeneous Plate with Continuous Distribution of Properties across the Thickness// J. AS of USSR. WТТ. 1985. No. 3. pp. 149 – 152. (In Russian)
6. Аptukov V.N., Nikolaevв P.К., Pozdeev А.А. Мodel of Spall Fracture under Temperature Effects// J. AS of USSR . 1985. Vol. 283, Ser. 4. pp. 862 - 865. (In Russian)
7. Аptukov V.N. Two Stages of Spalling// J. Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves. 1985. No.5. pp. 122 – 127. (In Russian)
8. Аptukov V.N., Pozdeev А.А. Deformation and Fracture of the Plate under Thermal Shock// J. AS of USSR . 1986. Vol. 286, No. 1. pp. 103 – 106. (In Russian)
9. Аptukov V.N. Penetration: Mechanical Aspects and Mathematical Modelling// J.Problems of Strength. 1990. No. 2. pp. 60-68. (In Russian)
10. Аptukov V.N., Nikolaev P.К., Romanchenko V.I. Structure of Shock Waves in Porous Iron under Low Pressures//Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 1988. No.4. pp. 92-98. (In Russian)
11. Аptukov V.N.  Expanding the Spherical Cavity in Elastoplastic Medium under Finite Deformations. Rep.1. Influence of Mechanical Characteristics, Free Surface, Lamination//J. Problems of Strength. 1991. No. 12. pp. 7-11. (In Russian)
12. Аptukov V.N. Expanding the Spherical Cavity in Elastoplastic Medium under Finite Deformations. Rep. 2. Influence of Inertial Characteristics. Temperature Effects// J. Problems of Strength. 1991. No. 12. pp. 11-14. (In Russian)
13. Aptukov V. N. Optimal Interaction of Indenter with Inhomogeneous Plate// Proc. 3 Int. Conf. Inverse Des. Conc. Optim. Eng. Sci. Washington, 1991.(In English)
14. Aptukov V. N., Belousov V.L. Analysis of the Optimal Laminated Target Made up of Descrete Set of Materials// Proc. 3 Int. Conf. Inverse Des. Conc. Optim. Eng. Sci. Washington, 1991. pp. 129-132.(In English)
15. Aptukov V. N., Murzakaev R.T. Investigation of Large Plastic Strains under Step Loading with the Help of Moire Patterns Technique// IUTAM Symposium «Finite Inelastic Deformations – Theory and Applications». Hannover, Aug. 19-23, 1991. pp. 469-474.(In English)
16. Aptukov V. N., Fonarev A.V., Nikolaev P.K. Simulation of Dynamic Deformation and Fracture in Solids// Computational Mechanics (Proc. Asian Pacific Conf. Comp. Mech. Hong Kong, 1991). Computational Mechanics, (Balkema). Rotterdam, 1991. pp. 939-943.(In English)
17. Аptukov V.N., Bolgov S.А. Thermomechanical Polymer Behaviour during its Formation in the Process of Crystallization. Theoretical Basics. Hypotheses. Mathematical Model// Eng.-Phys. Journ. 1995. Vol. 68, No. 3. pp. 479-485. (In Russian)
18. Аptukov V.N., Bartolomey А.А., Irundin S.V., Fonarev А.А. Modelling the Process of Impact Ramming of Foundation Ditches// J. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 2000. No.3. pp. 11-15. (In Russian)
19. Аptukov V.N., Оsorgina L.Yu. Determining the Parameters of the Potential of Non-Linear Compressible Human Carotid Material under Various Stages of Atherosclerosis// Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2008. Vol. 12, No.3 (41). pp. 23 – 31. (In Russian)
20. Аptukov V.N., Коnstantinova S.А. Method of Calculation of the Geomechanical Space Effective Characteristics for Mineral Deposit Mining //Journal of Mining Science. 2008.  No.7. pp. 24-31. (In Russian)
21. Аptukov V.N., Konstantinova S.A., Merzlyakov A.F. Fracture Behaviour of Feather Salt Rock Samples under Compression// Journal of Mining Science. 2009. Vol. 45, No. 3. pp. 250-256.(In English)
22. Аptukov V.N., Gilev М.V., Кonstantinova S.А., Меrzlyakov А.F. Strain Fracture of Carnallite Samples from the First Solikamsk Mine // J. The Mine Surveying and Subsurface Use. 2009. No.6. pp. 61-65. (In Russian)
23. Аptukov V.N. , Fonarev А.V. Numerical Modelling of Impact and Explosion Deformation of Structural Elements and Soil// Perm State University, 2009 (Recommended for use in all the Universities of Russian Federation). (In Russian)
24. Аptukov V.N., Konstantinova S.А. Problems of Stress-Strain State of the Rock Body around Reciprocally Influencing Mines// Journal of Mining Science. 2009. No. 6.  pp. 30-36. (In Russian)
25. Аptukov V.N., Коnstantinova S.А., Latynin V.V., Soloviev V.А., Chernopazov S.А. Results of Monitoring and Mathematical Modelling of the Strain Processes in the “ALROSA” “International” Salt Rock Mine// Journal of Mining Science. 2009.  No.12. pp. 8-11. (In Russian)
26. Аptukov V.Н., Iliyuschenko P.N., Fonarev А.V. Modelling the Crack Formation in Materials under Explosion Loads//J. Computational Continuum Mechanics. 2010. Vol. 3, No.1. pp. 5-12. (In Russian)
27. Аptukov V.N., Мerzlyakov А.F. Оn Drawing Mohr’s Circles Using Test Data of Various Geometry Samples under Single Axis Compression//Mining Science Journal. 2010. No. 1. pp. 109-114. (In Russian)
28. Аptukov V.N., Коnstantinova S. А., Skachkov А. P. Мicromechanical Properties of Carnallite, Sylvinite and Salt Rock of Verkhnekamsk Deposit // J. Phys.Tech.Problems of Depos. Mining . 2010. No.4. pp. 13-20. (In Russian)
29. Аptukov V.N., Soloviev V.А., Кonstantinova S. А. Crib: Patent for an invention  No.2381367. Application No. 2009105287. Priority of invention 16.02.2009. Entered in RF State Register 10.02.2010. 7p. (In Russian)
30. Soloviev V. А., Кonstantinova S. А., Аptukov V.N., Мerzlyakova А. F. A Way of Fixing Mine Galleries: patent for an invention No. 2387840. Application No. 2009109331. Priority of invention 13.03.2009. Entered in RF State Register 27.04.2010. 7 p. (In Russian)
31. Аptukov V.N., Bildushkinov Е. V., Gukhman V.D., Кonstantinova S. А., Latynin V.V., Soloviev V. А. A Way of Strengthening the Concrete Conjugation Lining of the Mine Shaft with Horizontal Non-operation Gallery in Salt Rock: Patent for an invention No. 2392438. Application No. 2009119691. Priority of invention 25.05.2009. Entered in RF State Register 20.06.2010. 9 p. (In Russian)
32. Soloviev V. А., Аptukov V.N., Коnstantinova S. А. A Way to Repair Mine Drifts and Galleries in Salt Rock: Patent for an invention No. 2405111. Application No. 2009133743. Priority of invention 08.09.2009. Entered in RF State Register 27.11.2010. 7 p. (In Russian)

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