Svetlana A. Konstantinova

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990 Russian Federation, Perm State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Continuum Mechanics and Computational Technologies
94 Sibirskaya, Perm 614002 Russian Federation, R&D Institute “Galurgiya”
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 210 08 48, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Leningrad State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Specialty: “Mechanics”, 1966
Post-graduate study – Perm Polytechnical Institute, 1973
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Technical Sciences, 1973, Perm Polytechnical Institute
Doctor of Technical Sciences, 1993, Tula Polytechnical Institute
Professor of “Soil mechanics, Rock and Free Flowing Dry Substances”, 1996
Stages of Professional Career
Assistant Lecturer of Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Perm Polytechnical Institute, 1966-1970.
Post-graduate study in specialty: “Mining”, Perm Polytechnical Institute, 1970-1973.
Senior Research Fellow of TCM Department research section, Perm Polytechnical Institute, 1973-1974.
Junior Assistant Lecturer of Department of  Higher Mathematics, 1974-1976.
Senior Assistant Lecturer of Department of Higher Mathematics, Perm Polytechnical Institute, 1976-1980.
Reader of Department of Higher Mathematics, Perm Polytecnical Institute , 1980-1987.
Senior Research Fellow of Department of Geology, Ural branch of ASRIG, 1987-1993.
Leading Research Fellow of Department of Geology, Ural branch of ASRIG, 1993-1999.
Acting head of R&D Laboratory of Geodynamic Safety, JSC “Galurgiya”, 1999-2000.
Head of R&D Laboratory of Geodynamic Safety, JSC “Galurgiya”, 2000 – up to now.
Professor of Department of Continuum Mechanics and Computational Technologies, Perm State University, 1994 – up to now.
Membership in Academic Councils, other State and Public Associations
Member of Dissertation Council of IM UB RAS
Member of “Perm University Herald.Ser.Mathematics.Mechanics.Informatics” Editorial Board.
Management of the Research Projects
1. RFBR No. 04-01-97511-р_ofi “Design and Numerical Realization of Mathematical Models for the Estimation of Natural and Man-induced Loads in Block Mass Formed by Elastoviscoplastic geomaterials under Deformation and Fracture Conditions”, 2004-2006.
2. RFBR No. 07-01-97613-р_ofi “Extension and numerical implementation of the mathematical models of the elasticoviscoplastic geomaterials and block rock mass straining and failure under in situ and mining induced burdens at the mineral deposit mining” , 2007-2008.
3. RFBR No. 09-08-99075-р_ofi “The stow mass - ore and enclosing rock interaction experimental and theoretical studies aimed at the mining systems engineering to provide for safe and efficient mineral deposit development”, 2009-2010.
Current Research Activities
Mathematical modelling of geomechanical processes taking place in elastoviscoplastic rock and rock mass during underground construction and mining.
Problems of parameters identification for models of elastic, viscoelastic and elastoviscoplastic geomaterials. 
Provision of geodynamic safety of subsurface rock and surface soil at the rational mineral deposit mining.
Academic and other Awards
Honour Title “RF Merited Worker of Science”, 2005
Total Number of Publications
Research articles – 264.
Monographs – 4.
Textbooks (tutorials) – 1.
Patents for inventions – 12.
Certificates of Software Registration – 8.
Research worker training
Post-graduate supervision
Selected Publications
1. Konstantinova S.А., Baryakh А.А., Аsanov V.А. Deformation of Salt Rock. Ekaterinburg: UB RAS, 1996. 204 p. (In Russian)
2. Konstantinova S.А., Bolikov V.Е. Outlook and Provisions for Sustainability of the Main Entries. Ekaterinburg: UB RAS, 2003. 374 p. (In Russian)
3. Konstantinova S.А., Chernopazov S.А. Development of Genetic Model of Salt Rock Deformation and Fracture // PTPM. 2004.  No.1. pp. 50 – 61. (In Russian)
4. Konstantinova S.А. Rock Burst at the Second Solikamsk Mine // J. Occupational Safety in Industry. 2004. No. 12. pp. 14 – 18. (In Russian)
5. Konstantinova S.А. On Some Results of Geomechanical Analysis of the Berezniki Mine № 1 Inundation Accident Causes //J. The Mine Surveying and Subsurface Use. 2008.  No.2. pp. 55-57. (In Russian)
6. Konstantinova S.А. Mathematical Modelling in the System of Geodynamic Monitoring of Developing Mineral Deposits // Mining Journal. 2008.  No.6. pp. 44-46. (In Russian)
7. Konstantinova S.А. On a Criterion of Catastrophic Manifestations of Rock Pressure during Operation at the Bedded Potash Deposit Mining // J. PTPM. 2009. No. 2. pp. 26-37. (In Russian)
8. Konstantinova S.A., Kramskov N.P., Soloviev V.A. Some Problems of Rock Mechanics as Applied to the Yakutia Diamond Deposit Mining. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2011. 223 p.

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