Anatoly A. Rogovoy

1 Akademika Koroleva, Perm 614013 Russian Federation, Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of UB RAS (ICMM UB RAS).
15 Bukireva, Perm 614990 Russian Federation, Perm State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Continuum Mechanics and Computer Technologies
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 237 84 59, факс +7 (342) 237 84 87, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm Polytechnical Institute, Faculty of “Aircraft Engines”, Specialty: “Dynamics and Strength of Machines”, 1970
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, 1976, Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering
Senior Research Fellow, 1976.
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, 1993, St. Petersburg State University
Professor, 2009.
Stages of Professional Career
Junior Research Fellow, Perm Polytechnical Institute, 1970-1971.
Junior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Head of laboratory, Department of Polymer Physics of Ural Research Centre of AS USSR, 1971-1980.
Head of laboratory, Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of UB RAS, 1980 – up to now.
Deputy Director for Science, Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of UB RAS, 1993 – up to now.
Membership in Academic Councils, other State and Public Associations
Vice Chairman of Dissertation Council of ICMM UB RAS .
Member of Doctoral Dissertation Council of Perm State Technical University.
Member of the Presidium of Perm Research Centre of UB RAS.
Member of Joint Council for mathematics, mechanics and informatics of Presidium of UB RAS.
Member of the general meeting of RAS and UB RAS.
Member of Russian National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.
Member of editorial boards of the journals: “Computational Continuum Mechanics” and “Mathematical Modelling of Systems and Processes”, peer-reviewer of “Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics” Journal.
Management of Research Projects
1. Manager and one of the main performers of the projects included in the Programme of Fundamental Research of RAS Presidium for 2003-2005 and for 2006-2008.
2. Manager and one of the main performers of the projects included into the Programme of fundamental research of Departments of Energy, Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes of RAS for 2003-2005, for 2006-2008 and for 2009-2011.
3. One of the main performers of joint projects of UB RAS, SB RAS and FEB RAS for 2006-2008, 2009-2011.
4. Leading participant of the Scientific School which received grants of RF President Nos. NSH-8055.2006.1, NSH-3717.2008.1 and NSH-7529.2010.1 for the support of Leading Scientific Schools.
5. One of the main performers of Government contracts Nos. 02.445.11.7369, 2006, 02.513.11.3305, 2007 and 02.740.11.0442, 2009-2011 with the Federal Agency for Science and Innovations within Federal purpose-oriented R&D Programmes.
6. Manager of 12 grants of RFBR for 1996-2011:
1) 96-01-00470-а “Construction of Analytical Solutions of the Problems with Large Elastic Deformations of Slightly Compressible Materials”, 1996-1997.
2) 01-01-96494_р2001ural “Development of a Formalized Approach to the Construction of Constitutive Equations for Complex Media under Finite Deformations”, 2001-2002.
3) 02-07-90305_в “Development of Resources for Supercomputer Centre of ICMM UB RAS”, 2002-2004.
4) 03-01-00554_а “Development of Formalized Approach to the Construction of Constitutive Equations for Thermoelasticity under Finite Deformations of Slightly Compressible Materials”, 2003-2004.
5) 04-01-96047_р2004Ural_а “Development of Effective Algorithms and Programmes for Numerical Solution of the Contact Problems with Friction for Finite Elastic Deformations of Slightly Compressible Material”, 2004-2006.
6) 05-01-10008_г “Organizing and Conducting the 14th Winter School on Continuum Mechanics”, 2005.
7) 06-01-10626_z “Taking Part in the 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference», 2006.
8) 06-01-00050_а “Constitutive Equations of Thermoelastoplasticity under Large Deformations”, 2006-2007.
9) 07-01-96019-р_ural_а “Development of the Stress Recovery Procedure for Numerical Realization of the Problems of Deformable Solids Mechanics”, 2007-2009.
10) 08-01-00184_а “Development of the Theory for Constructing Constitutive Equations of Thermo-Elastic-Inelastic Processes under Large Deformations and Structural Changes in Material”, 2008-2009.
11) 10-01-00055_а “Development of the Theory for Constructing Constitutive Equations of Thermo-Elastic-Inelastic Processes under Large Deformations in the Shape-memory Materials”, 2010-2011.
12) 10-01-96008-р_ural_а “Development of the Theory for Constructing Constitutive Equations of Thermo-Elastic-Inelastic Processes under Large Deformations of Materials in Electromagnetic Fields”, 2010-2012.
Participation in International Projects
CRDF (Civilian Research and Development Foundation) USA, 2002-2008.
Current Research Activities
Linear theory of elasticity: development and verification of the sources method for the solution of boundary value problems of the theory of elasticity.
Finite deformations: development and verification of equations describing the behaviour of slightly compressible elastic material; construction of analytical solutions for a number of boundary value problems for such materials. Development of formalized approach to the construction of equations which define the behaviour of materials in elastic-inelastic processes and satisfy the principles of thermodynamics and objectivity, description of kinematics and thermodynamics of such processes. Construction, within this approach, and verification of constitutive equations for thermoelastic, thermoelastoplastic and thermoviscoelastoplastic deformation processes. Allowing for the structural changes occurring in the material under the influence of fields of various physical nature. Development of numerical methods for the solution of problems with finite deformations; elaboration of stress recovery procedure for numerical realization of linear and nonlinear boundary value problems of deformable solids mechanics by FEM.
Tensor analysis: development of the theory of differentiation of scalar and tensor functions of tensor arguments on tensor argument.
Academic and other Awards
Honour Certificate of the RAS President, 1999.
Perm Governor Letter of Thanks, 2007.
The Honour Title of “RF Merited Worker of Science”, 2005.
Prize of the first degree in honour of outstanding scientists of Perm, 2005
Total Number of Publications
Research articles – 90.
Monographs – 2.
Selected Publications
1. Kozhevnikova L.L., Kuznetsov G.B., Rogovoy А.А. Equilibrium of the Bodies of Rotation under the Influence of Mass Forces. М.: Science, 1983. 102 p.(In Russian)
2. Moshev V.V., Svistkov А.L., Rogovoy А.А. et al. Structural Mechanisms of Forming the Granular Polymer Composite Mechanical Properties. Yekaterinburg: UB RAS, 1997. 508 p. (In Russian)
3. Kozhevnikova L.L., Moshev V.V., Rogovoy A.A. A Continuum Model for Finite Void Growth around Spherical Inclusion // International Journal of Solids and Structures. 1993. Vol.30, No.2. pp.237-248. (In English)
4. Ivanov B.P., Rogovoy A.A. Displacement Formulation of the Friction Conditions on the Contact Surface // Computers & Structures, 1997. Vol.62, No.1. pp.133-139.(In English)
5. Rogovoy A.A. The Stress Recovery Procedure for the Finite Element Method // Computers & Structures, 1997. Vol.63, No.6. pp.1121-1137.(In English)
6. Rogovoy A.A. The Source Method in Elasticity Theory // Int. J. of Boundary Elements Methods and Communications, 1997. Vol.8, No.3. pp.141-149.(In English)
7. Kuznetsova V.G., Rogovoy А.А. Effect of Slight Compressibility of Materials in Elastic Problems under Finite Deformations //RAS J. Mechanics of Solids. 1999. No. 4. pp.64-77. (In Russian)
8. Kuznetsova V.G., Rogovoy А.А. Effect of Elastomer Slight Compressibility. Axisymmetric Problem. Analytical Solution // RAS J. Mechanics of Solids. 2000. No. 6. pp.25-37. (In Russian)
9. Rogovoy А.А. Differentiating Scalar and Tensor Functions of Tensor Argument //PSTU J. Dynamics and Strength of Machines. 2001. No.2. pp.83-90. (In Russian)
10. Rogovoy A.A. Effect of Elastomer Slight Compressibility // European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids. 2001. Vol.20. pp.757-775.(In English)
11. Novokshanov R.S., Rogovoy А.А. On Construction of Evolution Constitutive Equations for Finite Deformations // RAS J. Mechanics of Solids. 2002. No. 4. pp.77-95. (In Russian)
12. Novokshanov R.S., Rogovoy А.А. Evolution Constitutive Equations for Finite Viscoelastic Deformations // RAS J. Mechanics of Solids. 2005. No. 4. pp.122-140. (In Russian)
13. Rogovoy А.А. Constitutive Equations for Finite Elastic-Inelastic Deformations //J. Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2005. Vol.46, No. 5. pp.138-149. (In Russian)
14. Rogovoy А.А. Thermodynamics of Elastic-Inelastic Process under Finite Deformations// J. Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2007. Vol.48, No. 4. pp.144-153. (In Russian)
15. Rogovoy А.А. Kinematics of Elastic-Inelastic Process under Finite Deformations // J. Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2008. Vol.49, No. 1. pp.165-172. (In Russian)
16. Rogovoy А.А., Stolbova О.S. Evolutionary Model of Thermoelasticity under Finite Deformations// J. Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2008. Vol.49, No. 3. pp.184-196. (In Russian)
17. Rogovoy А.А. Kinematics and Thermodynamics of Elastic-Inelastic Process under Finite Deformations//e-J. “Phys.-Chem. Kinetics in Gas Dynamics”. 2008. Vol.7. URL: http:// 7 с. (In Russian)
18. Rogovoy А.А. Effect of Elastic Material Slight Compressibility under Finite Deformations// e-J. “Phys.-Chem. Kinetics in Gas Dynamics”. 2010. Vol.9. URL: http: // 7 с. (In Russian)
19. Rogovoy А.А., Stolbova О.S. Stress Recovery Procedure in Boundary Value Problems of Deformable Solid Body Mechanics by FEM // J. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2010. Vol. 74, No. 3. pp.478-488. (In Russian)