Sergey V. Rusakov

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 239-65-84, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, specialty – “Applied Mathematics”, 1977.
Post-graduate study, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University, 1981.
Doctorate Course, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University, 1992.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Moscow State University, 1982.
Reader, Department of Applied Mathematics, Perm State University, 1990.
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Moscow State University,1993.
Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Perm State University, 1995.
Stages of Professional Career
Assistant Lecturer, Perm State University, 1977-1978, 1982-1984.
Senior Lecturer, Perm State University, 1984-1989.
Reader, Perm State University, 1992-1993.
Professor, Perm State University, 1993-1999.
Director of Computational Centre and Centre for Technological Normative Support, Perm State University, 1993-2009.
Head of Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Perm State University, 1999 - present time.
Director of Centre for Modern Educational Technologies, Regional Institute for Continuing Education, Perm State University, 2008 – present time.
Membership in Academic Councils and other State and Public Associations
Member of Perm State University Scientific Council, since 1994.
Member of Scientific Council of Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Perm State University, since 1993.
Member of Perm State University Special Council for Doctoral Dissertations D 212.189.06.
Member of Special Dissertation Council Awarding Doctoral Dissertations DSP 215.040.02, Perm Military Institute of Missile Troops, 1999-2003.
Research Project Management
1. “Scientific and technical expertise of computer calculating methods for the realisation of bench, determinative and periodic life tests of springs in accordance with Federal Standard 3396-90”, 2000.
2. “Analysis of nonlinear effects in the problems of precise measurement of the elastic characteristics of leaf springs. Use of Linear and Nonlinear Elasticity Theory for detection of the relation between the problem solutions”, 2005.
3. “Intensification of operational modelling of the development LUKOIL-PERM’s oil field”, 2005-2006.
4. “Development of non-destructive method of indirect calculating and analysis of modulus of elasticity of spring steel used for the production of springs made by “Chelyabinsk Mechanical Plant” by the elastic characteristics of spring leaf”, 2008-2010.
5. “Development of the methodology for calculating the optimal steel intensity equalizing springs in little-leaf variant instead of multi-leaf structures based on the target function of the coefficient of uniformity of strain potential energy density”, 2008-2010.
Participation in International Programmes
Participation in international projects of California Dairy Research Foundation as a part of Science and Education Centre “Non-equilibrium transitions in continuum”, from 2002 till nowadays
Britain-Russian project “Bridge”, participants – Perm State University, University of Reading (Great Britain), supervised by Perm State University, 2008-2011.
Current Research Activities
The range of scientific interests:
1) Information and Communication Technology in education;
2) Methods and content of Computer Science teaching of Information at comprehensive schools.
3) The content and system of professional training of highly skilled specialists in Information and Communication Technology.
Academic and other Awards
Medal of Euler “For Merits”, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Perm State University, 2005.
Badge “Honorary Figure of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation”, 2006.
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles – 81.
Monographs – 3.
Textbooks (Study Guides) – 23.
Methodological works – 52.
Certificate of the Russian Agency for Patents (patents for inventions) – 5.
Certificate of the Russian Agency for Patents (useful model) – 1.
Certificate of the Russian Agency for Patents (computer programmes) – 2.
Selected Publications
1. Rusakov S.V. Computer information technologies in education process of Perm State University: current state and perspectives // Perm University Herald. Iss. 3. University Education. 1996. pp. 110-114. (In Russian)
2. Rusakov S.V., Rusakova O.L, Shestakova L.V. Test as a form of control for the basic course “Fundamentals of Computer Science and Computation Engineering” // Computer Science and education. Issue 6. 1997, pp. 39-44. (In Russian)
3. Semakin I.G, Rusakov S.V. Regional programme of Fundamentals of Computer Science // Computer Science and education. Iss. 4. 1999. pp. 22-28. (In Russian)
4. Suslonov V.M., Mikov A.I., Rusakov S.V. Perm State University: training of specialists for the Western Ural Region // Computer Science and education. Iss. 4. 1999. pp. 29-32. (In Russian)
5. Rusakov S.V., Pereskokova O.I. Automatic generation of controlled tests and analysis of their results // Perm University Herald. Iss. 4. University Education. The University role in forming of specialists of the XXIst century. Perm, 2001. pp.105-114. (In Russian)
6. Rusakov S.V., Mindorov N.I, Belozerova T.S. Methods of planning and organisation of computer  class practice // Perm University Herald. Information System and Technologies. Iss. 5, 2001, pp. 11-15. (In Russian)
7. Rusakov S.V., Mindorov N.I. Cybernetic model of computer class practice // Pedagogical Computer Science. 2002. Iss. 3, pp. 34-42. (In Russian)
8. Rusakov S.V., Mindorov N.I. Computer class practice as a service system // Pedagogical Computer Science. 2002, issue 4, p.33-39. (In Russian)
9. Rusakov S.V., Mindorov N.I., Belozerova T.S. Computer and methodological support of organizsation of computer class practice // Perm University Herald. Information System and Technologies. Iss. 6, 2003, pp. 5-9. (In Russian)
10. Kalinina T.B., Mindorov N.I., Rusakov S.V. Object-oriented design in the basic course of Computer Science // The First September Publishing House. Computer Science. Iss. 10, 2006. pp. 26-29. (In Russian)
11. Babushkina E.V., Rusakov S.V. Cluster analysis of Information Technology specialties in Russian higher education // Perm University Herald. Information System and Technologies. Iss. 9 (35), 2009, pp. 5-9. (In Russian)
12. Kaliberda E.L., Rusakov S.V. Practices of student teaching of Web 2.0 technologies as a part of distant competition in Computer Science and Information Technologies // Journal “Distant and virtual learning”. Iss. 3 (33), 2010. pp. 4-9. (In Russian)
13. Babushkina E.V., Kaliberda E.L., Rusakov S.V. The role of teacher retraining system in the intensification of activity and use of social networks in the Orenburg Region education system // Perm University Herald. Mathematics. Mechanics. Computer Science. 2010. Iss. 2 (2). pp. 67-71. (12 items) (In Russian)
14. Rusakov S.V., Semakin I.G., Khenner E.K. The analysis of Computer Science specialist training system in the Russian system of higher education // Problems of education. Iss. 3. 2010. pp.135-151. (In Russian)
15. Imakaev V.R., Rusakov S.V., Semakin I.G., Khenner E.K. New approaches to organisation of student distant work // “Acute problems of realisation of new educational standards under the conditions of university complex” Proceedings of the All-Russian Methodological Conference; Orenburg State University. Orenburg, 2011. pp.1557-1565. (In Russian)
1. Lebedeva T.N., Mindorov N.I., Pereskokova O.I., Rusakov S.V. Computer class practice: mathematical conceptual models, methods of organisation and control / Eds. by S.V. Rusakov and N.I. Mindorov; Perm State University. – Perm, 2005. 193 p. (In Russian)
2. Rusakov S.V., Semakin I.G., Solovyeva T.N., Khenner E.K. The analysis of Computer Science specialist training system in the Russian system of higher education. Scientific issue. Perm State University, Perm, 2010. 180 p. (In Russian)
Certificate of the Russian Agency for Patents
Belozerova T.S., Mindorov N.I., Rusakov S.V. State Registration Certificate of computer programmes №2010612603, registration date 15.04.2010 “Educational and methodological complex “Computer Science. Fundamentals of Computation”.
Study guides
1. Zalogova L.A., Rusakov S.V., Rusakova O.L., Semakin I.G., Shestakova L.V. Regional course “Fundamentals of Computer Science and Computation Engineering” for 8-9th grades // Bulletin №1 of the Laboratory of Information Technology Support for Education. Perm Education Department of the Perm Region, Perm, 1994, 131 p. (In Russian)
2. Zalogova L.A., Rusakov S.V., Semakin I.G., Khenner E.K., Shestakova L.V. Fundamentals of Computer Science and Computation Engineering at secondary school. Teacher’s Book. Perm. Perm Education Department of the Perm Region, the Laboratory of Information Technology Support for Education. 1995, 346 p. (In Russian)
3. Web 2.0 technologies (social network service) in education [electronic resource]: Study Guide / E.L. Kaliberda, G.N. Ovchinnikova, O.I. Pereskokova; ed. by S.V. Rusakov; Perm State University, Perm, 2011.116 p. // Registration certificate of electronic resource  «17179, Integrated Fund of Electronic Resources “Science and Education”, 14.06.2011.
Five candidate dissertations have been done under S.V. Rusakov’s supervision.
Key executives
Yury A. Alyaev
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Director of the centre for Information and Communication Competence Development, Reader, Department of Information Technologies, Perm State University.
Selected publications
1. Alyaev Y.A., Kozlov O.A. Algorithmisation and programming languages Pascal, C++, Visual Basic. Study and Reference Guide. Moscow: Finances and statistics, 2002, 2004, 2007. 320 p. (In Russian)
2. Alyaev Y.A., Gladkov V.P., Kozlov O.A. Workshop on the algorithmisation and Pascal programming. Study Guide. Moscow: Finances and statistics, 2004, 2007. 528 p. (In Russian)
3. Alyaev Y.A., Tyurin S.F. Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Logic. Study Guide. Moscow: Finances and statistics, 2006. 368 p. (In Russian)
4. Alyaev Y.A., Tyurin S.F. Discrete Mathematics: Practical Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Logic. Study Guide. Moscow: Finances and statistics, 2010. 384 p. (In Russian)
5. Alyaev Y.A. Development of Information Technologies in education based on bar coding. Monograph. Perm. Perm Regional Institute of Information Technologies in Education Press, 2007. 116 p. (In Russian)
6. Alyaev Y.A. Tendencies of development and use of barcode-based hardware and software for data input in education / Open education, Iss. 2 (43), 2004. pp. 47-55. (In Russian)
7. Alyaev Y.A. Algorithmic model of educational barcode-based software products / Open Education, Iss. 6 (47). 2004. pp. 35-43. (In Russian)
8. Alyaev Y.A. Pedagogic, ergonomic and legal requirements for organisation of computer-aided student workplace with the use of author software / Open Education, Iss. 4(51), 2005. pp. 46-53. (In Russian)
9. Alyaev Y.A., Ryabov V.Y. Cartoon-Alphabet. Official Registration of Computer Programme Certificate № 2006612149 – The Russian Agency for Patents, 20.06.2006.
10. Alyaev Y.A., Ryabov V.Y. Barcode Linker 2.0. Official Registration of Computer Programme Certificate № 2006612148 – The Russian Agency for Patents, 20.06.2006. Ryabov V.Y.
Tatyana N. Solovyeva
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Reader, Department of Information Technologies, Perm State University.
Selected publications
1. Reliability theory use for estimation of student achievements in teacher-training practice // The Academy of Information Technology Support for Education. Collected methodological works. Perm Issue. Moscow-Perm: Perm Regional Institute of Information Technologies in Education Publisher, 2002, pp. 34-45. (in co-authorship with Rusakov S.V.) (In Russian)
2. Towards the problem of student learning ability estimation // Proceedings of the IVth Methodological Conference “Military Engineering Education”: new pedagogical and Information Technologies” Perm. Perm Military Institute of Missile Troops, 2002. pp. 52-53. (In Russian)
3. Methods of on-line testing of student training level // Education in modern universities: the problems of content, organisation and methodology. Proceedings of the International Methodological Conference (19-21 May, 2004, Perm, Perm State University) / Perm State University. Perm, 2004. pp. 100-101. (In Russian)
4. The model of on-line testing of student training level in practicums // Modelling of social pedagogical systems: Proceedings of the Regional Methodological Conference (16-17 September, 2004) / Perm State Pedagogical University. Perm. 2004. pp. 119-120. (In Russian)
5. Computer class practice: mathematical conceptual models, methods and testing (monograph) (in co-authorship with – N.I. Mindorov, O.I. Pereskokova, S.V. Rusakov) // Perm State University – Perm, 2005. 193 p. (In Russian)
6. On-line testing of student training level at Computer Science practicums // Acute problems of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science: proceedings of the International Methodological Conference devoted to the 90th anniversary of higher mathematical education in the Ural Region / Perm State University; eds. by L.N. Lyadova, V.I. Yakovleva, L.N. Yasnitsky. – Perm, 2006, pp. 273-275. (In Russian)
7. Technology of on-line testing of student training level in Computer Science practicums. University Education. Perm University Herald. Iss. 6 (11) / Perm State University. – Perm, 2007, pp. 158-162. (In Russian)
8. Solovyeva T.N., Mindorov N.I. Information Technologies in education: Study Guide and laboratory course. Perm. “Press-master” Press, 2004. – 200 p. (In Russian)

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