Modelling, Analysis and Control of Complex Dynamic Systems
Basic Divisions
Departments of Control Processes and Information Safety, of Applied Mathematics and of Informatics.
Brief Description of Research Activities
Mathematical modelling of complex Mechanical systems with or without random disturbances. Development of theory and algorithms for the analysis of such systems and for synthesis of controls to be applied to the investigation of spacecraft and ground vehicles motion, and techniques for evaluation of the studied systems’ parameters effect on their behaviour.
Modelling the intraballistic processes of construction artillery systems, modelling numerical methods, algorithms and programmes for solution direct and reversed problems of construction intraballistics. Already developed and developing special construction cannons are, first of all, environmentally safe: shock waves in the ground during their operation are minimal (e.g. special construction recoil system fired piles into the ground to the depth of 4 metres being positioned only half a metre from the glass windows of the nearby building and the glass was not damaged), noise of shot is minimal (not louder than that of a pistol); firing of piles does not need any preparatory work to be done on construction site (no ecology disturbance of the surrounding landscape).
Selected Publications Characterizing Scientific Trend
1. Malanin V.V., Pensky O.G. Conjugated Models of Pulse-Heat Machines and of Penetration of Non-Deformable Bodies into Continuum: Monograph. Perm, 2007. 198 p. (In Russian)
2. Alikin V.N., Malanin V.V., Sokolovsky M.I., et al. Mathematical Modelling of Thermal and Stress-Strain Behaviour of Shell with Filler / RAS Editor M. Sokolovskiy. Perm: JSC”CMSI”, 2007. 109 p. (In Russian)
3. Malanin V.V., Poloskov I.E. Methods and Practice of Dynamic System Random Process Analysis. Tutorial М.; Izhevsk: RDC “Regular and Chaotic Dynamics”, 2005. 296 p. (In Russian)
4. Malanin V.V., Strelkova N.A. Optimal Control of Solid Body Orientation and Screw Motion. М.; Izhevsk: RDC "Regular and Chaotic Dynamics”, 2004. 204 с. (In Russian)
5. Malanin V.V., Poloskov I.E. Schemes of Analysis for Systems with Different Form of Aftereffect URL:, Urbana-Champaign, 2008. С. 1.(In English)
6. Pensky O.G. Basic Design Problems of Artillery Weapons Intended for Plunging Building Elements into the ground//J. Engineering Herald. 2005. No. 2. pp.34-37. (In Russian)
7. Dubravin Y.A., Pensky O.G., Zirulnikov I.M. Artillery Weapons in Construction // Proceedings. International Seminar Scientific-Technical Potential of the Western Urals for Conversion of Military Industrial Complex. Perm (Russia), 2001. pp. 84-87.(In English)
8. Tarunin E.L., Shuklina N.M. Resonance Driven by Horizontal Oscillations of a Vessel Occupation by a Fluid Heated from Above // Fluid Dynamics. 2002. Vol. 37, No.4. pp. 530-535.(In English)
1. RF Patent for Invention 23003738, ICI2 F16L 1/06. “Method of Piping Fixation by Shooting Anchors and Drive-in Piston for Method Application” / V.V. Malanin, O.G. Pensky, S.V. Rusakov; Perm Univ. Perm, 2007. Publ. 27.07.2007. (In Russian)
2. RF Patent for Invention “Installation for Dipping Building Elements into the Ground (RU 2 348 757 C1, Cl. E02D 7/00)” / V.V. Malanin, O.G. Pensky, A.A. Pronichev, A.Yu. Rakko; Perm Univ. Perm. Publ. 10.03.2009. Bul No.7. Start date of the Patent Term 19.09.2007. (In Russian)
3. Malanin V.V., Yakovlev V.I., Rusakov S.V., Pensky O.G. “Drive-in Piston for Shooting Building Elements into the Ground from Artillery Weapons”: RF Patent for Invention RU: 2 368 732 C1, Cl. E02D 7/00, Publ. 27.09.2009. Bul No.27. Start date of Patent Term 28.05.2008. (In Russian)
4. Malanin V.V., Yakovlev V.I., Rusakov S.V., Pensky O.G. Gas-Dynamic Construction Artillery Gun: RF Patent for Invention RU: 2 371 546 C1, Cl. E02D 7/12, Publ. 27.10.2009. Bul No.30. Start Date of Patent Term 28.05.2008. (In Russian)
5. Invention Certificate 1258105 USSR, ICI2 E02D 7/12. Installation for Building Elements Dipping”/ M.Yu. Tsirulnikov, R.Kh.Khabibullin, S.B. Shafran, V.N. Grigoryev, O.G. Pensky, V.A. Gvindyaev, Publ. 15.05.86, Bul. No.9. (In Russian)
The Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects
Grant of RFBR for “Mathematical Modelling of Complex Dynamic System Control”, 2002-2003.
Grant of RFBR for “Development of Theoretical Base and Algorithms for Realization of Methods of Determinated and Stochastic Analysis, and Control of Non-Linear Dynamic Systems with Concentrated Parametres”, 2004-2006.
Grant of RFBR for “Computer Simulation and Engineering Analysis Technologies in Design and High-Tech Engineering Prototype Creation”, 2007-2008.
Grant of RFBR for “Development of Theory with Effective Mathematical Simulation and Engineering Analysis Software for Prototypes of High-Tech Engineering Products”, 2009-2010.
Most Significant Applied Research Projects including Based on Enterprise Orders
• “Application of Artillery Guns for the Development of Oil Fields” – PA “Permneft”, 1984-1987.
• Put to Practice at PA”Permneft” and West-Siberian Neftestroy Company.
Training of Researchers
Postgraduate Course:
Specialties: 05.13.18 – Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Methods and Software Packages and 01.02.01 – Theoretical Mechanics
Participation in International Projects
Malanin V.V. Participates in the governing bodies of several international scientific and exchange programmes of (UK, USA, etc).
Supervised works under CRDF Grant, 2002-2008.