Social-Economic and Political Development of Russia in the ХIХ-ХХI centuries

Basic Divisions: Department of General National History, Perm State University.
Brief Description of Research Activities
The significance of the trend is determined by the country requirements in understanding the historical processes, which took place in various spheres of the Russian society on the basis of achieved experience to solve the present problems.
At the present time the historical experience of the past is used in the struggle between supporters of different social-economic and social-political Russian development models.
The development of the Special Commission against History Falsification indicates the earnest attitude of the state authorities towards the historical development. Taking into account that “History” is the core subject in Bachelor and Specialist Programmes at most faculties, state authorities consider it important and necessary for the younger generation to present the views of history, which will maintain a good image of Russia.
Investigation of the history of social-economic development of Russia is highly important for the Perm Region, the Urals and Russia on the whole. The history of natural resources development can be useful for both specialist training in the sphere of industry and agriculture, and for the further regional natural resources development.
Another significant problem is interethnic and international relations between the peoples of Russia and the Urals. The rise of interethnic contradictions is fraught with struggle, conflicts and war on the territory of modern Russia. Investigation of the problems of interethnic and international relations can have practical significance for state authorities and self-government bodies.
The issues of the Great Patriotic War are still acute in the modern investigations. Heroic and tragic events of the war, different political powers, parties and movements are used by different people and organisations to suit their own purposes. Some use the war for the youth patriotic education; others use it to discredit the history of Russia and its people. The purpose of historians is to give the most complete objective view of the history without discrediting and excessive praising politicians, parties, organisations and power on the whole.
Solving the problem of the historically objective description is feasible if researchers use the maximum wide range of sources, first of all archive documents, and the methodology of the scientific research.
Selected Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Suslov M.G., Bakunin A.V., Gavrilov D.V. History of the Ural in 5 volumes. Moscow: Science, 1990. Vol.2. Part 1, 2. (In Russian)
2. Suslov M.G.Forms of revolutionary struggle of Socio-Democrats of the Ural in the Revolution of  1905-1907 The Ural in the Revolution of  1905-1907. Proceeding materials of  the Institute of Economics of Ural Scientific Centre of AS of the USSR. Sverdlovsk. ESC AS USSR, 1985. p. 82-85.
3. Suslov M.G. Ural working-class association or how the history was written in the Soviet Era. Monograph. Perm: Perm State University; “The Western-Ural Institute of Economics and Law”, 2003. 312 p. (In Russian)
4. Suslov M.G. Prehistory of “Ural working-class association” and political biographies of its organisers. Perm: Perm Regional Institute of Pedagogical Information Technologies Press, 2006. 236 p. (In Russian)
5. Suslov M.G.  On modern anarchism (Critical analysis of the Programme documents of the Russian Communist Working-class Party). Perm, 2004. 166 p. (In Russian)
6. Suslov M.G. The reasons of the Soviet System collapse. Perm: “The Western-Ural Institute of Economics and Law”, 2007. 360 p. (In Russian)
7. Suslov M.G. Problems of deformation of political systemsScientific Bulletin of the Ural Academy of Public Service. 2008. № 2 (3), p.30-39.
8. Suslov M.G. Perm Region industry in the 1960s-the early 1990s // Walking the roads of centuries: the history of handicrafts, manufactures and industry of the Perm Region. Scientific-popular edition: Perm: “Cannon” Press, 2009. pp. 114 – 147. Published by the order of the Ministry of Industry, Innovations and Science of the Perm Region. (In Russian)
9. Suslov M.G., Obukhov L.A. “Soviets – the rule of the people! or “Soviets – the rule of the people?” // Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region, 1994–2004: the history of representative bodies and institutions of the Kama Region. Perm: “Cannon” Press, 2004. pp. 33 – 59. (In Russian)
10. Suslov M.G., Antipyev A.G. Local self-government in the transforming Russian society. Monograph. Perm: The Kama Region Social Institute Press, branch of Moscow Open Social University, 2002. 136 p. (In Russian)
11. Suslov M.G., Kiryanov I.K. Perm governors: traditions and modernity. Perm: Perm State University Press, 1997. 215 p. (In Russian)
12. Suslov M.G., Antipyev A.G. Youth at the turn of the XXIst century. Monograph. Perm: The Kama Region Social Institute, 2008. 156 p. (In Russian)
13. Suslov M.G. Struggle against the “economism” in Russian social democracy. Historiography of the problem. Irkutsk: Irkutsk University publishing house, 1986. 304 p. (In Russian)
14. Suslov M.G., Kozlova Z.R. The book of memory, 1941 – 1945. The Perm Region. Perm: 1994 – 1996. Vol. 1-13. (In Russian)
15. Suslov M.G. On the leftists’ views towards society and power. (Critical analysis of the Russian Communist Working-class Party Programme). Perm, 1997. 59 p. (In Russian)
16. Suslov M.G. “Working-class legislation” of the XIX-th century as the factor of social stability in society // Perm University Herald. Juridical sciences. 2010. Iss. 3 (9). pp. 26 – 29. (In Russian)
17. Suslov M.G. Struggle against Zubatov movement in the Ural The activity of party organisations in pre-October period. Inreuniversity collection of scientific papers. PSU. 1978. P.3-23.
18. Suslov M.G., Astafyev V.M. Live and remember // The winners to descendants. Book 2. Perm: “Cannon” Press, 2005. pp. 8 – 10. (In Russian)
19. Suslov M.G. Valour in battle and labour // The Kama Region heroes. Perm: “Cannon” Press, 2006. pp. 6 – 7. (In Russian)
20.  Suslov M.G. Specificity of Russian reforms in history and modernity // Administrative-territorial reforms in Russia. To the 225-th anniversary of the Perm Region ruled by governor-general (namestnichestvo) establishment. Perm: 2006. pp. 127 – 131. (In Russian)
21. Suslov M.G. New stage of the world civilisation development and regional economics // Modern problems of economics development and regional governance. Proceedings of the 5th All-Russian scientific and practical conference. (20 April, 2006). Perm, 2006. pp. 11 – 15. (In Russian)
22. Suslov M.G.  Specificity of  capitalism development in Russia in the ХIХ-ХХ centuries // Pages of the Ural history. Iss. 4. Social movement in the region in the ХIХ-the early ХХth century: inter-university collection of papers. Perm: Perm State Pedagogical University, 2008. pp. 31 – 38. (In Russian)
23. Suslov M.G. The reasons of the White movement defeat in the Civil War // The Civil War in the East of Russia. The Ural, the Volga Region, Siberia, the Far East. Proceedings of All-Russian scientific conference (Perm, 25 – 26 November, 2008). Perm: the Perm Archives Agency; the State Region Institution “Perm State Archives of the Newest History”, 2008. pp. 274 – 277. (In Russian)
24. Suslov M.G. Old and new falsifiers of the Great patriotic War // Information and methodic bulletin of the Scientific and Methodic Centre of the Perm City Council of veterans of war, work, the Russian Army, law enforcement bodies. № 1 (№ 4). Perm, 2009. pp. 42 – 51. (In Russian)
25. Suslov M.G. Historical factors of multi-party system development in Russia: comparative analysis of the turns of centuries // Perm University Herald, 2009. Iss. 4 (8). pp. 60 – 64. (In Russian)
26. Suslov M.G. National movements in history and modernity // Politics and society. Moscow, 2010. № 12. pp. 13 – 17. (In Russian)
27. Suslov M.G., Zubov Y.P. Economic development of the multinational Komi-Permyak Autonomous Area in 1925 – 2005 // National question in China and Russia: history and modernity. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (1 June, 2010, Perm): “Aborigines”, 2010. pp. 162 – 176. (In Russian)
28. Suslov M.G. A book review. N.F. Gutsul They fought against the fascism: articles, documents, lists and publications / N.F. Gutsul - Ch.: Cartea Moldovei, 2010. Tipografia «ProfPrintMester» SRL, 2010 – 776 p. // N.F. Gutsul They fought against the fascism: articles, documents, lists and publications. – Ch.: Cartea Moldovei, 2010. Press «ProfPrintMester» SRL, 2010 – 776 p. (In Russian)
29. Suslov M.G. National question during the new stage of the world civilization development // National question in China and Russia: history and modernity. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (1 June, 2010, Perm): “Aborigines”, 2010. pp. 7 – 11. (In Russian)
30. Suslov M.G. The Ural Region or the Ural Republic: development trends // Economic-legal, social-political and cultural-historical aspects of regional development. Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference. State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Ural State Economical University, Perm State University, Kharkov National University, The Western-Ural Institute of Economics and Law, Autonomous Non-commercial Organisation of Higher Professional Education Perm Institute of Economics and Finances, Russian Sociologist Society. Berezniki, 2011. pp. 190 – 192. (In Russian)
31. Nevostruev N.A. Education and development of civil society elements in the Urals in the second half of the XIXth-the early XXth century. Perm: Perm State University, 2005. 336 p. (In Russian)
32. Shestova T.Y. History of public health in the Perm and the Orenburg Regions in the pre-reform period. Perm: Perm State University, 2000. 284 p. (In Russian)
33. National question in the past, the present and the future of Russia. Perm: Perm State University, 1995. 248 p. (In Russian)
34. Krasilnikov D.G. Authority and political parties in transitive epochs in History of Russia (1917 – 1918; 1985 – 1993): comparative analysis. Perm: PSU Press, 1998. 306 p.
35. Krasilnikov D.G. Inter-system political situations in Russia in the XXth century. Perm: Perm State University Press, 2001. 251p. (In Russian)
36. Podpryatov N.V. Ethnic minorities in Russian army of the ХVIII– beginningе ХХth cc.. S-P: Nestor, 2004. 332 p.
37. Podpryatov N.V. National units and subdivisions of Red Army in the 1920s-1930s. Perm: Perm State University, 2005. 182 p. (In Russian)
38. Podpryatov N.V. National military units of the USSR peoples in the areas of the USSR and Fascist Germany during the World War II. Perm: Perm State University, 2006. 234 p. (In Russian)
The Most Significant Fundamental and Applied Research Projects
1. 1974-1980 – The  order of Institute of Marxism-Leninism under CC of CPSU and Ministry of higher and secondary special education of RSFSR for preparation of data for discussion on history of revolutionary and working class movement in the Ural at the end of the XIX- beginning of the XXth cc.
2. 2002-2004 – The order of the Minister of higher and secondary special education of RSFSR for the expertise of the reform draft of higher and secondary special education.
3. 2002-2004 – The order of the Perm Region Governor for preparation and publication of the book about Perm governors.
4. 2003-2004 – The order of the Perm Region Legislative Assembly for the investigation of history and activity of representative bodies and institutions of the Kama Region.
5. 2007-2009 – The order of the Ministry of Industry, Innovations and Science of the Perm Region for investigation of the history of handicrafts, manufactures and industry of the Perm Region.
Training of Researchers (Post-graduate and Doctoral Programmes):
Post-graduate Programme, specialty 07.00.02 “Russian History”. 24 students got the degree of Candidate of History under the supervision of Professor M.G. Suslov, 2 students – under the supervision of Professor B.P. Dementyev.  Despite the fact, that there is no the Doctorate Programme in the Faculty of History and Politology, the Department of General and National History provided Doctors of Science preparation. 2 Doctors of History and one Doctor of Laws were supervised by Professor M.G. Suslov.
International Research and Educational Activities 
1. “Specificity of working-class movement in Russia: history and modernity”. International Scientific Conference. Perm, Perm State University, 27-29 April, 1996. Organised by Department of General and National History.
2. “Social Democracy and Russian Society in history and present time”. International scientitifc conference November, 10-11, 1998. Organised by General National History Department.
3. “National Question in China and Russia: history and modernity”. International Scientific Conference Perm, 1 June, 2010. Organised and held by Department of General and National History jointly with the Department of Home Policy of the Perm Region Governor Administration.

The leading scientists

Michael G. Suslov

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of History and Politology
Department of General National History
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+7 (342) 239-63-04, fax: +7 (342) 239-68-32, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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