Vladimir P. Ozhgibesov

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Geology,
Department of Regional and Oil and Gas Geology
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7-(342)-239-67-84; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State University, Geology Faculty. 1975.
Post-graduate Student. Paleontological Institute AS USSR (Moscow). 1976–1980.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences. 1985, Kazan State University, Soros Associate Professor, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Natural History, Active Working Partnership of European Academy of Natural History.
Stages of Professional Career
Laboratory Technician of Petrophysics Laboratory of the Kama branch of VNIGNI.
Engineer of Department of Lithology and Stratigraphy of the «PERMNEFT» Corporation.
Assistant Lecturer of Department of Regional and Oil & Gas Geology,  Perm State University.
Senior Lecturer of Department of Regional and Oil & Gas Geology, Perm State University.
Reader of Department of Regional and Oil and Gas Geology, Perm State University.
Visitor-Professor of Eastern-Washington University.
Head of Department of Regional and Oil & Gas Geology, Perm State University.
Head of International Institute of Geology of the Permian System at Perm State University.
Deputy Dean for International Affairs of Faculty of Geology, Perm State University.
Research Areas
Paleontology (Bryozoa). Stratigraphy (Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian). Paleogeography and facial analysis. Paleostructural analysis and historical geotectonic of platform sedimentary cover local structures. Integrated study of the Main Permian (Western-European) Basin and other Permian sediment basins of the Globe. Geological monuments and methodology of their study. Museum of the Permian Period and Natural History of the Globe. The history of discovery and study of the Permian system of the Globe.
Membership in Scientific Councils and other State and Public Associations
Member of Geological Faculty Scientific Council.
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Natural History.
An Active Working Partnership of European Academy of Natural History.
Member of International Bryozoology Association (IBA).
Member of International Association «Tethys» (Italy. Milan) (Assosiatione Euoropeenne Geologie et Environnement).
President of Noncommercial partnership «PERMIAN PERIOD».
President of Perm Branch of the All-Russian Paleontological society of RAS (1979-2010).
Scientific Project Management
1. Geology of the Permian Urals and Early Permian bryozoans and colonial corals of the Kama Transurals». – «Permneft». 1992–1995.
2. Revision and preparation of reference collections of the Perm Region geological reserves. – Perm State University and the Perm Region Administration. 1993.
3. Field geological monitoring of the most important stratigraphical objects of Gubakha suburbs (Perm Region)». Scientific research on the topic of the International Institute of Permian System Geology at Perm State University. Perm University. 1995.
Participation in International Projects
1. Tectonics and paleogeography of Permian of the Main Permian Field and Permian Basin of Colorado-Mexican Platform. – Perm State University and Pennsylvania University, USA.
2. Bryozoa of Permian sediment basins on the territory of North America, Eurasia and Australia. – Perm State University and Eastern Washington University, USA.
3. Permian bryozoa of the Earth: development of new methods and technologies of study, systematic diversity, classification, stratigraphical distribution, paleogeography, reef formation.
4. International Congress on the Permian System of the World. Perm, USSR-1991: Sofronitsky P.A., Ozhgibesov V.P., Yekhlakov Yu.A., Kopnin V.I., Zolotova V.P., Chudinov P.K., Dorofeev Ye.P., Shirinkina A.P., Graifer B.I., Khursik V.Z. Permian System of the World: Field Excursion Guides (July – August, 1991). International Congress on the Permian System of the World. Perm, USSR-1991. Excursion 2: Central Urals. Jointy publised by: Ural Branch USSR Academy of Sciences and Earth Sciences and Resources Institute University of South Carolina, SC, USA, 1991. 132 p.
5. Permian bryozoan reefs in Central Russia: Cuffey R.J., Ozhgibesov V.P. Permian bryozoan reefs in Central Russia – comparison with American counterparts / Abstracts of All -the Geological Society of the America, 1995 Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, November 6 – 9, 1995. Vol. 27, N. 6. USA, New Orleans, 1995. P. A-366.
V.P. Ozhgibesov is a member of international scientific societies:
1) International Bryozoology Association (since 1975), 2) Tethys Assosiatione Euoropeenne Geologie et Environnement (since 1992), 3) European Academy of Natural History (London, since 2005). He is the initiator and director of the International Institute of Geology of the Permian System at the Perm State University and initiator of the Museum Permian System at Perm State University.
Current Research Activities
Development of new methods and technologies of paleontological study of Bryozoa of the order Fenestellida, analytical paleontology of Fenestellida, the study of systemic compound of Paleozoic Bryozoa, their distribution and role in the Main Permian (Eastern-European) and other Permian sediment basins, regularities of reef rock formation; development of theoretical basics of integrated paleontological, stratigraphical, paleogeographical and paleotectonic researches of formations of Late Paleozoic sediment basins of the Globe.
Academic and other Awards
Honorary Member of All-Russian Paleontological Society at the RAS.
Honorary Figure of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.
Soros Associate Professor (laureate of three contests).
Laureate of Science of the Perm State University.
Laureate of Science of Perm Region Administration.
Total Number of Publications  – more than 350.
Monographs – 6.
Selected Publications
1. Ozhgibesov V.P. Geology of the «Pre-Ural» Region // Perm University Herald. Ser. Geology. 2000. Issue 3. P. 70-112. (In Russian)
2. Ozhgibesov V.P., Cuffey R.J. On Tectonics and Paleogeography of Permian of the Main Permian Field and Permian Basin of Colorado-Mexican Platform // Modeling of Geological Systems and Processes/ Perm State University. Perm, 1996. P. 12-13. (In Russian)
3. Cuffey R.J., Ozhgibesov V.P. Permian Bryozoan Reefs in Central Russia – Comparison with American Counterparts // Geological Society of the America. Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, 1995. (In English)
4. Chuvashov B.I., Chermnykh V.A., Kopnin V.I., Ozhgibesov V.P., Sofronitsky P.A. Permin System: Guides to Geological Excursion in the Uralian Type Localities. U.S.A., Columbia: University of South Carolina, 1993. 303 p. (In English)
5. Ozhgibesov V.P., Terestchenko I.I., Naugolnykh S.V. Permian Period: Organic World at the End of Paleozoic / NP «PERMIAN PERIOD». Perm–М., 2009. 104p. (In Russian)
6. Ozhgibesov V.P. On Fenestellida Classical Formula // Bryozoa of the Globe: International Collection of Scientific Articles / Kuzbas State Pedagogical Academy; Paleontological Institute of RAS. Novokuznetsk, 2003. V.1. P.49 - 54. (In Russian)
7. Ozhgibesov V.P. Fundamental Geological Education at the Perm State University: a Global Aspect of the Regional Programme // Perm University Herald. Ser. University Education. 2002. Issue. 4. P. 79-85. (In Russian)
8. Ozhgibesov V.P. Zvezdin V.G. Bryozoa as a Biostratigraphical Indicator of Potential Oil-and-Gas-Bearing Capacity at the Stage of Mineral Exploration, Prospecting and Mining / Perm State University. Perm, 2006. P. 58-60. (In Russian)
9. Ozhgibesov V.P. Permoheloclema - a New Bryozoan Genus of the Order Rhabdomesonida // Paleontological Journal. 1983. № 4. P. 96 – 98. (In Russian)

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