Paleontology, Stratigraphy, Development of New Methods and Technologies for Palaeontological and Integrated Research of Permian System of the Globe
Basic Divisions: Department of Regional and Oil & Gas Geology, International Institute of Geology of the Permian System at the Perm State University.
Brief Description of Research Activities
Development of theoretical basics and practical recommendation for integrated paleontological, stratigraphical, paleogeographical and paleotectonic research in the Main Permian Basin of sedimentation and other Permian basins of the Globe in order to predict and prospect natural resources and provide regional development and life safety.
Some Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Ozhgibesov V.P. Geology of the «Pre-Ural» Region // Perm University Herald. Ser. Geology. 2000. Issue 3. P. 70-112. (In Russian)
2. Ozhgibesov V.P., Cuffey R.J. On Tectonics and Paleogeography of Permian of the Main Permian Field and Permian Basin of Colorado-Mexican Platform // Modeling of Geological Systems and Processes/ Perm State University. Perm, 1996. P. 12-13. (In Russian)
3. Ozhgibesov V.P. Permoheloclema - a New Bryozoan Genus of the Order Rhabdomesonida // Paleontological Journal. 1983. № 4. P. 96 – 98. (In Russian)
4. Cuffey R.J., Ozhgibesov V.P. Permian Bryozoan Reefs in Central Russia – Comparison with American Counterparts // Geological Society of the America. Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, 1995. (In English)
5. Chuvashov B.I., Chermnykh V.A., Kopnin V.I., Ozhgibesov V.P., Sofronitsky P.A. Permin System: Guides to Geological Excursion in the Uralian Type Localities. U.S.A., Columbia: University of South Carolina, 1993. 303 p. (In English)
6. Ozhgibesov V.P., Terestchenko I.I., Naugolnykh S.V. Permian Period: Organic World at the End of Paleozoic / NP «PERMIAN PERIOD». Perm–М., 2009. 104p. (In Russian)
7. Ozhgibesov V.P. On Fenestellida Classical Formula // Bryozoa of the Globe: International Collection of Scientific Articles / Kuzbas State Pedagogical Academy; Paleontological Institute of RAS. Novokuznetsk, 2003. V.1. P.49 - 54. (In Russian)
8. Ozhgibesov V.P. Fundamental Geological Education at the Perm State University: a Global Aspect of the Regional Programme // Perm University Herald. Ser. University Education. 2002. Issue. 4. P. 79-85. (In Russian)
9. Ozhgibesov V.P. Zvezdin V.G. Bryozoa as a Biostratigraphical Indicator of Potential Oil-and-Gas-Bearing Capacity at the Stage of Mineral Exploration, Prospecting and Mining / Perm State University. Perm, 2006. P. 58-60. (In Russian)
The Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend
«Development of the system of geological (stratigraphical) monuments of the Perm Region and the design methodology». 2004.
«System methodology of the quantitative description and analytical paleontology of Paleozoic Fenestellida».
«The paleontological description, systematic revision of and paleogeography of Permian Fenestellida».
«A Museum of the Permian Period and Natural History of the Globe, Common System of Geological Monuments and Mineral Resources of the Permian System».
The Most Significant Applied Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend, Including Enterprise Orders
1. «Geology of the Permian Urals and Early Permian Bryozoa and Colonial Corals of the Pre-Ural». – «PERMNEFT» Corporation. 1992–1995.
2. «Revision and Preparation of Paleontological Collections from Geologic Sections of the Perm Region ». – Perm State University and Administration of the Perm Region. 1993.
3. «Field Monitoring of the Most Important Geological Monuments of Gubakha (Perm Region)». Scientific Research of International Institute of Geology of the Permian System at the Perm State University. Perm University. 1995.
4. «Development of the system of geological (stratigraphical) monuments of the Perm Region and system methodology of investigations». Administration of Perm Region. 2004-2005.
5. «Expositions of the Russian and foreign Museums of Natural History». Administration of Perm Region. 2009.
International Scientific and Educational Activities within Scientific Research Trend
Project «Tectonics and paleogeography of Permian of the Main Permian Field and Permian Basin of Colorado-Mexican Platform». – Perm State University and Pennsylvania University, USA.
Project «Bryozoa from Permian sediment basins of North America, Eurasia and Australia». – Perm State University and Eastern Washington University, USA.
Research work is done within the programmes of international scientific societies: International Bryozoology Association, European Academy of Natural History.
«A Museum of the Permian Period and Natural History of the Globe, Common System of Geological Monuments and Mineral Resources of the Permian System». Perm State University and the State Museum of Natural History. Totavel. France. Prof. Henry de Lumley, prof. Mariya-Antuanetta de Lumley.
Training of Researchers
Post-graduate programmes on specialization «Paleontology. Stratigraphy». Consultations with specialists in paleontology, stratigraphy, formation of local, regional, federal and global geological monuments and geological museums.