Valery N. Kataev

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Geology
Department of Dynamic Geology and Hydrogeology
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7-(342)-239-65-06, fax +7-(342)-237-16-36, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State University, Faculty of Geology. 1979.
Post-graduate student. Perm State University. 1984.
Doctoral Student. 2000.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences. 1984. Perm State University.
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences. 2000. Perm State University.
Reader. 1993.
Professor. 2000.
Stages of Professional Career
Engineer, Junior Research Fellow, Laboratory of Complex Studies of Reservoirs, Perm University Natural Sciences Institute. 1979-1982.
Post-graduate student, Department of Engineering Geology, Perm State University. 1982-1984.
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Engineering Geology, Perm State University. 1984-1988.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Dynamic Geology and Hydrogeology, Perm State University. 1988-1993.
Reader, Department of Dynamic Geology and Hydrogeology, Perm State University. 1993-1998.
Head of R&D Department, Perm State University. 1998 – until present date.
Professor of Department of Dynamic Geology and Hydrogeology, Perm State University. 2000 – until present date.
Head of Department of Dynamic Geology and Hydrogeology, Perm State University. 2001 – until present date.
Membership in Scientific Councils and other State and Public Associations
Scientific secretary of Karst and Speleology Commission the Scientific Council on Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology of Department of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1988-1991.
Deputy Director of the Institute of Karst and Speleology of the Russian Geographical Society. Since 1991.
Member of editorial staff of the inter-regional scientific journals «Hydrogeology and Karstology», «Caves». Since1991.
Member of editorial staff of the scientific journal «Perm University Herald», Series «Geology» and the scientific journal «Perm State University».
Member of three Perm State University and Ural State Mining University Dissertation Councils awarding Doctoral Degrees. Since 2001.
Member of Perm University Scientific Council and Geological Faculty Scientific Council.
Member of Commission of Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Fire Safety in the Perm Krai under the Perm Krai Ministry of Natural Resources.
Member of Safety Commission under Perm Administration.
Member of the Russian National Group of International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) under the Russian Committee of Geologists. Since 2009.
Management of Research Projects
1. Rationale and development of karst- and hydrolithomonitoring system: gas and oil pipelines.  Stage 1-2. 2003-2004.
2. Development of the regional target programme «Ensuring Life Safety of the Population in Karst Areas of the Perm Region». 2004.
3. Rationale for hydrogeological parameters of karst hazard evaluation on the territory of industrial agglomerations. Development of the large-scale scheme of karst prediction in Kungur on the basis of calculation of change in hydrogeological parameters of active water exchange zones. 2005.
4. Development and rationale for methodological principles and criteria for large-scale karstological zoning of urban and industrial areas. Development of methodological recommendations on organization of systemic monitoring of karst hazardous areas. 2005.
5. Karstological surveys in areas adjacent to the site of Sangtuda 1 Hydroelectric Power Plant on the Vakhsh River (Tajikistan). Hydroproject. 2007.
6. Karstological studies in areas of site and object selection for the hydroelectric power plant and hydroelectric nuclear power plant «Khalyabia-Zalyabia» (Syrian Arab Republic). Hydroproject. 2007-2008.
7. Monitoring of the Perm region karst areas. 
8. Development of methodology of hydrogeological mapping for zones with excessive jointing and recommendations for estimation of ground water reserves in zones with excessive jointing». «Kirovnedra». 2008-2010.
Participation in International Projects
Research internship in Great Britain. Oxford University, Department of Earth Sciences, School of Geography. Purpose – study of properties of karst formations in the UK. 1990-1991.
Tajikistan (construction site of Sangtuda 1 Hydroelectric Power Plant on the Vakhsh River). Purpose – geological and engineering surveys. 2006.
UK University of Reading. Purpose – development of competence on the use of new educational technologies in higher education. 2007.
Syrian Arab Republic (site for design of the hydroelectric nuclear power plant «Khalyabia-Zalyabia» on the Euphrates River). Purpose – geological and engineering surveys. 2007.
Syrian Arab Republic (site for design of the hydroelectric nuclear power plant «Khalyabia-Zalyabia» on the Euphrates River). Purpose – geological and engineering surveys. 2008.
Current Research Activities
Development and delivery of courses on «Soil Mechanics», «Geological Engineering Calculation and Modeling», «Geodynamics of Storage Reservoir Coasts», «General Geology», «General Karstology», «Structural Karstology», «Problems of Engineering Karstology», «Current Problems of Hydrogeology».
Areas of scientific interests: Geology, Hydrogeology, Hydrochemistry of karst massifs, karst genesis, structural-tectonic analysis of karst massifs, dynamic processes in geology.
Academic and other Awards
Badge «Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation». 2006.
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles – 180.
Monographs and textbooks (study guides) – 10.
Selected Publications
1. Kataev V.N. Basics of Structural Karstology: Special Course Study Guide / Perm State University. Perm, 2004. 109 p. (In Russian)
2. Kataev V.N. Kungur Ice Cave: Experience of Monitoring Observations / ed. V.N. Dubyansky. Ekaterinburg: UB RAS, 2005. 376 p. (In Russian)
3. Kataev V.N. Structural-Tectonic Analysis in Karstology // Modern High Technologies. М., 2005. № 11. P. 49-50. (In Russian)
4. Mineral Resources of the Perm Krai: encyclopedia / ed. A.I. Kudryashov. Perm, 2006. P. 124-139. Section «Karst».  (In Russian)
5. Kataev V.N., Stchukova I.V. Perm Ground Waters / Perm State University. Perm, 2006. 142 p. (In Russian)
6. Kataev V.N. Perm University Scientific School of Hydrogeologists and Geologists/Karstologists // Geological Faculty of Perm State University – Three Quarters of a Century: anniversary issue / Perm State University, 2006. P. 98-112. (In Russian)
7. Kostarev V.P., Kataev V.N. On Karst Monitoring of Gas and Oil Pipeline Routing in the Perm Krai // Georisk: popular science journal. 2007. December. P. 24-26. (In Russian)
8. Kataev V.N. Deep Structure of the Hydrogeosphere: Model of Vertical Zoning // ed. A.V. Klimchouk, D.C. Ford. Hypogene Speleogenesis and Karst Hydrogeology of Artesian Basins / Ukrainian Institute of Speleology and Karstology. Simferopol, 2009. Special Paper 1.P. 277-285. (In English)
9. Kataev V.N., Ardavichus Yu.A., Pentegova S.A. Experience of Adapting Karst Risk Assessment Methods to Perm Territory // The Issues of Natural Hazard Risk Elimination: proceedings of Research and Practice Conference «Georisk – 2009». М.: PFUR, 2009. V.2. P. 70-77. (In Russian)
10. Gaev A.Ya., Kataev V.N. On Fundamental Hydrogeological Issues Developed at Perm School // Hydrogeology and Karstology: interuniversity collection of scientific papers / Perm State University. Perm, 2009. Issue 18. P. 27-41. (In Russian)

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