Geoecology of Cities. Development of Theory and Methodology of Spatial-Time Forecasting of Hazardous Geological Processes within Industrial Agglomerations

Basic Divisions: Department of Dynamic Geology and Hydrogeology, Department of Engineering Geology and Mineral Preservation, Department of Perm University Natural Sciences Institute.
Brief Description of Research Activities
The trend focuses on cryogenic, landslide, abrasion and erosion processes, karst, suffusion, weathering, formation of river terraces, terrace drift complexes etc. Mechanisms, intensity, conditions and factors of manifestation and development of the phenomena and character of their distribution in geodynamic environments are the pivotal aspects of the theoretical and applied research.
Particular attention is paid to the study of geodynamic phenomena within settlements and industrial agglomerations, on shores of large water bodies (of the Kama cascade reservoirs) and linear engineering facilities (roads, products pipelines).
Analysis is based on
- computer mapping (creation of sets of thematic maps and three-dimensional models, combining various characteristics of geological environmental conditions, form and impact of geodynamic phenomena);
- computer graphics (determination of regularities of quantitative distribution of different geodynamic phenomena depending on the rock mass parameters of their location);
- mathematical modeling (mathematical justification of the obtained correspondences and criteria for hazards).
Selected Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Kungur Ice Cave: Monitoring Observation Experience / ed. V.N. Dublyansky. Ekaterinburg: UB RAS, 2005. 376 p. (In Russian)
2. Methods of Study and Protection of Water Projects in Mining Areas / ed. A.Ya. Gaev. Perm State university. Perm, 2006. 229 p. (In Russian)
3. Karst of the World/ V.N. Dublyansky. Perm State University. Perm, 2007. 350 p. (In Russian)
4. Ecological Basics of Water Management (on the Example of the Orenburg Region and Adjacent Areas) / ed. A.Ya. Gaev. Perm State University. Perm, 2007. 327 p. (In Russian)
The Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend
1. There was established a model of the karst process in areas composed of sulfate-carbonate rocks under the conditions of technogenic load and in terms of anthropogenic impact and methodology of prediction of karst.
2. There were suggested methodological recommendations on organization of monitoring of hazardous geological processes.
The projects are developed under department programmes («Universities of Russia», «Development of Scientific Potential of Higher Education»), RFBR competitive programmes, regional programmes of the Government of the Perm Krai.
3. Scientific and technical programme of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation «Universities of Russia»: «Development and substantiation of criteria of constructing a conceptual model of karst on the example of the Urals and the Cis-Ural region». 2002-2003; «The study of subaqueous discharge of karstic water in the Ural region». 2004-2006.
4. Scientific and technical programme «Development of Scientific Potential of Higher Education»: topic «Development of fundamentals of forecast of hazard and risk of occurrence of rapidly developing natural and anthropogenic phenomena». 2007.
Competitive support of RFBR
5. № 02-05-96414_r «Ecological and geochemical studies of postliquidation processes in Kizel coalfield».
6. № 04-05-64234_а, «Integrated studies of new natural and anthropogenic phenomena on the territory of Kizel coalfield».
7. № 04-05-64234_к, «Organization and conduct of expeditions for integrated studies of new natural and anthropogenic phenomena on the territory of Kizel coalfield».
8. № 04-05-96038_r «Fundamentals for creation of geochemical barriers in areas affected by sulfuric acid».
9. № 04-05-97504_r-ofi «Development of theoretical basics and technology, pilot-scale testing of the method of improving the environmental situation on the territory of the former mine drainage of Kizel coalfield».
Dissertation research: «Theory and methodology of structural and tectonic analysis in karstology»; «Karst and supergene processes in evaporites».
The Most Significant Applied Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend, Including Enterprise Orders
1. «Scientific and technical basis and development of the programme «Prevention of harmful impact of water and ensuring safety of hydrolic structures in the Perm region». Perm Region Department of Nature Management. 2006.
2. «Estimation of the condition of the Kama, Votkinsk and Nizhnekamsk reservoir shore recycling». FSI «The Kama water use». 2006.
3. «Monitoring of karst areas of the Perm region». Ministry of Natural Resources of the Perm region. 2006-2010.
4. «Estimation of karst risk and karst prediction on the site of reconstruction of the spa-resort «Novye Kluchi» in Suksun district of the Perm region». The Kama Research Institute on Complex Superdeep Drilling Investigations (KRICSDI). 2007.
5. «Conduct of engineering-geological and engineering-ecological surveys on the site « Salt Dump Expanding in the Third Potash Mining Complex (Berezniki 3)». JSC «Galurgija». 2007.
6. Karstological surveys in areas adjacent to the site of Sangtuda 1 Hydroelectric Power Plant on the Vakhsh River (Tajikistan). Hydroproject. 2007.
7. Karstological studies in areas of site and object selection for the hydroelectric power plant and hydroelectric nuclear power plant «Khalyabia-Zalyabia» (Syrian Arab Republic). Hydroproject. 2007-2008.
International Scientific and Educational Activities within Scientific Research Trend
The research is carried out in correspondence with the programmes of International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG), International Association of Hydrological (IAHS/UNESCO), International Union of Speleologists (UIS), International Academy of Ecological Sciences, Man & Nature Safety, Italo-Russian Institute of Education and Ecological Research. Collaboration with individual representatives of educational institutions is via the Institute of Karstology and Speleology of Russian Geographic Society in the form of information exchange in the field of karstology and speleology.
Since 1997 Perm State University together with other universities of Russia and Italy has been a founder of «Italo-Russian Institute of Education and Ecological Research», acting under the agreement on cultural and scientific Italo-Russian cooperation. Among the members of the Scientific Council of the institute there are researchers working in the programme. The work of the Institute is based on conducting joint scientific-educational sessions and summer schools for young scientists, post-graduate students and students of both countries. Apart from this, activities of the Institute include publication exchange, joint research projects, organizing specialization courses and qualification improvement, conferences and seminars, exhibitions and so on. In 2008 members of the Department were included in the international group organized by the Italian side within the 2-year project «Solution of complex problems of the River Po basin» in the north of Italy. In 2009 in the Perm Krai there was conducted an Italo-Russian summer school – «Problems of the development of karst areas». In 2010 there was conducted an Italo-Russian summer school-seminar, dedicated to the problems of technologies of hydrogeological estimation of urban areas of Italy.
In 2002-2004 was finished the work within the Russian-Dutch project «SUBURBIA» – «Development of risk-analysis procedure in management of the underground space of urban and industrial areas». The members of the Department were included in the Russian working group. There were developed geological-structural criteria for estimation of underground and surface karst. The cartographic criterion estimation was developed together with GIS Centre of Perm state University. The criteria were tested on the territory of Dzerzhinsk (Nizhny Novgorod region).
In 2004 on the initiative of the Department there was conducted an international symposium on «Karstology in XXI Ctntury: Theoretical and Practical Significance». The symposium allowed scientists and researchers of different countries to communicate, strengthen existing and establish new contacts in order to strengthen scientific cooperation. The symposium made it possible to determine the role of Russian, in particular Perm karstology (Perm karstological school) in the international scientific community of the XXI century.
In 2002-2004 together with researchers from Germany, Mexico and Nikaragua was prepared an English-German-Russian-French-Spanish dictionary of applied geophysics.
In 2006-2008 collectively with  «Engeniring Centre UES», JSC– branch of «Hydroproject Institute» (Moscow) at the stage of a project was performed karst investigation and forecasting of activation of karst and suffusion processes, abrasion processes, bypass and under the dam filtering within the tail-water of Sangtuda 1 Hydroelectric Power Plant on the Vakhsh River in Tajikistan.
At the stage of pre-project surveys there was performed karst investigation and forecasting of karst development on the site of planning the hydroelectric power plant and reservoir Khalyabia-Zalyabia and hydroelectric nuclear power plant Khalyabia-Zalyabia on the River Euphrates in the Syrian Arab Republic.
In 2010 collectively with the Institute «Hydroproject» named after S.Ya. Zhuk (Moscow) there was developed a program of complex work for 2011-2013 to establish a system of karst and filtration monitoring on the site of the hydroelectric power plant and hydroelectric nuclear power plant Khalyabia-Zalyabia on the River Euphrates in the Syrian Arab Republic.

The leading scientists

Valery N. Kataev

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Geology
Department of Dynamic Geology and Hydrogeology
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