Tatyana V. Karaseva

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Geology
Department of Regional and Oil and Gas Geology
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7-(342)-239-65-43, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State University, Chemical Faculty. 1972.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences. 1980. All Russian Petroleum Scientific-Research Geological Exploration Institute (VNIGNI), St. Petersburg.
Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences. 1990. All Russian Petroleum Scientific-Research Geological Exploration Institute (VNIGNI), St. Petersburg.
The senior lecturer on a speciality. 1990.
Professor. 2003.
Stages of Professional Career
Laboratory Assistant. Kama branch of VNIGNI. 1966-1968.
Technician. Kama branch of VNIGNI. 1968-1969 гг.
Senior Technician. Kama branch of VNIGNI. 1969-1972.
Engineer. Kama branch of VNIGNI. 1972-1980.
Junior Research Fellow. Kama branch of VNIGNI. 1980-1985.
Senior Research Fellow. Kama branch of VNIGNI. 1985-1987.
Head of Department. JSC «KamNIIKIGS» (Institute of the Study of Ultradeep Wells). 1987-1991.
Deputy Director for Science. JSC «KamNIIKIGS» (Institute of the Study of Ultradeep Wells).1991-2009.
Professor, Department of Regional and Oil and Gas Geology, Faculty of Geology, Perm State University. 2003 – until present date.
Head of Department of Regional and Oil and Gas Geology, Faculty of Geology, Perm State University. 2009 – until present date.
Membership in Scientific Councils and other State and Public Associations
Member of Geological Faculty Scientific Council.
Member of Perm State University and Perm State Polytechnic University Dissertation Councils.
Member of Section «Problems of Genesis and Formation of Oil and Gas» (head of the section Academician of RAS А.N. Dmitrievsky).
Member of RAS Scientific Council «Problems of Geology and Exploration of Oil and Gas Deposits» (Moscow).
Scientific Project Management
1. Integrated processing and analysis of ultradeep drilling results in Russian oil-gas provinces in order to develop modern principles of geological-geophysical assessment of hydrocarbon  prospect estimation .
2. Specialised research of deep and ultradeep parametric well rock material.
Current Research Activities
Supervision and participation in geological-geochemical research of oil and gas source rocks and fluids, including deep and ultradeep well log. Conducting genetic correlations organic matter-oil, oil-oil. Development of technologies for the study of deep and ultradeep well rocks and fluids. Geochemical characteristic of oil-and-gas-bearing capacity of complex geological objects.
Academic and other Awards
Badge «Excellence in Prospecting». 1998.
Badge «300 years of Russion geological service»
Honorary Title «Meritorious Geologist of the Russian Federation». 2005.
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles – 200.
Monographs – 9.
Selected Publications
1. Titova G.I., Karaseva T.V., Gorbachev V.I., Russkikh M.V. New Data on Isotopic-Geochemical Research of Deep Gases // Geology, Geophysics and Oil and Gas Field Exploration. 2005. № 3-4. P. 76-81. (In Russian)
2. Karaseva T.V., Gorbachev V.I., Belyaeva G.L., Bashkova S.E., Belokon A.V. New Directions of Hydrocarbon Resource Base Development in Russia on the Basis of Deep and Ultradeep Drilling Results // Geology, Geophysics and Oil and Gas Field Exploration. 2005. № 3-4. P. 6-15. (In Russian)
3. Belokon A.V., Karaseva T.V., Bashkova S.E., Belyaeva G.L. Perspective of Oil-and-Gas-Bearing Capacity of Deep-Sunk Deposits in the North of Western Siberia Based on Ultradeep Drilling Data // Geology of Oil and Gas. 2006. № 6. P. 2-9. (In Russian)
4. Popov Yu.A., Romushkevich R.A., Gorobtsov D.N., Karaseva T.V., Syrotenko L.V. and others. Thermal Properties of Rocks and Heat Flow in Drilling Yen-Yakhinsk Ultradeep Parametric Well // Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Geologiya i Razvedka. 2008. № 2. P. 59-65. (In Russian)
5. Belyaeva G.L., Galkin V.I., Karaseva T.V. Specificity of Study of Deep Vitrinite Reflective Power // Geology, Geophysics and Oil and Gas Field Exploration. 2008. №6. P.23-26. (In Russian)
6. Karaseva T.V., Gorbachev V.I., Titova G.I., Frik M.G. Isotope-Geochemical Criteria of Deep Gas-Bearing Capacity in the North of Western Siberia // Geology, Geophysics and Oil and Gas Field Exploration. 2009. №6. P.20-30. (In Russian)
7. Karaseva T.V., Gorbachev V.I., Belyaeva G.L. and others. On Stratigraphic and Parametric Drilling Programme at the Expense of the Federal Budget// Geology, Geophysics and Oil and Gas Field Exploration. 2009. № 11. P. 17-21. (In Russian)
8. Karaseva T.V., Bashkova S.E., Dymolazova S.A. Comparative Analysis of Geological Structure and Oil-and-Gas-Bearing Capacity of the Volga-Ural Oil-and-Gas Province and Eastern Siberia Riphean-Vendian Deposits // Geology, Geophysics and Oil and Gas Field Exploration. 2009. №11. P.54-59. (In Russian)
9. Belyaeva G.L., Ekhlakov Yu.A., Ugryumov N., Gorbachev V.I., Karaseva T.V. and others. Rationale for Development of a New Triassic Basin in the North of Western Siberia // Geology, Geophysics and Oil and Gas Field Exploration. 2009. № 11. P. 59-63. (In Russian)
10. Ekhlakov Yu.A., Subbotina N.B., Karaseva T.V. and others. Some Results of Parametric Drilling in Nizhny Novgorod Region // Geology, Geophysics and Oil and Gas Field Exploration. 2009. № 11. P. 63-66. (In Russian)

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