Development of Theoretical Problems of Oil and Gas Geology and Deep Sediment Geochemistry and Technological Aspects
Basic Division: Department of Regional and Oil and Gas Geology.
Brief Description of Research Activities
Oil and gas geology and geochemistry of deep sediments. The study of geology, geochemistry and oil-and-gas-bearing capacity of deep levels of the crust (the depth of more than 5 km), the study of deep and ultradeep wells, geological-geochemical study of oil systems, supervision of Russian ultradeep wells.
Selected Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Karaseva T.V., Gorbachev V.I., Titova G.I., Frik M.G. Isotope-Geochemical Criteria of Deep Gas-Bearing Capacity in the North of Western Siberia // Geology, Geophysics and Oil and Gas Field Exploration. 2009. №6. P.20-30. (In Russian)
2. Karaseva T.V., Bashkova S.E., Dymolasova S.A. Comparative Analysis of Geological Structure and Oil-and-Gas-Bearing Capacity of the Volga-Ural Oil-and-Gas Province and Eastern Siberia Riphean-Vendian Deposits // Geology, Geophysics and Oil and Gas Field Exploration. 2009. №11. P.54-59. (In Russian)
3. Frik M.G., Vasyanina D.I., Karaseva T.V., Kuznetsova O.V., Gorbachev V.I. Specific Features of Isotopic Compound of Carbon of Deep Rock Organic Matter and Bitumen // Geochemistry. 2010. № 3. P. 1-10. (In Russian)
4. Belyaeva G.N., Galkin V.I., Karaseva T.V. Specificity of Study of Deep Vitrinite Reflective Power // Geology, Geophysics and Oil and Gas Field Exploration. 2008. №6. P.23-26. (In Russian)
5. Karaseva T.V., Gorbachev V.I., Belyaeva G.L., Bashkova S.E. New directions of development of Russian hydrocarbons resource base by results of deep and superdeep parametrical drilling//Geology, geophysics and working out of oil and gas deposits.- 2005. - №3-4. – С. 6-15.
The Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend
«Integrated processing and analysis of ultradeep drilling results in Russia oil-gas provinces in order to develop modern principles of geological-geophysical assessment of hydrocarbon prospect estimation within the programme «Oil and Gas Geology and Geochemistry of Deep Deposits».
The Most Significant Applied Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend, Including Enterprise Orders
1. Development of a set of criteria for quantitative assessment of undiscovered potential resources and prediction of hydrocarbon potential of Riphean-Vendian complex of European part of Russia. Customer JSC RPC «Nedra» (Yaroslavl). 2006.
2. Specialised research of parametric well rock material. Customer JSC RPC «Nedra» (Yaroslavl). 2006.
3. Development of stratigraphic and parametric drilling programme on the territory of Russia until 2020 (on the basis of comprehensive summary of results from crustal structure study by deep and ultradeep drilling and geological-geophysical methods). Customer JSC RPC «Nedra» (Yaroslavl). 2006.
4. Integrated processing of data from Yen-Yakhinsk parametric well research. Customer JSC RPC «Nedra» (Yaroslavl). 2007.
5. Integrated processing and analysis of ultradeep drilling results in main oil and gas provinces of Russia in order to develop modern principles for subsoil hydrocarbon potential assessment. Customer JSC RPC «Nedra» (Yaroslavl). 2008.
Training of Researchers
Post-graduate programmes on specializations «Regional Geology»