Valery V. Seredin
15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Geology
Department of Engineering Geology and Mineral Protection
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7-(342)-239-64-39, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Leningrad State University, Faculty of Geology, 1977.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences. 1986. Leningrad Plekhanov Mining Institute.
Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences. 2000. Perm State University.
Professor 2005.
Stages of Professional Career
Junior Research Fellow, Branch of All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering. 1984-1986.
Senior Research Fellow, Perm State Agricultural Institute. 1987-1988.
Head of Laboratory, Perm State Agricultural Institute. 1988.
Director of JSC «Nedra». 1997 – until present date.
Head of Environmental Management Department of the Perm Region. 2003-2007.
Head of Department of Engineering Geology and Mineral Protection, Perm State University. 2005 – until present date.
Membership in Scientific Councils and other State and Public Associations
Member of Perm University Dissertation Councils Awarding Candidate and Doctoral Degrees.
Member of Geological Faculty Scientific Council, Perm State University.
Current Research Activities
Assessment and prediction of engineering-geological condition change in industrial areas. Assessment and prediction of engineering-geological processes to reduce the risk; assessment and prediction of engineering structure stability.
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles – 34
Monographs – 3
Intelligent property patent – 3
Selected Publications
1. Seredin V.V. Hydrocarbon Spatial Distribution in Soils and Waters in Areas Polluted by Oil and Oil Products. Perm, 1998. 106 p. (In Russian)
2. Seredin V.V. Assessment of Geo-Ecological Sanitation Conditions in Areas Polluted by Oil and Oil Products. Perm, 1998, 153 p. (In Russian)
3. Galkin V.I., Seredin V.V., Bachurin V.A. The Use of Probabilistic and Statistical Models in the Study of Hydrocarbon Distribution in Soils and Selection of Sanitation Technology. Perm, 1999. 143 p. (In Russian)
4. Seredin V.V., Pushkareva M.V. Comparative Evaluation of Flowline Ecological Effect on the Environment // Health, Ecology, Education: proceedings of the II All-Russian Research and Practice Conference, September, 22-24, 2004. М., 2004. (In Russian)
5. Pushkareva M.V., Seredin V.V., Aristov E.A. Major Types of Oil Pipeline Environmental Effects and Methods of the Environmental Impact Assessment // Pipeline Transport: Theory and Practice. М., 2005. № 2. (In Russian)
6. Seredin V.V., Poloshkin V.S., Naumov V.A., Konoplev A.V. Issues and Perspective of Integrated Development of Natural Recourse Potential of the Perm Krai // Innovative Potential of Natural Sciences: Proceedings of International Scientific Conference. Perm, 2006. P. 4-6. (In Russian)
7. Konoplev A.V., Khronusov V.V., Seredin V.V. Historical Map of Perm in the Service of Engineering Geology – Methods of Retrospective Analysis // Proceedings of the Regional Scientific Conference «Historico-Cultural Heritage and Geoinformation and Communication Technology»: Conservation and Research. 13-14, November, 2009. Perm State University, Perm, 2009. (In Russian)