Development of Methods and Techniques to Estimate and Predict Engineering-Geological and Geo-Ecological Processes
Basic Divisions: Department of Engineering Geology and Mineral Preservation
Brief Description of Research Activities
Theoretical and methodological development of environmental monitoring. Assessment and prediction of emergence and development of engineering-geological processes to reduce the risk; assessment and prediction of engineering structure stability.
Selected Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Seredin V.V., Pushkareva M.V. Comparative Evaluation of Ecological Impact of Flowlines on the Environment // Health, Ecology, Education: proceedings of the II All-Russian Rresearch and Practice Conference, September, 22-24, 2004. М., 2004. (In Russian)
2. Pushkareva M.V., Seredin V.V., Aristov E.A. Major Types of Oil Pipeline Environmental Effects and Methods of the Environmental Impact Assessment // Pipeline Transport: Theory and Practice. М., 2005. № 2. (In Russian)
3. Seredin V.V., Poloshkin V.S., Konoplev A.V. Issues and Perspective of Integrated Development of Natural Recourse Potential of the Perm Krai // Innovative Potential of Natural Sciences: Proceedings of International Scientific Conference. Perm, 2006. P. 4-6. (In Russian)
4. Konoplev A.V., Khronusov V.V., Seredin V.V. Historical Map of Perm in the Service of Engineering Geology - Methods of Retrospective Analysis // Proceedings of the Regional Scientific Conference «Historico-Cultural Heritage and Geo-Information and Communication Technology»: Save and Research. 13-14, November, 2009. Perm State University, Perm, 2009. (In Russian)
Examples of Fundamental Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend
«Monitoring of Karst Areas in the Perm Krai». 2006–2008.
Orders from Enterprises
1. «Environmental Baseline Analysis of Talitsk Zone of Verkhnekamskoe Salt Deposit». 2009.
2. «Environmental Monitoring of Talitsk Zone of Verkhnekamskoe Salt Deposit». 2010-2011.
Training of Researchers (Post-graduate and Doctoral Programmes)
Post-graduate programmes on specializations «Engineering Geology, Permafrostology and Mineralogical Soil Science», «GeoEcology (Earth Science)».