Svetlana A. Dvinskikh

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russian Federation
Perm State University
Faculty of Geography
Department of Hydrology and Water Resources Protection
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 239 63 59, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State University, Faculty of Geography, Specialty: “Hydrology”, 1971
Post-graduate Study – Perm State University, 1973 
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Geography, 1976, Perm State University
Reader, 1980
Doctor of Geography, 1996, RAS Geography Institute, (Moscow)
Professor, 1997
Stages of Professional Career
Senior Research Fellow, Perm State University NSI Reservoir Complex Research Laboratory, 1980-1997.
Reader of Department of Physical Geography, Perm State University, 1980-1997.
Professor of Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology, Perm State University, 1997.
Head of Department of Hydrology and Water Recourses Protection, Perm State University,  1997  – up to now.
Membership in Academic Councils, other State and Public Associations
Member of Candidate and Doctor Dissertation Councils for Specialties of ”Geoecology” and “Land Hydrology, Water Resources, Hydrochemistry” of Perm State University.
Member of Candidate and Doctor Dissertation Councils for “Geoecology” Specialty of Russian Research Institute of Water Resources.
Member of Scientific and Technical Council of Perm Regional Environmental Department and Kama Water Basin Administration.
Management of Research Projects
1. Grant of RFBR for “Systematization of the Environmental Risk Hydrological Conditions on Water Bodies of Different Genesis (in Perm region as an example)”, 2006-2009.
2. Grant of RFBR for “Theoretical Basis for the Complex Study of Reservoirs Areas Experiencing Significant Human Impact”, 2007-2010.
3. Grant of RFBR for “Theoretical Justification of Sand and Gravel Deposit Management under Current State of Kama Reservoirs Aquatic Ecosystems”, 2010-2012.
Research Projects under the Orders of the Enterprises
1. “Estimation of Environmental Situation in Especially Protected Natural Area of Local Importance (Chernyaevsky Forest-Park)”, Department of Ecology and Environmental Management of Perm Administration, 2009.
2. “Collecting and Processing of Stock and Background Data on Water Resources to Justify the Location of Construction Site for the Nuclear Power Plant”. “ASRINPP Ltd” Nuclear Plants Project Office (Moscow), 2009.
Participation in International Projects
“Rivers of Europe” International Project, 2007-2009.
Since 2008 Svetlana А. Dvinskikh has been a member of "International Journal of Hydrological Research" Editorial Board.
Current Research Activities
Study and estimation of surface water objects pollution and protection, forming in them the hydrologic and ecologic risk.
Participation in international and all-Russia conferences, workshops and inter-university meetings on the problems of current situation with reservoirs and their ecosystems.
Participation in Science Forums of Ukraine, Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, Germany. Member of Scientific and Technical Council of the Perm Regional Environmental  Department and Kama Water Basin Administration. Supervisor of four candidate dissertations.
Academic and other Awards
Honour Certificates of RF Ministry of Higher Education, of Perm State University and of Administration of Perm Region.
Medal and Honour Certificate of Russian Environmental Society Presidium.
Honour Title of the Perm Region  “Person of the Year”, 2000.
Honour Title “RF Merited Worker of the Higher School”, 2008.
Academician of the International Academy of Ecology and Safety, 2009.
RF Ministry of Education Letter of Thanks for the Active and Highly Professional Expertise of Applications for the Grants to Support Higher School Scientific Research under the Supervision of the Leading Scientists of Higher Professional Education Institutions,2011
Total Number of Publications
Research Articles – 260.
Monographs – 8.
Textbooks (Tutorials) – 9.
Selected Publications
1. Conditions  of Hydrological Risk Emergence in the Water Bodies of Perm Region/Edited by S.A.Dvinskikh, A.B.Kitaev; Perm Univ. Perm,2005.Part I.160p.
2. Conditions  of Hydrological Risk Emergence in the Water Bodies of Perm Region/Edited by S.A.Dvinskikh, A.B.Kitaev; Perm Univ. Perm,2006.-Part II.184p.
3. A Complex  Study of Votkinsk Reservoir and Estimation of Its Environmental Impact: Monograph, edited by S.A. Dvinskikh, A.B. Kitaev; Perm Univ., Perm, 2007. 250p.
4. Dvinskikh S.A., Kitaev A.B. Hydrology of Kama Reservoirs: Monograph/ Perm Univ. Perm, 2008. 266p.
5. Dvinskikh S.A., Maksimovich N.G.,Maleev K.I., Larchenko O.V. Ecology of the Forest-Park Zone of the City. St.Petersburg: Science, 2011. 154p.
6. Dvinskikh S.A., Kitaev A.B., Zueva T.V., Schukova I.V.  Water Bodies and Their Role in Formation of the Ecological Situation in the City of Perm: Training Manual.2nd Edition, extended and revised/ Perm Univ. Perm, 2008. 175p.
7. Kitaev A.B., Dvinskikh S.A. Hydrological Risk in Kama Water Basin as a Consequence of Chemical Pollution // European Journal of Natural History. 2008. No.4. pp.106-108.
8. Dvinskikh S.A., Kitaev A.B. Problems of Perm Water Supply// Ecology and Society Development. St.Petersburg, 2008. pp.20-25.
9. Aleksevnina M.S., Baklanov M.A., Dvinskikh S.A., Zinovyev E.A., Kitaev A.B., Noskov V.M., Presnova E.V. Volga River Basin / Rivers of Europe. London, 2009. pp.23-58.
10. Dvinskikh S.A., Kitaev A.B., Mikhailov A.V.  Flood Origin Conditions at the Rivers of the Middle Urals// Journal of Flood Engineering 1(2). July – December 2010. pp.201-207.
11. Dvinskikh S.A., Zueva T.V., Zelenina E.S. Socio-Ecological Zoning as a Means of the Territory Environmental Problems Severity Estimation// Polzunov Herald. 2011. No.4-2. pp. 15-19.

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