Hydrology Study of Reservoirs and Protection of Water Resources
Basic Division: Department of Hydrology and Water Resources Protection
Brief Description of Research Activities
Investigations are carried out along the following directions:
• Hydrological Calculations and Formation of River Runoff;
• Utilization of System Approach to Hydrological and Geo-Environmental Studies;
• Protection of Surface Water Objects;
• Simulation Computer Modelling, GIS Technology.
Selected Publications Characterizing Research Trend
1. Condition of Hydrological Risk Emergence in Water Objects of Perm Region /Edited by S.A. Dvinskikh, A.B. Kitaev; Perm Univ. Perm, 2005. Part I. 160p.
2. Condition of Hydrological Risk Emergence in Water Objects of Perm Region/ Edited by S.A. Dvinskikh, A.B. Kitaev; Perm Univ. – Perm, 2006.- Part II. 184p.
3. Most Important Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Reservoirs (the Kama Cascade as an Example) / A.B. Kitaev; Perm Univ. Perm, 2006. 260p.
4. Complex Study of Votkinsk Reservoir and Estimation of Its Environmental Impact: Monograph edited by S.A. Dvinskikh, A.B. Kitaev; Perm Univ. Perm, 2007. 250p.
5. Dvinskikh S.A., Kitayev A.B. Hydrology of Kama Reservoirs: Monograph/ Perm Univ. Perm, 2008. 266 p. (In Russian)
6. Aleksevnina M.S., Baklanov M.A., Dvinskikh S.A., Zinovyev E.A., Kitayev A.B., Noskov V.M., Presnova E.V. Volga River Basin / Rivers of Europe. London, 2009. pp. 23-58.
7. Komlev A.M. Maximum Rainfall Runoff of the North-West Caucasus Rivers // RAS Herald. Ser. Geogr. М., 2009. pp. 118-120.
8. Komlev A.M. Study of River Runoff: Selected Works/ Perm. Univ. Perm, 2006. 308p.
9. Komlev A.M. Water Regime of the North-West Caucasus Rivers. Regularities of Formation and Methods of Calculation: Monograph/Perm Univ. Perm, 2008. 112 p.
10. Dvinskikh S.A., Kitaev A.B., Mikhailov A.V. Flood Origin Conditions at the Rivers of the Middle Urals // Journal of Flood Engineering 1(2). July-December 2010. pp.201-207.
11. Dvinskikh S.A., Kitayev A.B., Mikhailov A.V. Floods in the Kama Basin and Measures of Engineering Prevention of their Negative Consequences //Russian Water Sector. 2010. No.3, pp.29-42
12. Lepikhin A.P., Lyubimova T.P. Problems of the Drinking Water Supply in Perm: Hydrological and Hydrodynamic Aspects // Perm UB RAS Scientific Centre, 2011. No.2. pp.12-19.
13. Klimenko D.E. Annual Runoff of the Urals Rivers: Monograph / Perm State National Research University. Perm, 2011. 196p.
Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects
1. Grant of RFBR for “Systematization of Hydrological Conditions for Environmental Risk Emergence in Water Objects of Different Genesis (Perm Region as an example)”, 2006-2009.
2. Grant of RFBR for “Theoretical Basis for the Complex Study of Reservoir Areas Experiencing Significant Human Impact”, 2007.
3. Grant of RFBR for “Development of Scientific and Methodological Safety Support of Water Sources and Water Systems of Large Cities”, 2007-2010.
4. Grant of RFBR for “Theoretical Justification of Sand and Gravel Deposit Management under Current State of Aquatic Ecosystems (Using Perm Region as an Example)”, 2010-2012.
5. RF Ministry of Education Unified Detailed Order for “Development of the Main Proposals for the Concept of Environmental Risk to Water Objects and its Impact on the Livelihoods of the Population”, 2010-2012.
Most Significant Applied Research Projects, Including Enterprise Orders
1. Project of Perm Region Ministry of Natural Resources for ”System-Forming Role of Hydrological Regime in Functioning and Development of Hydrodynamic Processes in the Reservoir”, 2008.
2. Project of Perm Region Ministry of Natural Resources for “System Approach to the Development and Functioning of Morphologically Isolated Areas of Large Reservoirs”, 2006.
3. Project of Perm Region Ministry of Industry and Natural Resources for “Assessment of Geodynamic, Hydrodynamic and Geoecological Situation in the Kama Reservoir near the town of Dobryanka”, 2008.
4. Project of the Office of Ecology and Environmental Management of Perm Administration for “Environmental Assessment of Specially Protected Natural Area of Local Importance –“Chernyaevsky Forest-Park”,2008-2009.
Training of Researchers
Postgraduate Course for the specialties: “Land Hydrology, Water Resources, Hydrochemistry”, “Geoecology”.
International Scientific and Educational Activities
Participation in “Rivers of Europe” International Project, 2007-2009.
Signing a cooperation agreement in 2010 between the Dresden Technical University and Perm State University in the field of integration, development and training of students as well as research projects in hydrology, hydroengineering and water resources protection.