Nicolay A. Kalinin

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Geography
Department of Meteorology and Air Protection
Phone, fax, e-mail
+7-(342)-239-61-05, fax +7-(342)-239-63-54, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State University, Faculty of Geographyт. 1979.
Post-graduate student. Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute. 1983.
Doctoral student. Perm State University. 1997.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Geography. 1983. Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute.
Reader. 1991.
Doctor of Geography. 1997. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Professor. 1998.
Stages of Professional Career
Engineer, Assistant Lecturer. Perm State University. 1979-1980, 1984-1986.
Senior Lecturer. Perm State University. 1986-1989.
Head of Department of Meteorology and Air Protection. Perm State University. Since 1989. – until present date.
Membership in Scientific Councils and other State and Public Associations
Deputy Chairman of Dissertation Council D 212.189.10 awarding Candidate and Doctoral Degrees on specialization 25.00.30 – «Meteorology, Climatology, Agrometeorology» at Perm State University since 2001 – until present date.
Member of Dissertation Council D 212.081.20 awarding Candidate and Doctoral Degrees on specialization 25.00.30 – «Meteorology, Climatology, Agrometeorology» at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University since 2001 – until present date.
Member of Education and Methodic Associations on Hydrometeorological Education – Russian State Hydrometeorological University (St. Petersburg), M.V. Lomonosov Moscow University.
Scientific Project Management
1. RFBR Grant «Research of Radar Characteristic Variability at Transformation of Convective Cloud Fields». 2004––2006.
2. Project of the Federal Programme of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation «Modeling of Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes in the Shell of ArcGIS Open Full-Function Geo-Information System Based on Radar, Aerological and Ground-Based Meteorological Data Use». 2006-2008.
3. RFBR Grant «Technology of Integrated Assessment of Crop Biomass Based on Remote Sensing Data». 2009.
4. Project of the Federal Programme of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation «Dynamic Verification of Eta and WRF Hydrodynamic Models Based on Moving Cyclone Evolution Study». 2009-2010.
5. RFBR Grant “Model of calculating indexes of economic efficiency of meteorological information use in road sector of the Perm Krai”. 2011-2013.
6. Project of Federal Target programme “Academic and teaching staff of innovative Russia” 2009-2013 of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation “Influence of cyclones on conditions of the snow layer formation in the Ural”. 2011-2013
Participation in International Scientific Projects
Project TEMPUS «Development of International Standard on Meteorology». Member of Education and Methodic Association on Hydrometeorological Education (Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg, since 2006).
Current Research Activities
Main scientific interests focus on the study of temperate latitude cyclone power, development of methods of meteorological forecasting, interpretation of meteorological radar data in weather analysis and forecast, the use of geoinformation technologies to solve meteorological problems, mesometeorological process modeling with the help of hydrodynamic models of the atmosphere.
Prepared 8 Candidates of Science.
Academic and other Awards
Laureate SRW PSU in the field of Geology and Geography. 1984, 1997.
Honorary Scientist of the Russian Federation. 2005.
Honorary Worker of Hydrometeorological Service of the Russian Federation. 2007.
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles – 150.
Monographs – 5.
Textbooks – 2.
Study guides – 11.
Selected Publications
1. Kalinin N.A. Temperate Latitude Cyclone Power. Perm: Publishing house of Perm Universityа, 1999. 192 p. (in Russian)
2. Kalinin N.A., Bulgakova О.Yu. Problems of Medium-Term Air Temperature Forecasting and their Solving at the Regional Level / ed. N.A. Kalinin; Perm State University. Perm, 2005. 180 p. (In Russian)
3. Kalinin N.A, Smirnova А.А. Objective Analysis of Cloudiness and Hazard Weather Phenomena on the Basis of Radar and Station Observation Data. The study of Radar Characteristics in Oder to Identify Hazard Weather Phenomena Connected with Heap-Rain Cloudiness // Meteorology and Hydrology. 2005. № 1. P. 84-95. (In Russian)
4. Kalinin N.A., Ermakova L.N., Alikina I.Ya. Specificity of High Air Temperature Formation in September-October 2003 in the Central and South Urals // Meteorology and Hydrology. 2005. № 5. P. 82-89. (In Russian)
5. Kalinin N.A., Sviyazov Е.М. Kinetic Energy Transformation in Temperate Latitude Cyclones / Perm State University. Perm, 2008. 116 p. (In Russian)
6. Kalinin N.A. Dynamic Meteorology: textbook. 2-d ed., corrected. / Perm State University; RSHU. St. Petersburg; Perm. Perm publishing house. 2009. 256 p. (In Russian)
7. Kalinin N.A., Smirnova А.А., Vetrov А.L. Mesoscale Analysis and Ultrashort-Term Weather Forecast // Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta (Proceedings of the Kazan University). Natural Sciences Series. 2009. V. 151, b. 4. P. 209 - 216. (In Russian)
8. Kalinin. N.A., Vetrov A.L. Explosive cyclogenesis and hazard events. 27th Nordic Meteorologist Meeting. Finnish Meteorological Institute. Helsinki, 2010. P. 60. (In English)
9. Kalinin N.A., Kislov A.V., Babina E.D., Vetrov A.L. Estimation of air temperature reproduction quality by the MM5 model in the Urals in July // Meteorology and hydrology. 2010. № 10. P. 15-22. (In Russian)
10. Kalinin N.A., Smirnova A.A. Determination of liquid water content and reserve of cumulonimbus cloudiness from meteorological radar information // Meteorology and hydrology. 2011. № 2. P.30-43

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