Air Monitoring and Prediction

Basic Division: Department of Meteorology and Air Protection.
Brief Description of Research Activities
Researches of:
the state of the air in order to develop physical basics for weather forecast methods;
transport of pollutants in the atmosphere and the assessment of their impact on the environment;
regional climate;
soil-climate factors of factors of agricultural crops productivity.
Some of the Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Vetrov A.L. Transformation of Available Potential Energy in Cyclones Due to Phase Transitions of Water / ed. N.A. Kalinin; Perm State University. Perm,2007. 100 p. (In Russian)
2. Ermakova L.N. Agrometeorological Conditions of Crops Growing in the Perm Region. Perm: Publishing house of Perm University, 2001. 120 с. (In Russian)
3. Kalinin N.A., Alikina I. Ya., Ermakova L.N., Smirnov P.V. Freezing in the Perm Region / ed. N.A. Kalinin; Perm State University, Perm, 2003. 124 p. (In Russian)
4. Kalinin N.A., Tolmacheva N.I. Integrated Use of Remote-Sensing Means for Ground-and Space-Based Analysis of Weather Conditions / Perm State University. Perm, 2003. 260 p. (In Russian)
5. Kalinin N.A., Bulgakova O.Yu. Problems of Medium-Term Air Temperature Forecasting and their Solving at the Regional Level / ed. N.A. Kalinin; Perm State University. Perm, 2005. 180 p. (In Russian)
6. Smirnova A.A. Objective Analysis of Cloudiness and Hazard Weather Phenomena on the Basis of Radar and Station Observation Data/ Perm State University, Perm, 2005. 124 p. (In Russian)
7. Shklyaev V.A., Shklyaeva L.S. Climate Change Caused by Extreme Temperatures and Precipitation in the Urals in the ХХ c. // Geography Herald. Perm, 2007. № 1-2 (5). P. 117-129. (In Russian)
8. Shvarts K.G., Shklyaev V.A. Modeling of the Processes of Contaminant Transport in the Free Atmosphere with the Help of Quazi Three-Dimensional Model // Meteorology and Hydrology. 2000. № 8. P. 44 - 54. (In Russian)
The Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend
1. « Modeling of mesoscale atmospheric processes in the shell of ArcGIS open full-function geoinformation system based on radar, aerological and ground-based meteorological data use». – Federal Agency for Education. 2006-2008.
2. RFBR Grant «Technology of integrated assessment of crop biomass based on  remote sensing data». 2009.
3. RSP 2.1.1/4984 «Dynamic verification of Eta and WRF hydrodynamic models based on moving cyclone evolution study». Federal Agency for Education. 2009 –2010.
Enterprise Orders
1. «Identifying causes of nitrogen compounds accumulation in the sludge depositories of BKPRU-1 (Berezniki Potassium Production Mine Administration) and BKPRU-4» – JSC «Uralkaliy». 2008.
2. «Microclimate survey of the River Danilikha». – Perm Administration. 2009.
Training of Researchers
Post-graduate programme on specialization 25.00.30 – «Meteorology, Climatology, Agrometeorology».
International Scientific Activities within Scientific Research Trend
Project TEMPUS «Development of International Standard on Meteorology». As member of Education and Methodic Association on Hydrometeorological Education (Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg, since 2006).

The leading scientists

Nicolay A. Kalinin

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Geography
Department of Meteorology and Air Protection
Phone, fax, e-mail
+7-(342)-239-61-05, fax +7-(342)-239-63-54, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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