Margarita Yu. Molchanova

15 Bukireva
Perm 614990
Russian Federation
FSEBI HPE «Perm State National Research University»
Faculty of Economics
Department of Finance, Credit and Exchange
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 239-62-94
+7 (342) 239-62-60
Факс +7 (342) 239-68-73, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Educational Background
Perm State University. 1981
Post-graduate study in the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. 1991.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Economics. 1991. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Reader. 1996.
Stages of Professional Career
Assistant of Department of Political Economics of Perm Agricultural Academy. 1984-1989.
Reader of Department of Finance, Credit and Exchange. Perm State University. 1993-2003.
Head of Department of Finance, Credit and Exchange. Perm State University since 2003.
Membership in international organisations
European Finance Association.
Management of Research Projects
1. Topic «Problems of intergovernmental fiscal relations» № 06.73.15.
2. Grant RHSF 05-02-82201 а/U «Formation of state budgets in the course of local government reorganisation». 2005-2006.
3. Grant RHSF 07-02-82204 а/U «Budgetary management of individual income tax at the subnational level». 2007-2008.
4. Editorial calendar-2008 SEI HPT PSU by the order of Federal Education Agency «Formation of intergovernmental fiscal relations on the territory in the course of  local government reorganisation».
5. Editorial calendar-2011 SEI HPT PSU by the order of Federal Education Agency «Building of the regional development model on the basis of modern information technologies and  structural modernisation of the regional financial system in conditions of rational management of natural resources».
Participation in International Projects
1. Project World Bank Institute “Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations and Local Financial Management” in partnership with Russian Academy Civil Service, Institute of Urban Economics, Center For Fiscal Policy, with financial support of Canadian International Development Agency 2002.
2. Project Tempus TACIS (European community) «Retraining programme for teachers of economics and law in universities». Participants: Perm State University, Manchester Metropolitan University (Great Britain). 2000-2001.
3. Project Global Insight “Modeling and Forecasting of the US Economy”. USA, 2007.
Current Research Activities
Research is carried out in the following trends:
Project RAS «Harmonisation of federal subject interests and regional economic complex: institutional aspects of development social and economic systems (scientific field index – 7.2.2. Evolution regularities of social and economic systems and institutes and their reforming. Formation of mixed society institutions. Research section – diagnostics, prediction and governmental regulation of social and economic systems development.
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles – 60
Monographs – 4.
Selected Publications
1. Molchanova M.Yu. Formation of state budgets in the course of local government reorganisation and optimisation of administration at the local level. Monograph. Perm: Perm Book House, 2004. (in Russian)
2. Molchanova M.Yu. About the problems of auditing local authority assessment for budget funds //Modern High Technologies 2005, №7. pp.73-76. (in Russian)
3. Molchanova M.Yu. Financial conditions of Russian municipal government and European trends// Modern High Technologies (ibid). 2006. №6. pp.86-90. (in Russian)
4. Molchanova M.Yu. Theory and practice of budgetary management of the Russian municipal governments //Achievements of modern natural sciences. 2007, №9. pp.97-101. (in Russian)
5. Molchanova M.Yu. Budgetary management in the course of local government reorganisation //Region in the new paradigm of spatial organisation / Edited by А.I. Tatarkina. М: Economics, 2007. pp.201-222. (in Russian)
6. Molchanova M.Yu. Problems of Russia municipal government budgetary management // Achievements of modern natural sciences. 2008, №7. pp.125-128. (in Russian)
7. Molchanova M.Yu., Melnikov А.Е. Modernisation of the relations of local authorities with municipal health care institutions // Perm State University Herald: Ser. Politology. 2008, Issue.2(4). pp.163 -170. (in Russian)
8. Molchanova M.Yu., Petrova Е.V. The role of the graduated personal tax in lowering dependence on subsidies of municipal budgets // Regional economy. 2009. № 4. pp.20-27. (in Russian)
9. Molchanova M.Yu. Acute problems of interbudgetary fiscal relations in the region / [Preprint]. Institute of Economics UB RAS (Yekaterinburg). 2009. 44 p. (in Russian)
10. Molchanova M.Yu. The role of interbudgetary fiscal relations in the development of budgetary self-sufficiency of municipalities / [Preprint] Institute of Economics UB RAS (Yekaterinburg). 2010. 28p. (in Russian)
11. Molchanova M.Yu. Development of intraregional interbudgetary fiscal relations: problems of theory and practice // Regional economy. 2010, №2. pp.104-111. (in Russian)
12. Molchanova M.Yu. Theory of interbudgetary relations in the region in the context of stable development of municipal bodies: monograph. Yekaterinburg. The Institute of Economics UB RAS, 2010, 7,5 p.s. (in Russian)
13. Molchanova M.Yu. Problems of theory and practice of interbudgetary fiscal transfers in Russian // Scientific-technical bulletin SPSPU. 2011. №1. pp.170-176. (in Russian)
14. Molchanova M.Y., Melnikov А.Е. Financial grounds of reformation of outpatient-polyclinic institutions // Perm State University Herald. Ser. Economics. 2011. №2. pp.70-78. (in Russian)
15. Molchanova M.Yu., Melnikov A.E. Socially-oriented cluster of the territory unit: monograph- Perm: Perm State National Research University, 2011, 7,96 p.s. (in Russian)

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