Building on the Basis of Modern Information Technology the Model of Innovative Financial System Development of Region as a Competitiveness Factor in Social and Economy Development of a Territory and Rational Management of Natural Resources

Basic Division: Department of Finance, Credit and Exchange
Brief Description of Research Activities
Effective use of resources, including financial ones, is an essential part of an effective development strategy of a territory. Solving the problems of luring and efficient allocation of investments, it is necessary for the regions, firstly, to find out possible «internal financial reserves», determined by the region’s innovative financial system.
The object of the SEC scientific research is the financial system of the territory as an open subsystem of the country’s economic system and an integral part of the world economic system.
Research is carried out in the following trends:
• Analysis of the functional and institutional structure of the territory financial system;
• Study of the financial system and the elements of its infrastructure as factors, which determine the social and economic development of the country;
• Identification of interrelations and interaction of the participants of the territory financial system;
• Investigation of financial activity of the financial system elements;
• Building on the basis of modern information technologies of the regional development model and structural organisation of the territory financial system;
• Assessment of the regional development model and structural organisation of the territory financial system on the basis of formulated audit data of regional financial systems;
• Investigation and modernisation of  the financial and budgetary sphere;
• Research and improvement of financial instruments and financial transactions.
Scientific research data is used in modernisation of teaching and methodic support of the subjects.
Since 2001 the department has been holding the research-and-practice conference «Modern financial market of the Russian Federation», where significant results obtained in the course of study are discussed.
Active participation of students in scientific research determined the possibility of publication obtained results in the department’s issued series «Collection of students’ research works».
Selected Publications Characterising Field of Research
1. Acute problems of formation of the mechanism of the Russian Federation financial market functioning: collection of scientific articles /Edited by М.Yu. Molchanova; Perm State University. Perm, 2009. Edition.5. (in Russian)
2. Acute problems of formation of the mechanism of the Russian Federation financial market functioning: collection of scientific articles/ Edited by М.Yu. Molchanova; Perm State University. Perm, 2010. Iss.6. (in Russian)
3. Modern financial market of the Russian Federation: proceedings of the VIIIth International research and practice conference / Edited by М.Yu. Molchanova; Perm State University. Perm, 2010. (in Russian)
4. Modern financial market of the Russian Federation: proceedings of the VIIIth International research and practice conference/ Edited by М.Yu. Molchanova; Perm State University. Perm, 2011. (in Russian)  
5. Young scientists about the modern financial market of the RF/ Edited by М.Yu. Molchanova; Perm State University. Perm, 2010. (in Russian)
6. Young scientists about the modern financial market of the RF / Edited by М.Yu. Molchanova; Perm State University. Perm, 2011. (in Russian)
7. Investigation of the securities market mechanism in the Russian Federation: collection of articles / Edited by М.Yu. Molchanova, О.I. Goleva; Perm State University. Perm, 2009. Iss.3. (in Russian)
8. Institutional investors in the paradigm of social-economic development of the region: Monograph/Ed. By M.Yu. Molchanova, Perm, Perm State National Research University, 2011- 13,95 p.s. (in Russian)
Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects
1. «Region in the new paradigm of Russia’s spatial organisation». Joint research with the creative team of the Institute of Economics UB RAS. 2007.
2. Grant RHSF 06-02-04024а «Development of the innovative market theoretical model ». 2006-2008
3. Grant RHSF 07-02-00195а «Theoretical grounds for research of institutional relations in territorial communities». 2007-2008
4. «Regional aspects of economic systems development». Joint research with the creative team of the Institute of Economics UB RAS. 2008
5. Grant RHSF 08-02-82202а/U «Theory and methodology of institutional relations development in the innovative sphere of the region». 2008-2009
6. «Modern problems of risk management». Joint research with Perm chamber of commerce and industry, FSIS «FSC MPT HPRM» и NPO «Perm region Financial directors club », 2010
Most Significant Applied Research Projects, Including Enterprise Orders
1. Grant RHSF 06-02-82280g/U «IXth Russian national research and practice conference «Modern financial market of the RF». 2006.
2. Participation in elaboration of «Programmes of social and economic development of the Perm Krai in 2006-2010 and for the period until 2015» and «Programmes of social and economic development of the Perm Krai in 2009-2012 and for the period until 2020». Order of Perm Krai Administration. 2006 - 2007
3. Grant RHSF 07-02-82202 а/U «Formation of financial infrastructure of the region as a factor of economic territory ordering in the Perm Krai». 2007-2008
4. Grant RHSF 08-02-82280g/U «XIth International research and practice conference «Modern financial market of RF». 2008
5. Grant RHSF 08-02-82205 а/U «Assessment of efficiency of financial innovative regional programmes as a factor, determining social and economic development of the region in transforming Russia». 2008-2009
6. Grant RHSF 09-02-82280 g/U «XIIth International research and practice conference « Modern financial market of the RF ». 2009.
7. Grant RHSF 09-02-82202а/U «Institutional investors as a factor of investment-driven development of Perm region». 2009-2010.
8. «Interaction of government and insurance organisations: problems and development prospects». Joint research with the Government of the Perm Krai, LLC «Rosgosstrakh». 2011
9. Grant RHSF 11-12-59501g/U Russian Economic Forum «Forms and ways of luring investment in modern conditions» 2011.
Training of Researchers
Since 2003 till 2011 1 Doctoral and 8 Candidate theses were defended in the field of research.
International Scientific and Educational Activities
Issues in the Economies of Russia and Europe with the Manchester Metropolitan University, the Institute of Economics of the Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), and Department of Finance, Credit and Exchange of Perm State University. 2010-2015.

The leading scientists

Margarita Yu. Molchanova

15 Bukireva
Perm 614990
Russian Federation
FSEBI HPE «Perm State National Research University»
Faculty of Economics
Department of Finance, Credit and Exchange
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