Svetlana V. Boronnikova

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Department of Botany and Genetics of Plants
Phone, Fax, e-mail
tel: +7-(342)-239-62-79, fax: +7-(342)-239-64-89, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Specialisation “Biology”, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Perm State University, 1983.
Specialisation “Cytology and Genetics”, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Novosibirsk State University,    
Post-graduate Study, Perm State University, 1990-1993.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Biology, 1996, Perm State University.
Reader, 2001.
Doctor of Biology, 2009, the Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics at Ufa Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Stages of Professional Career
Senior Laboratory Assistant, Perm State University, 1983-1989.
Post-graduate student, 1989-1993.
Assistant Lecturer, Perm State University, 1989-1994.
Senior Lecturer, Perm State University, 1994-1997.
Reader, Perm State University, 1997-2010.
Professor, Perm State University, 2010 till present.
Membership in Scientific Councils and other State and Public Associations
• Member of Council on awards and scholarships in Perm Krai.
• Member of Scientific Council of the Faculty of Biological Sciences at Perm State University.
• Member of Scientific Council of the Institute of Sciences at Perm State University.
Management of Scientific Projects
1. Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research (RFFR) r_ural_a № 07-04-96032 “Dynamics of genetic diversity and structure of population systems of resource plants of the Perm Krai as a result of human intervention”. 2007-2009.
2. RFFR r_ural_a № 07-04-96016 “Impact of oil contamination of soil on population of microorganisms and plants in the Perm Krai”. 2007-2009.
3. Grant “New technologies of assessment of genetic diversity as the basis for biological diversity of population systems of resource plants during natural vibrations and human impacted transformation of environment” of analytical institutional special purpose programme “Development of scientific potential of Academia” (No. 01201054037 according to Government registration of the topic of research). 2010-2012.
Participation in International Projects
1. RFFR ANA z №08-04-92673 “Participation in the Russian-Austrian seminar “Molecular and genetic markers, phylogeography and population genetics for stable forestry: European and Asian Perspective””. 2008-2009.
2. “EU-Russia: VIIth European Framework Programme in the spheres of biotechnolofy, agriculture, forestry, fisheries and food” in the framework of Federal Special Purpose Programme “Scientific and educational human resources of innovative Russia”. 2009-2013.
Current Research Activities
Within the trend the scientist carries out the analysis of genomes of plants. Her work also includes cloning and sequencing of DNA sequences of rare and resource plant species; developing principles of multiple molecular and genetic genome marking and conception of identification and assessment of the state of gene pool of rare and endangered plant species.
In the framework of the trend the investigator deals with molecular and genetic identification and certification of populations and plant species. She uses molecular bar-codes to solve the problem of storage of biodiversity and establishes the genetic determinant of developing significant properties of plants.
The scientist assesses the state of gene pool and resource and rare plant species, produces recommendations for preservation of genetic resources of the Perm Krai and model system of optimisation of preservation of rare and resource plant species diversity.
Academic and other Awards
Award for the best research in Biology among the leading scientists of Perm State University, 2009.
Total Number of Publications – 121.
82 scientific articles,
2 monographs,
2 study guides
Selected Publications
1. Tihomirova N.N., Boronnikova S.V, Kokaeva Z.G., Gostimsky S.A. Molecular genetic investigations of medical plants // Proceedings of the IV Balkan Botanical Congress. Sofia. 2006. P. 35–37. (in English)
2. Molecular Genetics: study guide / ed. By S.V. Boronnikova. Perm, 2007. 151 p. (in Russian)
3. Boronnikova S.V., Kokayeva Z.G., Gostimsky S.A., Dribnokhodova O.P., Tikhomirova N.N. Analysis of DNA-polymorphism of the relict species of Ural large-flowered foxglove (Digitalis grandiflora Mill.) inferred from RAPD and ISSR markers // Genetics. 2007. Vol. 43, № 5. P. 653-659. (in Russian)
4. Boronnikova S.V., Tikhomirova N.N. Analysis of genetic variation of populations of two rare officinal species of Adonis inferred from ISSR markers // Izv. Timiryazev. Sel'skokhoz. Akad . 2008. №1. P. 86–94. (in Russian)
5. Boronnikova S.V. Genetic certification of populations of the rare species of Adonis plants inferred from ISSR and IRAP markers // Izv. Timiryazev. Sel'skokhoz. Akad . 2009. № 1. P. 83–89. (in Russian)
6. Boronnikova S.V., Svetlakova T.N., Boboshina I.V. Study of genetic polymorphism of Populus tremula L. inferred from ISSR and IRAP markers // Agricultural Russia. 2009. № 2. P. 20-22. (in Russian)
7. Boronnikova S.V., Tikhomirova N.N., Kravtshenko O.A. Characteristics of gene pools of the rare species of Adonis vernalis L. plants inferred from ISSR and IRAP markers // Agricultural Herald of Urals. 2009. № 5 (59). P. 67–70. (in Russian)
8. Boronnikova S.V. Genetic Variation in Ural Populations of the Rare Plant Species Adenophora lilifolia (L.) DC. inferred from ISSR-markers // Genetics. 2009. Vol. 45. № 5. P. 652–655. (in English)
9. Boronnikova S.V. Molecular and genetic certification of the rare relict plant species // Herald of Novosibirsk State University. 2009. Vol.7, issue 3. P. 3-8. (in Russian)
10. Boronnikova S.V. Technology of identification and assessment of plant gene pool state // Agricultural Herald of Urals. 2009. № 8 (62). P. 71–74. (in Russian)
11. Beltyukova N.N., Boronnikova S.V., Karieva L.G. Study of genetic polymorphism of officinal species of Digitalis grandiflora Mill. inferred from analysis of retrotransposones // Agricultural Russia. 2009. № 4. С. 20–23. (in Russian)
12. Boronnikova S.V., Kalendar R.N. Using IRAP method for Analysis of Genetic variability of populations of the rare and resources Species of Plants // Genetics. 2010. Vol. 46, № 1. P. 44–50. (in English)
13. Boronnikova S.V., Tikhomirova N.N., Kravtshenko O.A. Analysis of intra- and interpopulation genetic diversity of the rare officinal species of Adonis vernalis L. inferred from IRAP markers // Agricultural Biology. 2010. № 1. P. 22–26.
14. Boronnikova S.V., Tikhomirova N.N., Smirnova A.V. Genetic and population study of Adonis sibirica Patrin ex Ledeb. (Ranunculaceae) inferred from IRAP markers //Botanical Journal. 2010. Vol. 95. № 8. P. 1107–1115.
15. Boronnikova S.V., Kokayeva Z.G., Tikhomirova N.N., Smirnova A.V., Boykova A.A. Molecular and genetic analysis of population of Adonis sibirica Patrin ex Ledeb. on the ground of the polymorphism of ISSR markers // Biology Bulletin Reviews. 2010. Vol. 130, № 5. P. 481–486.

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