Genome and Post-Genome Technologies

Basic Division: Department of Botany and Genetics of Plants
Brief Description of Research Activities
Within the trend the scientists deal with assessment of diversity of biological systems various in terms of complexity. The investigators determine the patterns of organization and functioning of biological systems on molecular-genetic, cell, tissue, organ and organism levels on the ground of information encoded in their genomes (system biology). They discover genetic basis and functioning mechanisms of biological systems, do DNA-diagnostics and develop diagnostic test-systems. The scientists’ work includes development of bioinformation technologies (computer analysis of genomes) and application of Real-time PCR technology for determining the functional activity of genomes. They carry out structural and functional analysis of genomes of plants, molecular-genetic identification and certification of populations and species of plants. The investigators use molecular barcodes to solve the problem of storage of biodiversity. They also establish genetic determinant of the development of significant properties of plants and assess the condition of resource and rare plant species’ gene pool.
Selected Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend:
1. Vereshagina V.A., Boronnikova S.V. Protection of gene pool of agrarian adornment plants // Natural Reserves. Problems of Determination, Research and Organization of Systems. Perm, 1994. Vol. 2, P. 8-10. (in Russian)
2. Boronnikova S.V. et al. Analysis of DNA-polymorphism of the relict species of Ural large-flowered foxglove (Digitalis grandiflora Mill.) using RAPD and ISSR markers // Genetics. 2007. Vol. 43, № 5. P. 653-659. (in Russian)
3. Molecular Genetics: study guide / ed. By S.V. Boronnikova. Perm, 2007. 151 p. (in Russian)
4. Boronnikova S.V. Molecular-genetic identification and certification of rare and endangered plant species: monograph. Perm, 2008. 120 p. (in Russian)
5. Boronnikova S.V., Kalendar R.N. Using IRAP-method for analysis of genetic mutation of populations of resource and rare plant species // Genetics. 2010. Vol. 46, № 1. P. 44 - 50. (in Russian)
The Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend
1. Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research (RFFR) r_ural_a № 07-04-96032 “Dynamics of genetic diversity and structure of population systems of resource plants of the Perm Krai as a result of human intervention”. 2007-2009.
2. RFFR r_ural_a № 07-04-96016 “Impact of oil contamination of soil on population of microorganisms and plants in Perm Krai”. 2007-2009.
3. Grant of analytical institutional special purpose programme “Development of scientific potential of Academia”. “New technologies of assessment of genetic diversity as a basis for biological diversity of population systems of resource plants during natural vibrations and human impacted transformation of environment” 2010-2012.
The Most Significant Applied Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend, Including Enterprise Orders
1. Series of Administration programmes on environment protection in the Perm Distric (2006): “Preparation for publication of the Red Book of the Perm Krai. Stage 1” (Government contract № 6/2006  03.04.2006), “Development of programmes for organisation of events aimed at preservation animals’ and plants’ species recorded in the Red Book of the Perm Krai” (Government contract № 90203 from 10.04.2006), “Territories’ cadastre and monitoring of the state of the species of animals, plants and other organisms recorded in the Red Book of the Perm Region” (Government contract № 90202 from 01.06.2006), “Preparation of justification of inclusion of the species of animals, plants and other organisms into the Red Book of the Perm Krai” ” (Government contract № 90211 from 01.06.2006).
2. Series of programmes of the Ministry of Town Planning and Infrastructure of the Perm Krai: “Territories’ cadastre and monitoring of the state of the species of animals, plants and other organisms recorded in the Red Book of the Perm Krai with the exception of the species recorded in the Red Book of the Russian Federation” (Government contract № 65-О from 20.06.2007), “Preparation for publication of the Red Book of the Perm Krai. Stage 2” (Government contract № 56/1-О from 13.06.2007), “Preparation for publication of the Red Book of the Perm Krai” (Government contract № 11-О from 18.02.2008), “Territories’ cadastre and monitoring of the state of the species of animals, plants and other organisms recorded in the Red Book of the Perm Krai” (Government contract № 43-О from 17.03.2008).
Training of Researchers (programmes for Post-graduate and Doctoral Courses)
Post-graduate Studies with a specialisation "Botanics", "Genetics",
International Scientific and Educational activities within Scientific Research Trend
Collaboration with the laboratory of Genomics of Plants in the Institute of Biotechnology at Helsinki University (Finland), with the Plants Genomics laboratory in the Institute of research of genomics of plants.

The leading scientists

Svetlana V. Boronnikova

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Department of Botany and Genetics of Plants
Phone, Fax, e-mail
tel: +7-(342)-239-62-79, fax: +7-(342)-239-64-89, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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