FlexWBL: Development of a flexible, innovative and practical framework for Work-based Learning in higher education of Armenia and Russia



The project is aimed at developing a platform for the implementation of a work-based learning (WBL) framework in the national HE systems of Armenia and Russia. That is considered to bridge the gap between skills supply and labour market demands in university-enterprise network cooperation.

1. To establish the WBL framework in the national higher education systems of Armenia and Russia in line with best European practices
2. To build capacity within the higher education sectors through the implementation of courses incorporating work-based learning that are expected to enhance employability and provide transferable learning  
3. To create the WBL web-space to facilitate the dissemination of the WВL approach
4. To pilot the implementation of WBL framework at universities of Armenia and Russia

Project consortium:
•    University of Liepaja, Latvia
•    University of Klaipeda, Lithuania
•    Private University of Education (PH-Linz), Austria
•    Tver State University, Russia
•    Don State Technical University, Russia
•    Perm State University, Russia
•    Advanced Training Institute of managerial workers and specialists Federal Service for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring (ATI), Russia
•    Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences, Armenia
•    Gavar State University, Armenia
•    National University of Architecture and Construction, Armenia

News and events related to the project:
28.08.2019 - Пермский университет получил грант на реализацию международного проекта по развитию практико-ориентированной системы обучения
28.08.2019 - Пермский университет получил грант на проект по развитию практико-ориентированной системы обучения

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