Philosophy and Sociology

Dean Prof. Natalia I. Beresneva
+7 (342) 239-68-34, 239-63-92
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Department of the History of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
Department of Sociology and Political Science
Department of General and Clinical Psychology
Department of Development Psychology

A brief description

The Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology was founded on 15th April 1996 and was formed from the Departments of Philosophy and Political and Social Science. From 1996 to 2007 the faculty was headed by professor I.S. Utrobin, Doctor of Philosophy, and from 2007 to 2011 A.U. Vnutskikh. The current dean is professor N.I. Beresneva, who is a Doctor of Philosophy. Nowadays the Faculty has 5 departments. These are the Department of Philosophy, the Department of History of Philosophy, the Department of General and Clinical Psychology, the Department of Developmental Psychology and the Department of Social and Political Science. The Faculty is linked with the work of the Center of Social Partnership and Sociological Studies. It is also connected with the Department of Psychology at the branch of Perm State University in Berezniki.

Courses for specialists and bachelors are as follows: Philosophy, Clinical psychology, Sociology, Applied Computer Science in Sociology, Liberal Arts and Sciences.

At the Faculty there are about 700 full-time and part-time students, 15 Doctors, academics and practitioners from organizations in Perm and the Perm Region. On the whole, the number of professors with academic degrees is higher at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology than it is at the other faculties of the university.

There are post-graduate students in all the Departments of the Faculty. There is also a dissertation council (dealing with the work of masters and doctoral dissertations) which is attached to the Department of Philosophy. The Faculty has a scientific journal “ The Herald of Perm University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology.” which is published four times a year. Students are greatly involved in research. From the time the Faculty was founded scientific conferences for students and post-graduate students have been held. Their work is published in a collection of archives called “Relevant problems of philosophy, sociology, political science and psychology”. Since 2003 these conferences have become international.

The Faculty seeks to build links with other countries. It has students from China and Germany. And its students and professors gain foreign experience in universities in Slovenia, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, Italy and USA. In addition, if graduates pass their exams successfully they can continue their studies as postgraduates in universities in Perm, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and a number of European countries.

The Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology provides a properly balanced education with many opportunities for future work and promising carrer. According to the surveys of employers held by the employment agency “Alma mater”, graduates of the Faculty demonstrate great communication skills and a capability for professional growth and teamwork.

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