Forecasting the Regions' Human Potential Development on the Basis of Contemporary Information Technologies

Basic Division: Perm Centre for Social Partnership and Social Research.
Brief Description of Research Activities
Research interests are focused on designing the concept of development of sociocultural resources and intellectual potential in the regions of contemporary Russia and on identifying problematic and priority directions of social sphere development to improve the social standard of living.
To achieve the purpose in view the theoretical and application bases of risks management of regional human potential development are designed. Their major components are the following:
• complex theory of management of human potential development with due consideration to the requirements of sustainable socioeconomic development;
• management mechanisms to provide social security at the individual, municipal and regional levels;
• models of regional and municipal policy in the sphere of human potential reproduction and development;
• assessment methodology of  the consequences of regional and municipal policy  in the sphere of human potential development, system of  information, organisation, material and technical support of the assessment.
The project is a continuation of research activity conducted in cooperation with the Centre for Research of Sociocultural Changes at the Institute of Philosophy of the RAS (project leader - N.I. Lapin, corresponding member of the RAS). In the framework of the national research project "Problems of sociocultural evolution of Russia and its regions" the methodology and methods of research of the region's sociological portrait have been developed and the applied research has been conducted. On the basis of this research "Sociological portrait of the Perm Krai" has been created. 
Key Participants of the Trend
1. Elena B. Plotnikova, Director of Perm Centre for Social Partnership and Social Research, Candidate of Historic Sciences, Head of Department of Sociology and Political Science, Project leader.
2. Igor A. Germanov, Deputy Director of Perm Centre for Social Partnerships and Social Research, Candidate of Sociologic Sciences, Reader at the Department of Sociology and Political Science.
3. Natalya A. Lebedeva-Nesevrya, Candidate of Sociologic Sciences, Reader at the Department of Sociology and Political Science.
4. Alexander E. Kuznetsov, Leading Sociologist of Perm Centre for Social Partnership and Social Research, Candidate of Sociologic Sciences, Reader at the Department of Sociology and Political Science.
5. Nadezhda V. Borisova, Leading Sociologist of Perm Centre for Social Partnership and Social Research, Candidate of Political Sciences, Reader at the Department of Political Science.
Selected Publications Characterizing  Scientific Research Activities
1. Plotnikova E.B., Borisova N.V., Germanov I.A., Nesevrya N.A. Perm Krai //Regions in Russia: sociocultural portraits of the regions in all-Russian context / Institute of Philosophy; Centre for Research on Sociocultural Change; Scientific and Coordination Council of Department of Social Sciences of RAS "Problems of sociocultural evolution of Russia and its regions"; compiled and  edited by N.I. Lapin, L.A. Belyaeva. M.: Academia, 2009. Chapter 9. P. 495-564. (In Russian)
2. Political and administrative solutions to socioeconomic and sociocultural problems in the Perm Krai // Political Science: collection of scientific papers. / RAS. Institute for Scientific Information on Social Sciences; Centre for Scientific and Informational Research in Sociology; Department of Political Science; Russian Association of Political Science. Moscow, 2009. (In Russian) № 2: Regional policy and development of territories in the context of administrative and political reform of 2004-2008. P. 132-153. (In Russian)
3. Plotnikova E.B., Borisova N.V., Germanov I.A. Innovative activity of the authorities as a precondition for the region's sociocultural development: Perm Krai's experience // Sociocultural bases of development strategies for the regions of Russia: papers of the V All-Russian scientific conference in the programme "Sociocultural evolution of Russia and its regions". Smolensk, 6-9 October 2009. Smolensk: Universum, 2009. P. 128-136. (In Russian)
4. Sociological portrait of Perm Krai: regional sociocultural traditions in the conditions of political and administrative innovation: monograph/ Collective research by E.B. Plotnikova, N.V. Borisova, I.A. Germanov, N.A. Nesevrya, L.A. Khachatryan, V.G. Popov; Ed. by E.B. Plotnikova and N.B. Borisova; Perm State University. Perm, 2008. 164 p. (In Russian)
5. Plotnikova E.B., Germanov I.A., Borisova N.V. Sociocultural traditions in  conditions of political and administrative innovation in the Perm Krai // Sociocultural portraits of the regions of Russia: Experience in complex realisation: papers of the IV All-Russian Scientific Conference.  18-22 September 2008. Chuvash State Institute of Humanities. Cheboksary, 2008. (In Russian)
6. Plotnikova  E.B., Germanov I.A., Nesevrya N.A. Sociocultural portrait of Perm Krai // Experience in creating sociocultural portraits of the regions of Russia: papers of the III All-Russian Scientific Conference. Kursk, 25-28 September 2007/ Ed. by Ye.A. Kogay. Kursk: Kursk State University Publication, 2007. P. 188-193. (In Russian)
7. Nesevrya N.A., Plotnikova E.B. Methodological bases for creating a sociological portrait of a region // Sociocultural portrait of a region. Standard programme and methods: papers of the conference "Sociocultural map of Russia and development prospects of the regions of Russia". Moscow, 27 June - 1 July 2005.  / Ed. by N.I. Lapin, L.A. Belyaeva. M.: Institute of Philosophy of RAS, 2006. P. 260-271. (In Russian)
8. Plotnikova E.B., Nesevrya N.A. Methodical specificity of designing a standard method of sociological portrait of the region // Sociocultural portrait of the region. Standard programme and methods: papers of the conference "Sociocultural map of Russia and development prospects of the regions of Russia". Moscow, 27 June - 1 July 2005.  / Ed. by N.I. Lapin, L.A. Belyaeva. M.: Institute of Philosophy of RAS, 2006. P. 312-317. (In Russian)
The Most Important Fundamental Research Projects
• Sociological portrait of the Perm Krai. Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation. 2005-2006.
• Sociocultural peculiarities of the Perm Krai: interregional comparative analysis (contributing to the project "Sociocultural portrait of Perm Krai"). Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation. 2007-2008.
The Most Significant Projects Carried out under Orders of Enterprises
• Designing a draft of the "Programme of socioeconomic development of the Perm Krai for 2006-2010 and for the period until 2015" (section "Human potential development"). Perm Krai Administration, 2006-2007.
• Research on the problems and prospects of development of the city of Perm. Within the framework of implementation of the research "Designing the strategy of socioeconomic development of the municipal unit of the city of Perm for the period until 2030". City Institute Fund (Moscow). 2009.
• Research on migration flows on the territory of the city of Perm. Perm City Administration. 2010.

The leading scientists

Elena B. Plotnikova

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Perm Centre for Social Partnership and Social Research
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