Psychology of Psychological Cognition
Basic Division: Department of General and Clinical Psychology
Brief Description of Research Activities
Psychology of Psychological Cognition is Psychology of Psychology that is Psychology aimed at itself. Its object is man. Its subject is psychological cognition. Its aim is to get phenomenology and to give a description of regularities of Psychological Cognition.
There are four trends within Psychology of Psychological Cognition:
• Psychology of self-cognition and introspection (Psychology of cognition of psychic phenomena from the point of view of the introspective or inner observer),
• Cognitive Psychology of psychic phenomena of the other man (Cognitive Psychology of psychic phenomena from the point of view of the external observer),
• Creativity Psychology of a psychologist (both in the field of Theoretical Psychology and Applied Psychology, i.e. discovery and comprehension of knowledge got by himherself),
• Psychology of psychological knowledge (got by others, ready-made knowledge) processing.
Training of Researchers
Post-graduate programme in specialty: 19.00.01. – “General Psychology, Psychology of the Personality, History of Psychology”
10 Candidates of Psychological Sciences have mastered the post-graduate programme over 15 years.
Selected Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Levchenko E.V. Cognitive Psychology in the field of Psychology / Levchenko E. // Acute problems of psychological theory and practice / Edited by A.A. Krylov. Experimental and Applied Psychology. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University Press, 1995. Issue 14, p. 42-49. (In Russian)
2. Levchenko E.V. On the problem of development of reflexive areas of Psychology / E.V. Levchenko // Psychology and its Applications: annual Edition of RPS. Moscow, 2002. vol. 9. Issue. 2. Psychology as a system of trends. p. 14–15. (In Russian)
3. Shilenkova N.A. Introspection method in psychologist’s inner world research / N.A. Shilenkova. Candidate Dissertation of Psych. S., St. Petersburg, 2003, 250p. (In Russian)
4. Bergfeld A. Yu. Perception of Emotional Phenomena: Candidate Dissertation of Psych. S./ A.Yu. Bergfeld. Perm, 2002, 236p. (In Russian)
5. Firuleva E.V. Perception of self-regulation of psychic state: Candidate Dissertation of Psych. S/ E.V. Firuleva, Perm, 2002, 236. (In Russian)
6. Kilchenko O.I. Mental representation of psychological terms: Candidate Dissertation of Psych.S/ O.I. Kilchenko, Perm, 2003. 258p. (In Russian)
7. Sheveleva M.S Psyche and phenomena of psyche: representation in consciousness: Candidate Dissertation of Psych. S. /M.S. Sheveleva, Perm, 2002. 227p. (In Russian)
8. Shirinkina L.V Text perception as a psychological phenomenon: Candidate Dissertation of Psych. S. / L.V. Shirinkina, Perm, 2004, 269p.
9. Zamorina O.V. Perception of Subtext of the Text (on scientific texts): Candidate dissertation of
Psych. S. /O.V. Zamorina. Perm, 2005, 319p. (In Russian)
10. Semenova M.N. Mental representations of space and time: Candidate dissertation of Psych. S./ M.N. Semenova . Yekaterinberg, 2008. (In Russian)
11. Levchenko E.V. Images in the inner world reflection / E.V. Levchenko, O.A. Potapova // Stereotype and Creativity in the text: inter-university collection of papers / Edited by M.P. Kotyurova, Perm, 2003, issue 6, p. 32-48 (In Russian)
12. Levchenko E.V. Text comprehension as a psychological problem/ E.V. Levchenko, L.V. Shirinkina//Stereotype and creativity in the text: inter-institutional collection of papers. Edited by M.P. Kotyurova. Perm, 2003. Iss.6. p. 32-48 (In Russian)
13. Levchenko E.V. Primary and Secondary Characteristics of the Text / E.V. Levchenko // Stereotype and Creativity in the text: inter-university collection of papers / Edited by M.P.Kotyurova, Perm, 2004, p. 174-184. (In Russian)
14. Levchenko E.V. Comparitive analysis of qualitative and quantitative methods in social representations research (based on the concept of Consciousness and Unconscious) / E.V. Levchenko, A.G. Prodovikova // Vyatka State University Herald. – 2009, issue 4 (3), p. 79-92. (In Russian)
15. Levchenko E.V., Prodovikova A.G. The Comparative Analysis of Scientific and Social Representations of Consciousness and the Unconscious / E.V. Levchenko A.G.Prodovikova // Psychology in Russia: State of the Art. Scientific Yearbook / Ed. byYu.P. Zinchenko & V.F. Petrenko. — Moscow: Lomonosov Moscow State University; Russian Psychological Society, 2010. p. 654-683. (In English)
16. Levchenko E.V., Fedosina S.S. Specificity of students’ concepts Emotion, Feeling and Experience // Speech Studies: the present and perspectives: Proceedings of International Scientific conference, devoted to M.N. Kozhina’s Anniversary held on 16-20 November 2010 in Perm. Perm. 2010. p. 232-237. (In Russian)
Training of Researchers
Post-graduate programme in specialty 19.00.01 “General Psychology, Psychology of the Personality and History of Psychology”
Over 13 years 10 Candidates of Psychology have been given a Degree including 1 in specialty “History of Psychology”