Bulletin of Perm University. Geology
Frequency: 4 times per year
Languages (including abstracts): Russian, English; title, annotation, key words, references, and information about authors in Russian and English
Issues archive: http://www.psu.ru/nauchnye-zhurnaly/series-geology/arkhiv-vypuskov
Issues archive: http://www.psu.ru/nauchnye-zhurnaly/series-geology/arkhiv-vypuskov
Russian version: http://www.psu.ru/nauka/nauchnye-zhurnaly/series-geology
Information for authors
«Perm University Herald. Geology» (Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Geologiya) is the peer-reviewed academic journal publishing the scientific papers covering all fundamental and applied aspects of modern geology, including general geology, geotectonics, petrology, mineralogy, lithology, hydrogeology, geoengineering, geochemistry, geophysics, mineral exploration, oil & gas exploration, and geoecology. From 1994 until 2011, the journal was published annually. It has been published quarterly since 2011.
The journal publishes the papers in Russian and English. All the papers are accompanied by the annotations in English and Russian respectively.
Manuscript submission
The authors are encouraged to submit the manuscripts in Microsoft Word 97-2003 format. Figures must be in .tiff or .jpeg format (300 dpi) and embedded in the double columned text as well as the tables. Manuscript should be submitted by ordinary mail. The electronic copy can be sent by E-mail in order to speed up the review process. If manuscripts meets the scope of journal and its criteria, it will be double blind peer-reviewed by two reviewers. The copies of declined manuscripts will not be returned to authors.
The paper length of 10 pages or less is encouraged. Manuscript must not be previously pub-lished, accepted or considered for publication elsewhere. The cover letter should contain the title, statement and name of colleague reviewed the paper.
The manuscript must contain a title page, abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion, conclusions, and references. The other desired sections may be included.
The title page should contain the authors list accompanied by addresses and affiliation information. The corresponding author name must be indicated along with mailing address, phone number, fax, and E-mail address. The abstract should be 200 - 250 words in length and present the most important information in single column text format. Keywords list should contain 6-7 words. Acknowledgements section can be used for indication of organizations or/and individuals contributed in the work.
References should be numbered. References list must contain 10-15 references. Citation number in the text must be enclosed in square brackets. Reference list should be ordered alphabetically.
Manuscript should be typed on the standard letter paper (8.5”x11”) with 2.5 cm margins. The single spaced text of paper body should be typed in 12-pt, the title in bold 20-pt, and authors information in 14-pt Times New Roman fonts.
The figure and tables captures should be left justified and in the following form: Fig. 1. Figure capture, Table 1. Table capture. Capture text should be typed in 11-pt Times New Roman fonts.
Publication ethics
We support the generally accepted principles of publication ethics for editors, reviewers, and author’s action including authorship definition, plagiarism, research quality, cheating, and reviewers bias. We practice the ethical standards suggested by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE: http://publicationethics.org)