Victor K. Henner

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russian Federation
Perm State University
Faculty of Physics
Department of Theoretical Physics
Phone, Fax, е-mail
+7 (342) 239 62 27, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State University, Faculty of Physics, Specialty: “Physics”, 1971.
Post-graduate Study – Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics, 1980
Doctorate Course – Moscow State University, 1995
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Physics, 1980, Moscow Institute of Radio Measurements
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, 1995, Moscow State University,
Professor, 1996.
Stages of Professional Career
Post-graduate Student, Irkutsk State University, 1974-1978.
Reader, Perm Polytechnic University, 1980-1989.
Doctorate Student, Moscow State University, 1991-1994.
Reader, then Full Professor, Perm State University, 1989-up to now.
Current Research Projects PI
Grant of RFBR  No. r_10-02-96023 for “Study of Magnetodynamics and Superradiation in Nano-Magnetic Structures and Materials”, 2010 г.
Current Research Activities
Scope of scientific interests within SEC – study of magnetism in nano-materials.
The main trend of research work is studying physical phenomena connected with magnetic processes in nanomagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic structures. New physics in this investigation is based on various coherent magnetodynamic effects similar to optical superradiation. One of the main properties of nanomagnetic objects is high effective moment of molecules forming molecular crystal that leads to the unusual magnetodynamics which opens vast possibilities for practical applications. Nano-dimensions of such objects enable to create very compact samples for which superradiation will be the principal mechanism of relaxation to the main state. Theoretical basis is being examined for the creation of weak radiation nanodetectors based on superradiation processes.
The main target of the project is to study collective physical processes in nanomaterials which can be applied to the detectors of low-intensity radiation and new nano-structures for data storage. Recently discovered phenomena open the way to the control of changes in certain characteristics of magnetic precession, dipole radiation and relaxation in molecular and crystalline nano-magnets and to creation of such objects. From a practical standpoint, the most promising is possible use of high-speed superradiation processes in high-spin nano-molecules, clusters and crystals, in various sensors and switches, especially in nano-devices where traditional mechanisms of relaxation are expressed very weakly. It might be of importance to use the possibility of sample magnetic moment overturn time and delay time control.
Academic and other Awards
1st Degree Prize of ”Joint Institute for Nuclear Research” for the creation of theory and experimental study of superradiation in spin- systems, Dubna, 2000.
Perm State University Prize Winner in “Physics” Nomination, 1995; and “Mathematics”, 2010.
Membership in Academic Councils, other State and Public Associations
Referee of American Physical Society Journals including “Physical Review”.
Total Number of Publications
Research Articles – 80.
Monographs – 1.
Tutorials – 10.
Selected Publications
1. Belozerova T.S., Davis C.L., Henner V.K. Role of Inhomogeneous Widening in Radiofrequency Coherent Superradiation from Highly Polarized Spin Systems // Phys. Rev. B. 1998. Vol.58. p. 3111. (In English)
2. Belozerova T.S., Davis C.L., Henner V.K. Simulation of Coherent Radiofrequency Superradiation from Disordered Spin Systems // Computer Physics Communications. 1999. pp. 121-122.  (In English)
3. Davis C.L., Kaganov I.V., Henner V.K. Superradiation in Magnetic Resonance // Phys. Rev. B. 2000. Vol. 62. p. 12328. (In English)
4. Henner V.K., Kaganov I.V. Superradiation from Crystals of High-Spin Molecular Nanomagnets // Phys.Rev. B. 2003. Vol. 68. p. 144420. (In English)
5. Davis C.L., Henner V.K., Tchernatinsky A.V., Kaganov I.V.  Spin System Radiofrequency Superradiation: a Phenomenological Study and Comparison with Numeric Simulation // Phys.Rev. B. 2005. Vol. 72. p. 054406. (In English)
6. Yukalov V., Henner V., Kharebov P. Coherent Spin Relaxation in Molecular Magnets // Physical Review B. 2008. Vol. 77. pp. 134-427. (In English)
7. Yukalov V., Henner V., Kharebov P., Yukalova E. Coherent Spin Radiation by Magnetic Nanomolecules and Nanoclusters // Laser Phys. Lett. 2008. Vol. 5. No.12. pp. 887-893. (In English)
8. Henner V., Kharebov P., Yukalov V. Superradiance from Molecular Nanomagnets //Solid State Phenomena. 2009. Vol.152-153 (Magnetism and Magnetic Materials). p.249. (In English) 
9. V. Henner V., Raikher Yu., Kharebov P., Fast Coherent Relaxation in a Ferromagnet Nanoparticle Assembly // Physical Review B. 2011. Vol. 84. P. 144412-144419.

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