Natalia Ye. Skryabina
15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russian Federation
Perm State University
Faculty of Physics
Department of Solid Physics
Phone, Fax, е-mail
+7 (342) 239 63 83, +7 (342) 246 65 14, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State University, Faculty of Physics, Specialty: “Physicist, Teacher of Physics”, 1979
Post-graduate Study – Perm State University, 1986
Doctorate Course – Perm State University, 2000
Higher European Research Courses for Users of Large Experimental Systems, Grenoble, France, 2003
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Technical Sciences, 1986, Voronezh Polytechnical Institute
Reader, 1994.
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, 2000, Perm State University
Professor, 2000.
Stages of Professional Career
Engineer, Scientific and Production Association “Iskra”, Gen. Eng. Ministry,1979-1981.
Engineer, EDO "Mayak" Perm State University, 1981-1983.
Post-graduate Student, Perm State University, 1983-1986.
Senior Research Fellow, Powder Metallurgy Section Head of Perm Ploytechnical Institute RETC, 1986-1990.
Senior Research Fellow, RAS UB Mining Institute, 1990-1994.
Reader, Perm State University, 1994-2000.
Doctorate Course, Perm State University, 1997-2000.
Professor, Perm State University, 2000 – up to now.
Membership in Academic Councils, other State and Public Associations
Member of D 212.189.06 Dissertation Council (Specialty: 01.04.07) , Perm State University
Member of “International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology” Editorial Board
Member of International Dissertation Jury for “Аlternative Energy Sources”
Corresponding Member of RANS, 2004
Corresponding Member of RАЕ, 2003
Research Projects Management
1. Grant of SOROS Foundation for the Study of Hydrogen-Metals Interaction, 1993.
2. Grant of RF Ministry of Education 97-0-9.2-218 for “Computer Simulation of Adsorption Dissolving the Juvenile Faces of Transition Metal Monocrystal”, 1997.
3. Grant of RF Ministry of Education Е00-3.4-19 for “Studying the Nature of Anomalous Barkhausen Effect Caused by the Interaction of Hydrogen with Amorphous Materials Based on Iron”, 2000.
4. Grant of RFBR 02-02-27168 for “The Nature of Hydrogen Initiated PEN-X Effect in Amorphous Iron Based Alloys”, 2002.
5. Grant of RFBR 03-02-16561 for “Effect of Hydrogen and Deuterium on Structure and Properties of Titanium Intermetallide Based Alloys”, 2003.
6. Grant of RFBR-CNRS (Russia-France) 07-08-92168-CNRS for “Intermetallic and Nano-Structured Magnesium Based Compositions with Large Accumulated Capacity of the Reversible Hydrogen Storage “, 2007-2010.
7. Grant of IAEA (Vienna, Austria) No. 15933 for “Enhancement of Hydrogenation Reaction Kinetics of Mg-H-Rich System by Metal Additives», 2009-2011.
8. Grant of PSU SPO “Mechanisms of Alloy Structure Fragmentation for the Reversible Hydrogen Storage”, 2009-2013.
9. Grant of RFBR 11-08-96028 for Principles of structure formation of alloys based on titanium for hydrogen-storage elements in the renewable energy sources
Participation in International Projects
“HYSTORY” Project (EU) “Sources of Hydrogen Reversible Storage”, 2002-2006 (Invited Scientist).
“NeesHY” Project (EU) “Nano-Technologies for Energy Generation and Storage”, 2007-2009 (Invited Scientist).
Current Research Activities
Scope of scientific interests – theory and practice of Phase transitions in condensed matters.
The main trend of research activities is connected with the problem of Hydrogen interaction with metals and alloys. For the first time has been formulated the concept of synergic effects of metal microplasticity under joint effect of stress field and diffusion flux of hydrogen and deuterium. The regularities of force gradient and concentration field effect on the change of structure and properties of crystalline, amorphous and nanocrystal metallic materials were established. Has been discovered and studied the transformation plasticity effect and the effect of shape-memory in thermodynamically open metal-hydrogen systems (metals of IVа and Vа groups of Periodic Table of Elements), and also an isotropic effect in these phenomena. Anomalies were discovered in the changes of elastic constants of hydrogen saturated fast quenched alloys of ТiNi-TiCu systems in crystalline, amorphous-crystalline and amorphous states.
The nature of synergic effects of hydrogen interaction with metals and alloys has been revealed. The concept of metal and metallic alloy amorphization under the effect of hydrogen has been justified. This has opened the prospect of hydrogen targeting effect on material structure. To one of the latest developments of the kind should be attributed a unique opportunity to control the martensite transformation in metallic systems based on titanium nickelide under the influence of hydrogen.
Over the last years a number of works devoted to the applied aspects of newly developed materials based on reversible hydride transformations were written. Presently the main research trend is connected with the development of the new generation nanostructured materials for ecologically friendly hydrogen sources of energy.
Academic and other Awards
Prize of the 1st Grade of Perm Region Contest on ScienceЛауреат, 2009.
Nominee of four editions of the book “Scientists of Russia”, 2006-2009.
RANS Honour Title of “Golden Department of Russia”, 2008.
RANS Honour Title of “Merited Worker of Science and Education”, 2007.
Diploma of “Alternative Energy and Ecology Journal” Editorial board for the best research article of the Contest , 2000-2006.
Honour Title of “Soros Reader”, 2000.
Laureate of the “Tutor” City Contest, 1997.
Total Number of Publications
Research Articles – 95.
Monographs – 1.
Textbooks (Tutorials) – 3.
Selected Publications
1. Skryabina N.E., Fruchart D., Cagnon L., Ladyanov V.I., Shelyakov A.V. Interaction of Hydrogen with Amorphous, Nanostructured and Fine Crystalline Functional Materials// Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2009. 483. pp. 507–509. (In English)
2. Skryabina N.E., Fruchart D., Cagnon L., Shelyakov A.V. Hydrogen Induced Structural Phenomena in Amorphous and Crystalline Shape Memory Alloys// Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2009. 480. pp. 91–93. (In English)
3. Skryabina N.E., Siretsky M.Yu., Shelyapina M., Fruchart D., Miraglia S. Influence of a Transition Metal Atom on the Geometry and Electronic Structure of Mg and Mg-H Clusters //Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2009. 480. pp. 114-116. (In English)
4. Skryabina N.E., Zabolotsky D.S., Shein A.B. Investigation of the Process of Hydrogen Introduction in AZ31 Magnesium Alloy by Electrochemical Impedance Method// Polzunov Herald. 2009. Issue.3 pp. 73-77. (In Russian)
5. Skryabina N.E., Cieslak J., O.Costa B.F., Dubiel S.M., Fruchart D. Hydrogen Effect on the Sigma-Phase in Fe53.8Cr46.2// Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2008; Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2009. 467. pp. 182-186. (In English)
6. Skryabina N.E., Fruchart D., Shein A.B., Zabolotsky D.S., Shelyakov A.V. Hydrogen Initiated Structural-Phase Transformations in Amorphous and Nanocryllic Alloys of Ti-Ni-Cu System// J. Issues of Materials. 2008. 5(55). pp. 163-168. (In Russian)
7. Skryabina N.E., Fruchart D., Shelyakov A.V. Effect of Hydrogenation on the Martensite Transformation in Nano-Crystalline Ti50Ni25Cu25 System// Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2007. 434–435. pp. 751–752. (In English)
8. Skryabina N.E., Shelyapina M.G., Siretsky M.Yu., Fruchart D., Miraglia S. Non-Empirical Stability Calculations of Unordered Solid Solutions of Ti-V-Cr and their Hydrides// J. Solid Physics. 2007. No.49(3). pp. 385-388. (In Russian)
9. Skryabina N.E., Rango, Chaise A., Charbonnier J., Fruchart D., Jehan M., Marty Ph., Miraglia S., Rivoirard S. Nanostructured Magnesium Hydride for Pilot Tank Development// Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2007. 446. pp. 52–57. (In English)
10. Skryabina N.E., B.F.O. Costa, Greneche J.M., Fruchart D., Alberto H.V., Romaka L.P., Stadnyk Yu.V. Structural Analysis and 57Fe Mossbauer Spectrometry of Zr6FeSn2 and Related Compounds// Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2007.438. pp. 88-91. (In English)