Anatoliy B. Volyntsev

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russian Federation
Perm State University
Faculty of Physics
Department of Solid Physics
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 239 64 10, +7 (342) 239 63 83, +7 (342) 246 59 87, voland@р
Date of Birth 
Educational Background
Perm State University, Faculty of Physics, Specialty: “Physics”, 1975
Post-graduate Study – Perm State University, Specialty: “Solid Physics”, 1982
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, 1982, Tomsk State University 
Reader, 1989.
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, 1992, St.Petersburg Technical University
Professor, 1993.
Stages of Professional Career
Assistant Lecturer, Perm State University, 1975-1987.
Reader, Perm State University, 1989-1993. 
Head of Department of Solid Physics, Perm State University, 1987 – up to now.
Professor, Perm State University, 1993-up to now.
Membership in Academic Councils, other State and Public Associations
Member of Dissertation Councils of Perm State University for”Solid Physics” and “Mechanics of Liquid, Gas and Plasma”.
Member of Dissertation Councils of Perm State Technical University for “Engineering Materials and Components” and “Welding, Related Processes and Technologies”.
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,1996.
Management of Research Projects
1. Soros Foundation Grant, 1993.
2. Grants of RFBR: “Dislocation Ensemble Evolution under Shock-Wave Impact of X-Ray Laser Beam” (1991-1993); “Metal Mesostructure Evolution under Strong Pulse Compression” (1997-1999).
3. Grants of RF Ministry of Education: “Computer Simulation of Dislocational Heterogeneity Evolution under Material Shock Loading” (1993-1995); “Hereditary Mechanics of Dislocation Ensembles. Computer Simulation and the Experiment” (1995); “Study of Mild Stage of Powder Metal Sintering” (1995-1997); “Investigation of Defect Initiation Process in Epitaxial Thin Films” (1997). 
4. Works under the Order of “Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Making Company” on the structure analysis of proton-exchange and wave-guide layers on lithium niobate monocrystals with the aim of fiber-optical gyroscope production by the said company.
5. Inter-Regional Project: “Cheap Foam- and Aerated Concrete with Improved Properties Modified by Nano-Dispersion Additives, for House and other Low-Height Building”.
6. Complex Project for the “Creation of High-Tech Production Facility for Manufacturing of Integrated Optical Circuits on Lithium Niobate for Optical Fiber Giroscopes, Electric Field and Biopotential Monitoring” (Contracts Nos. 2010/35 and 13.G25.31.0004).
Participation in International Projects
Participation within REC in “Heterogeneous Transitions in Continuum” under CRDF Grant Programme in the following areas: Physics of a Real Crystal, Crystal Structure Defects Evolution, Hydrogen in Metals, Integrated – Optical Systems, Nano-Technologies.
Current Research Activities
The main scientific achievements are associated with the investigation of inelastic phenomena in solids due to imperfect crystal structure. Pioneering work has been done on experimental study of dislocational shape-memory physical mechanism in real solids and in the field of self-organizing dislocational ensembles under various types of thermal and physical influence, under radiation, hydrogenation and deuteration of metals.
Effect of anomalous mild temperature sintering of powder materials was discovered in the course of their inelastic properties study. This result in addition to its fundamental scientific significance has a grate practical importance.
A good part of the research is devoted to the study of structure and optical properties of integrated optics elements. First of all it concerns the monocrystals of lithium niobate and tantalite alloyed with hydrogen and titanium. The unknown previously phase states have been discovered in these crystals. The results obtained are of great fundamental significance but practical importance is also great because they pave the way to the serial production of highly stable fiber-optics gyroscopes being the base of avionics for both civil and military aviation, sea navigation and for various modern missile and artillery weapon systems.
In these latter days Professor Volyntsev supervises applied research activities on new cheap nanomodified construction materials with improved properties.
Academic and other Awards
Honour Title of “RF Merited Worker of Higher School”, 2008.
Total Number of Publications
Research Articles – 190.
Monographs – 1.
Textbooks (Tutorials) – 5.
Selected Publicatiions
1. Volyntsev A.B. Hereditary Mechanics of Dislocation Ensembles. Computer Simulation and the Experiment: Irkutsk: Irkutsk University Press, 1990. 288 p. (In Russian)
2. Azanova S., Shevtsov D.I., Zhundrikov A.V., Kichigin V.I., Petukhov I.V., Volyntsev A.B. Chemical Etching Technique for Investigation of a Structure of Annealed and Unannealed Proton Exchange Channel LiNbO3 Waveguides // Ferroelectrics. 2008.Vol. 374, Issue 1. pp. 241-253. (In English)
3. Azanova S., Shevtsov D.I., I.Kichigin V., Petukhov I.V., Volyntsev A.B. Precipitation of Laminated Phases in H:LiNbO3 Layers // J. Solid Physics. 2006. Vol. 48, No. 6. pp. 993-995. (In Russian)
4. Volyntsev A.B., Ratt A.V., Shilov A.N. Simulation of Dislocation Structure Evolution and Stress Relaxation under ?-?-Phase Transition in Pd-H System// J. Material Deformation and Failure. 2009. No. 7. pp. 2-6. (In Russian)
5. Shevtsov D.I., Azanova I.S., Volyntsev A.B. Proton Sites Occupation Sequence in Crystal Lattice of HxLi1-xNbO3 Monocrystal Layers // Ferroelectrics. 2006. Vol. 341, Issue 1. pp. 55-65 (In English)
6.  Azanova I.S., Shevtsov D.I., Taisin I.F., Volyntsev A.B. Deformation Effects in H:Ti:LiNbO3 Monocrystal Layers // J. Solid Physics. 2006. Vol. 48, No. 6. pp. 990-992. (In Russian)
7. Shevtsov D.I., Azanova I.S., Taisin I.F., Volyntsev A.B. Metastable Phases in Proton Exchange Waveguides on X-Section of Lithium Niobate // J. Solid Physics. 2006. Vol. 48, No. 6. pp. 996-1000. (In Russian)
8. Kalabin I.E., Shevtsov D.I., Azanova I.S., Taysin I.F., Atuchin V.V., Volyntsev A.B., Shilov А.N. Quenching Effects on Crystallographic and Optical Properties of H:LiNbO3 Layers // J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2004. 37. 1829-1833.
(In English)

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