Language and Reality

Basic Division: Department of Philosophy
Brief Description of Research Activities
The scientific and technical revolution, transition of advanced countries to the stage of post-industrial society, establishing the global communication space, which influences all sides of public life, with a renewed vigour arose the problem of the active role of language, its relation to a more and more complicated reality, as they all are, in their essence, determined by the development of natural and artificial languages.
The most acute and theoretically complex, in the philosophical aspect, form the traditional problem of language and reality has in the aspect of “language - infinity”. Can language as the final social phenomenon be a means of reflection of an endless reality? Does language put human thought in relation to the endless world? Or we must consider language as a reproduction means only of phenomena of the direct world around. Or, furthermore, it can be a means of a conditional, purely sign-oriented reproduction of the real world as «thing-in-itself», in the way it is regarded in some philosophical and linguistic trends.
Selected Publications Characterising Field of Research
1. Beresneva N.I. Language and reality. Perm. 2004. 180 p. (in Russian)
2. Beresneva N.I. Philosophy of language: problem of finite and infinite // New concepts in Philosophy. Philosophy in modern Russia: inter-academic collection of papers (proceedings of all-Russian scientific conference). Perm, 2004. № 13, Т.1. pp. 123–151. (in Russian)
3. Beresneva N.I. Finiteness of language and infinity of the world cognition // Problems of research a linguistic picture of the world and linguistic personality: proceedings of international conference «Language. System. Personality». Yekaterinburg: Ural State University Publishing, 2004. pp. 3–22. (in Russian)
4. Beresneva N.I. Philosophy of language: problem of infinity // Philosophy and Society. 2005. №3. (in Russian)
5. Beresneva N.I. Questions of optimism in the system of human upbringing // Philosophy of education. 2005. № 15. (in Russian)
6. Beresneva N.I. Infinite human possibilities (in the context of Philosophy and Pedagogics) // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Herald. Series Philosophy. Tomsk, 2005. pp. 15-18. (in Russian)
7. Beresneva N.I., S.L. Mishlanova Problems of projecting language as an ideal means of cognition // Perm State University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology. 2010. № 5. pp. 23–30. (in Russian)
Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects, Including Enterprise Orders
1. Grant of RHSF 96-04-06324 for "Individual strategies of verbal behavior ". Research manager: T.I. Erofeeva. 1996–1998.
2. Grant of RFBR 00-06-80160 for «Standard and individual variation of  verbal behavior in ontogeny ». 2000–2003.
3. RF Ministry of Education of Unified Detailed Order for the project «Philosophy as an innovative factor of science and education». Research manager: Professor V.V. Orlov. 2011-2013.

The leading scientists

Natalia I. Beresneva

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology
Philosophy Department
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8 (342) 239-63-92, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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