Contemporary Philosophy of Science
Basic Divisions: Department of Philosophy.
Brief Description of Research Activities
The research activities are aimed to reveal the specificity of contemporary scientific philosophy, Materialism and Dialectics in relation to the most important achievements of the contemporary system of Natural, Social and Technical Sciences. Within the trend the concept of the specificity of the contemporary form of Scientific Philosophy is developed; transition from the abstract-universal theory, categories and logic to the concrete-universal theory originally established by G.W.F. Hegel. It was proved that the contemporary form of Philosophy of Science is based on the Theory of United Naturally determined universal Process which provides the basis for investigation of the problem of the complete system of philosophical categories.
Selected Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Orlov V.V. Psycho-physiological problem. Philosophical sketch / Perm. Perm State University, 1966. 437 p. (In Russian)
2. Orlov V.V. Matter. Development. Man / Perm. Perm State University, 1974. 395 p. (In Russian)
3. Orlov V.V. Man. Universe. World view. / Moscow, 1985. 220 p. (In Russian)
4. The conception of United Naturally determined universal Process and modernity / Inter-university collection of papers. Editor-in-Chief – V.V. Orlov. Republican Complex Programme “Philosophical materialism and topical problems of the present”. Perm, 1989. 146 p. (In Russian)
5. Vasilyeva T.S. Chemical form of matter and United Naturally determined universal Process / Krasnoyarsk. Krasnoyarsk University Press, 1984. 136 p. (In Russian)
6. Koblov A.N. Dialectic-materialistic Theory of Development and modern Physics / Irkutsk. Irkutsk University Press, 1987. 204p. (In Russian)
7. Barg O.A. Living substance in the United Naturally determined universal Process / Perm. Perm University Press, 1993. 224 p. (In Russian)
8. Vnutskikh A.Y. Natural and Social selection: concrete-universal theory experience / Perm, Perm State University. 2006. 335 p. (In Russian)
9. Philosophy of Interdisciplinary Science Problems / Inter-university collection of papers. Editor-in-chief – V.V. Orlov. Perm, Perm State University. Iss. 1-8. 1967-1975. (In Russian)
10. Fundamental philosophical problems / Inter-university collection of papers. Editor-in-chief – V.V. Orlov. Perm, Perm State University. Iss. 1-12. 1977-1990. (In Russian)
11. New Ideas in Philosophy / Inter-university collection of papers. Editor-in-chief – V.V. Orlov. Perm, Perm State University. Iss. 1-19. 1992-2010. (In Russian)
Study Guides
1. Orlov V.V. Foundations of Philosophy. Part 1. General Philosophy. Tomsk. Perm. 1991, 1997, 2001, 2006. 370 p. (In Russian)
2. Vasilyeva T.S., Orlov V.V. Social Philosophy. Perm. Perm State University. Iss. 5. 2011. 350 p. (In Russian)
3. Orlov V.V. History of human intellect. Perm. Perm State University. 1998, 2007. 187 p. (In Russian)
The Most Significant Research Projects carried out in the framework of the Trend
1. Scientific and Technical Programme “Universities of Russia”. 2000-2001. Project № “Contemporary Scientific Philosophy”.
2. Unified Order. 2004-2007. “Contemporary Scientific Philosophy”.
3. Russian Science Foundation for the Humanities. Regional contest. 2002-2004. Project № 02-03-00164 a/T. “Philosophy of Economics”.
4. Russian Science Foundation for the Humanities. Regional contest. 2005-2006. Project № 05-03-82301 a/T. “The problem of argumentation in Philosophy”.
5. Unified Order: 2008-2010. Project № 1.5.08. “Modern science development conception on the basis of the United Naturally determined universal Process”.
6. Russian Science Foundation for the Humanities. Regional contest. 2008-2009. Project № 08-03-82301 a/u. “Post-industrial society and Russia. Strategy of development”.
7. Unified Order: 2011-2013. Project “Philosophy as an innovative factor of science and education”.
Training of Researchers
Post-graduate and Doctoral Programmes, specialties 09.00.01. ”Ontology and Theory of Cognition” and 09.00.11. “Social Philosophy”.
Since the Perm University Philosophical School has been founded it has been prepared 28 Candidates and 15 Doctors of Philosophy.
The Dissertation Council for Doctor Degrees functions within the Department of Philosophy.